Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


144 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [portobella monly let to one of the Duddingston tenants for zoo merks Scots, or LII 2s. z&d. sterling. Portobello Hut, built in 1742, by an old Scottish seaman who had served under Admiral Vernon, in 1739, was so named by him in honour of our triumph at that West Indian seaport, and hence the cognomen of this watering-place ; but houses must have sprung up around it by the year 1753, as in the Cowanf of that year, ?( George Hamilton in Portobello ? offers a reward of three pounds for the name of a libeller who represented him as harbouring in his house robbers, by whom, and by some smugglers, the locality was then infested. In the January of the following year the S o f s Magazine records that Alexander Henderson, ~~ teen fishwives (are) to trot from Musselburgh to the Canon(gate) Cross, for twelve pairs of lambs? hanigals.? The Figgate Bum was the boundary in this quarter of a custom-house at Prestonpans j the Tyne was the boundary in the other direction. The Figgate lands, on which Portobello and Brickfield are built, says the old statistical account, consist together of about seventy acres, and continued down to 1762 a mere waste, and were com- Lord Milton, the proprietor, to Baron Muir, of the Exchequer, for A1,500, and feuing then began at t f 3 per acre; but the once solitary abode of the old tar was long an object of interest, and stood intact till 1851, at the south-west side of the High Street, nearly opposite to Regent Street, and was long used as a hostelry for humble foot-travellers, on a road that led from the old Roman way, or Fishwives? Causeway, across the Whins towards Musselburgh. Parker Lawson, in his cc Gazetteer,? says it was long known as the Shtpheyds? Ha?. In 1765, Mr. William Jamieson, the feuar under Baron Muir, discovered near the Figgate Bum a valuable bed of clay, and on the banks of the stream he erected first a brick and tile works, a d master of a fishing-boat, on his way from Musselburgh to Leith, was attacked by footpads at the Figgate Whins, who robbed him of ten guineas that were sewn in the waistband of his breeches, 12s. 6d. that he had in his pocket, cut him over the head with a broadsword, stabbed him in the breast, and left him for dead. His groans were heard by two persons coming that way, who carried him to Leith.? About 1763 the Figgate Wins was sold by THE eRAIGANTINNIE MARBLES.
Volume 5 Page 144
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