Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


I48 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. rportobeiio. angles from this Parade there was constructed in 1871 a very handsome promenade iron pier, 1,250 feet long, at a cost of L7,ooo ; and in the following year a fine bowling-green was formed in Lee Crescent, off Brighton Place, measuring 40 yards by 45 ; and a roller skating-rink was opened in Bath Street in 1876, comprising a hall-rink, an out-door rink, a gallery or orchestra, and retiring-room. In Portobello are to be found quarters for all classes of visitors and summer residents. ? Many A house in Tower Street was the residence of Hugh Miller-that self-taught and self-made Scottish genius, author of ?? The Old Red Sandstone,? and other geological works, with lighter productions, such as ?? My Schools and Schoolmasters ; ?? and there, worn out by the ovenvork of a highly sensitive brain, he shot himself with a revolver in 1856. The event caused great excitement in Edinburgh, and his funeral was a vast and solemn one. ?You should have been in Edinburgh toof the private houses,? says a recent writer, ?? the mansions and villas, are the homes of capitalists and annuitants, who have adopted Portobello as their constant retreat, and who people it in sufficient numbers to give its resident or unshifting population a tone of selectness and elegance. In winter the town is far from having the forsaken and wan aspect which pervades a mere seabathing station ; and in summer it has an animation and gaiety superior to those of any other sea-bathing station in Scotland.? In 1839 a valuable oysterbed was discovered off the town. The Town Hall, with the Council Chambers and offices of the Commissioners of Police, is a handsome building in the principal thoroughfare, JOCK?S LODGE. day,? wrote Sydney Dobell to a friend, ?and seen the great army of the body that debouched inexhaustibly through all its main streets-a waving parti-coloured river, where a fallen child or a blind beggar made an instant mob, as in a stream at flood so much as a walking-stick set straight will make an eddy. It was curious to walk up the same streetson Monday, as I walked often past Hugh Miller?s house, and to think what different causes could produce the same ?pomp and circumstance? of populous life. Never since the death of Chalmers has Edinburgh been so unanimous in honour. Even Christopher North?s funeral was sectarial and cold in comparison. The shops were shut j the common people drew back in thick masses on each
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