Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


372 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Heriot?s Green. a round hat, with a cockade and black feather on the left side, buttons having on them the arms .of the city and inscribed, Edirzburgh Yolunttes (Scuts Zug., 1794 &c.), their oval belt plates also bearing thecityarms. Twoof the companieswere grenadiers, and all men of unusual stature. They wore bearskin caps, with the grenade thereon, and on their skirts. The belts, black at first, were afterwards painted white: but, as the paint scaled off, plain buff was A second regiment of Edinburgh volunteers was formed in the same manner in 1797, when a landing of the French was expected in Ireland, and the first battalion volunteered to garrison the Castle, to permit the withdrawal of the regular troops. This offer was renewed in 1801, when the Lieutenant- Colonel, the Right Hon. Charles Hope, afterwards Lord President, wrote thus to General Vyse, commanding the forces:- HERIOT?S HOSPITAL : THE COUNCIL ROOM. substituted, and the first showy uniform underwent changes. The colours presented to them were very handsome; the King?s bore a crown and the letters G.R. ; the regimental bore the arms of Edinburgh. The magistrates, the senators, Academicians and the whole Town Council, were on the ground in their robes of office. From the green the battalion marched by the bridges to Princes Street, where the colours were presented to them by Mrs. Elder, after which they went to the house of the Lord Provost, Sir James Stirling, Bart., in Queen?s Street. The ?latter, in virtue of his office, was honorary colonel of the regiment; but all the other commissions were conferred by the king, on the recommendation of the volunteers themselves ?In the event of an enemy appearing on our coast, we trust that you will be able to provide for the temporary safety of Edinburgh Castle by means of its own invalids, and the recruits and convalescents of the numerous corps and detachments in and about Edinburgh ; and that, as we have more to lose than the brave fellows of the other volunteer regiments who have extended their services, you will allow us to be the first to share the danger, as well as the glory, which we are confident his Majesty?s troops will acquire under your command, if opposed to an invading army,? But in the following year Heriot?s Green saw the last of these two regiments. After eight years of military parade, and many a sham fight on Leith Links and at Musselburgh
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camp, the peace of 1802 came, and they closed their career of service on the 6th of May. Early on the forenoon of that day they mustered reluctantly on Heriot?s Green, where they were formed in hollow square, and the Lieutenant-Colonel commanding \ where the colours were formally delivered over to the magistrates, who placed them in the Council Chamber, and the corps was dissolved. When the alarm of invasion was again sounded, in 1803, in few places did the, old Scottish spirit THE NORTH GATEWAY OF HERlG?r?S HOSPITAL read Lord Hobart?s circular letter conveying the thanks of the Crown and also of both Houses. He also read the resolution of the Town Council, conveying in the strongest terms the thanks of the community to all the volunteers of the city, and a very complimentary letter from Lieutenant-General Vyse. Column was then formed, and the volunteers marched from the Green to the Parliament Square, blaze up more fiercely than in Edinburgh. A very short time saw Heriot?s Green again bristling with arms, and upwards of 4,000 volunteers were enrolled. On the 30th of September in that year the old colours were again unfurled by the Royal Regiment of Edinburgh Volunteers, mustering 1,000 rank and file, clad in scarlet faced with blue j and in I 804, prior to the temble alarm known as ? the Lighting of the Beacons,? there were in Edinburgh,
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