Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. V


132 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Restalrig. oxen, and other things belonging to a field, by the hands of him, namely, who is called Hood of Leith, from me and my heirs for ever, as freely, quietly, and honourably free from all service and secular exactions as any other gifts more freely and quietly given, are possessed in the Kingdom of Scotland. And that this gift may continue, I have set my seal to this writing.? Among those who witnessed this document were the Lord Chancellor of Scotland, Hugh de Sigillo, In May, 1398, Sir Robert Logan of Restalrig granted to the citizens of Edinburgh, by charter, full liberty to carry away earth and gravel, lying upon the bank of the river, to enlarge their port of Leith, to place a bridge over the said river, to moor ships in any part of his lands, without the said port, with the right of road and passage, through all his lands of Restalrig. ?All which grants and concessions be warranted absolutely, under penalty of A200 sterling to be uptaken RESTALRIG CHURCH, 1817. (A / t e r m Etckirrg8y3amcr Skene of Rdislaw.) Bishop of Dunkeld (called the ?Poor Man?s Bishop lJ) ; Walter, Abbot of Holyrood, previously Prior of Inchcolm, who died in 1217 ; W. de Edinham, Archdeacon of Dunkeld ; Master R. de Raplaw ; and Robert Hood, of Leith. In 1366, under David II., Robert Multerer (Moutray?) received a charter of lands, within the barony of Restalrig, before pertaining to John Colti ; and some three years afterwards, John of Lestalrick (sic) holds a charter of the mill of Instrother, in Fifeshire, granted by King David at Perth. Towards the latter part of the fourteenth century the barony had passed into the possession of the Logans, a powerful family, whose name is insepsrably mingled with the history of Leith. by the said burgesses and community in the name of damages and expenses, and LIOO sterling to the fabric of the church of St. Andrews before the commencement of any plea.? (Burgh Charters.) In 1413-4 another of his charters grants to the city, ?that the?piece of ground in Leith between the gate of John Petindrich and a wall newly built on the shore of the water of Leith, should be free to the said community for placing their goods and merchandise thereon, and carrying the same to and from the sea, in all time coming.? Westward of the village church, and on the summit of a rock overhanging Loch End, are the massive walls of the fortalice in which the barons of Restalrig resided ; but a modem house is engrafted
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