Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


Restalrig.] DRURY?S TREACHERY. x3.z on it now. Here it probably was that the powerful Archibald Douglas, fifth Earl of Douglas, Lord of Bothwell, Galloway, and Annandale, Duke of Touraine aud Marshal of France, resided in 1440, in which year he died at Restalrig, of a malignant fever. In 1444 Sir John Logan of Restalrig was sheriff of Edinburgh ; and in 1508 James Logan, of the same place, was Sheriff-deputy. Twenty-one years before the latter date an calsay lyand, and the town desolate.? In the following year, Holinshed records that ? the Lord Grey, Lieutenant of the Inglis? armie,? during the siege of Leith, ?ludged in the town of Lestalrike, in the Dean?s house, and part of the Demi-lances and other horsemen lay in the same towne.? A little way north-westward of Restalrig, midway between the place named Hawkhill and the upper Quarry Holes, near the Easter Road, there occurred on the 16th of June, 1571, a disastrous skirmish, de- ~ RESTALRIG CHURCH IN THE PRESENT DAYEnglish army had encamped at Restalrig, under the Duke of Gloucester, who spared the city at the request of the Duke of Albany and on receiving many rich presents fiom the citizens, while James III., in the hand of rebel peers, was a species of captive in the castle of Edinburgh. In 1559 the then secluded village was the scene of one of the many skirmishes that took place between the troops of the Queen Regent and those of the Lords of the Congregation, in which the latter were baffled, ?driven through the myre at Restalrig-worried at the Craigingate ? (i.e., the Calton), and on the 6th of November,? ? at even in the nycht,? they departed ?? furth of Edinburgh to Lynlithgow, and left their artailzerie on the signated the BZack Saturday, or Drury?s peace,? as it was sometimes named, through the alleged treachery of the English ambassador. Provoked by a bravado on the part of the Earl of Morton, who held Leith, and who came forth with horse and foot to the Hawkhill, the Earl of Huntly, at the head of a body of Queen Mary?s followers, with a train of guns, issued out of Edinburgh, and halted at the Quarry Holes, where he was visited by Sir William Drury, the ambassador of Queen Elizabeth, who had been with Morton in Leith during the preceding night. His proposed object was an amicable adjustment of differences, to the end that no loss of life should ensue between those who were countrymen, and, in too
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I34 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Restalng. many instances, relatives and friends. With all the affected zeal of a peacemaker, this gentleman (whose house stood in Drury Lane, off the Strand in London), proposed terms which Huntly deemed satisfactory ; but the next point to be considered was, which party should first march off the field. On this, both parties were absurdly obstinate. Huntly maintained that Morton, by an aggressive display, had drawn the Queen?s troops out of the city ; while Morton, on the other hand, charged the Highland Earl with various acts of hostility and insult. Dnuy eventually got both parties to promise to quit the ground at a given signal, ?and that signal,? he arranged, ?shall be the throwing up of my hat.? This was agreed to, and before Drury was halfway between the Hawkhill and the ancient quarries, up went his plumed hat, and away wheeled Huntly?s forces, marching for the city by the road that led to the Canongate, without the least suspicion of the treachery of Drury, or Morton, whose soldiers had never left their ground, and who cow, rushing across the open fields with shouts charged with the utmost fury the queen?s men, ?? who were retiring with all the imprudent irregularity and confusion which an imaginary security and exultation at having escaped a sanguinary conflict were calculated to produce.? Thus treacherously attacked, they were put to flight, and were pursued with cruel and rancorous slaughter to the very gates of the city. The whole road was covered with dead and wounded men, while Lord Home, several gentlemen of high position, and seventy-two private soldiers, a pair of colours, several horses, and two pieces of cannon, were, amid great triumph, marched into Leith in the afternoon. This was not the only act of treachery of which Sir William Drury was guilty. He swore that he was entirely innocent, and threw the whole blame on Morton; but though an ambassador, so exas. perated were the people of Edinburgh against him, that he had afterwards to quit the city under a guard to protect him from the infuriated mob. The Laird of Restalrig was among those who surrendered with Kirkaldy of Grange, in 1573, when the Castle of Edinburgh capitulated to Morton; but he would seem to have been pardoned, as no record exists of any seventy practised upon him. In #some criminal proceedings, in I 5 76, the sheet of water here is designated as Restalrig Loch, when a woman named Bessie Dunlop was tried for witchcraft and having certain interviews with ?? ane Tam Reid,? who was killed at the battle of Pinkie. Having once ridden with her husband to Leith to bring home meal, ?ganging afield to tether her horse at Restalrig Loch, there came ane company of riders by, that made sic a din as if heaven and earth had gane together; and, incontinent they rade into the loch, with mony hideous rumble. Tarn tauld [her] it was the Gude Wights, that were riding in middle-eard.? For these and similar confessions, Bessie was consigned to the flames as a witch. During the prevalence of the pestilence, in 1585, James Melville says that on his way to join the General Assembly at Linlithgow he had to pass through Edinburgh ; that after dining at Restalrig at eleven o?clock, he rode through thecity from the Water Gate to the West Port, ? in all whilk way, we saw not three persons, sae that I mis-kenned Edinburgh, and almost forgot that I had ever seen sic a town.? In 1594 Restalrig was the scene of one of those stormy raids that the ?mad Earl of Bothwell? caused so frequently, to the torment of James VI. The earl, at the head of an armed force, was in Leith, and broke out in open rebellion, when, on the 3rd of April, the king, after sermon, summoned the people of Edinburgh in arms, and moved towards Leith, from whence Bothwell instantly issued at the head of 500 mounted men-atms, and took up a position at the Hawkhill near Restalrig. Fearing, however, the strength of the citizens, he made a detour, and galloped through Duddingstone. Lord Home with his lances followed him to ?the Woomet,? says Birrel, probably meaning Woolmet, near Dalkeith, when Bothwell faced about, and compelled him to retire in turn, but not without bloodshed. In February, 1593, at Holyrood, Robert Logan, of Restalrig, was denounced for not appearing to answer for his treasonable conspiracy and trafiicking ? with Francis, sum tyme Earl of Bothwell ; ? and in the June of the following year he was again denounced as a traitor for failing to appear and answer for the conduct of two of his vassals, Jockie Houlden and Peter Craick, who had despoiled Robert Gray, burgess in Edinburgh of Lg50. It was in this year that the remarkable indenture was formed between him and Napier of Merchiston to search for gold in Fast Castle (the ?Wolf?s Crag? of the Master of Ravenswood), a fortress which lie had acquired by his marriage with an heiress of the Home family, to whom it originally belonged. Logan joined the Earl of Gowrie in the infamous and mysterious conspiracy at Perth, in the year 1600. It was proposed to force the king into ir boat at the bottom of the garden of Gowrie House, which the river Tay bordered, and from? thence conduct him by sea to Logan?s inacces
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