Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


338 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Roxburgh Place. sion, belonging to the Lords Ross and to the age of stately ceremony and stately manners, occupied till the middle of the eighteenth century the site occupied the same apartment as that in which resided, till the year before his death, in 1785, Alexander Kunciman, one of the most eminent Scottish artists of his day, and where, no doubt, he must have entertained the poet Robert Fergusson, ?? while with ominous fitness he sat as his model for the Prodigal Son.? Nicolson Street church, erected in 1819-20, at a cwt of x6,000, has a handsome Gothic front, with two turreted pinnacles ninety feet in height. It is built upon the site of the old Antiburgher Meeting-house, and is notable for the ministry of Dr. John Jamieson, author of several theological works, and of the well-known ? Etymological Dictionary of the Scottish Language.? It was among the first efforts at an improved style of church architecture in Edinburgh, where, as elsewhere in Scotland after the Keformation, the accommodation of the different congregations in the homeliest manner was all that was deemed necessary. The pond sam parish called Lady Glenorchy?s lies eastward of Nicolson Street, and therein quite a cluster of little churches has been erected. The parish church was built as a relief chapel in 1809, by the Rev. Mr. Johnstone, and altered in 1814, when it was seated for 990 persons. The Independent congregation in Richmond Couk was established in 1833 ; but their place of worship till 1840 was built about 1795 by the Baptists. The Hebrew congregation was established in 1817, but has never exceeded IOO souls. The Episcopal congregation of St. Peter?s, Roxburgh Place, was established in 1791, and its place of worship consisted of the first and second flats of a five-storeyed tenement, and was originally built, at the sole expense of the clergyman, for about 420 persons. To Roxburgh Place came, in 1859, the congregation of Lady Glenorchy?s church, which had been demolished by the operations of the North British Railway. The Court of Session having found that city. In those days the mansion, which was a square block with wings, was approached by an avenue through a plantation upwards of sixty yards ROSS this body must be kept in full communion with the Established Church, authorised the purchase of Roxburgh Place chapel in lieu of the old place of worship, and trustees were appointed to conduct their affairs. The chapel handed over to them was that of the Relief Communion just mentioned. Externally it has no architectural pretensions ; but many may remember it as the meeting-place of the ?Convocation ? which preceded the ever-memorable secession in 1843, after which it remained closed and uncared for till it came into the hands of the Glenorchy trustees in 1859, in so dilapidated a condition that their first duty was to repair it before the congregation could use it. The remains of the pious Lady Glenorchy, which had been removed from the old church near the North Bridge, were placed, in 1844, in the vaults of St. John?s church ; but the trustees, wishing to comply as far as was in their power with the wishes of the foundress, that her remains should rest in her own church, had a suitable vault built in that at Roxburgh Place. It was paved and covered with stone, set in Roman cement, and formed on the right side of the pulpit. Therein her body was laid on the evening of Saturday, 31st December, 1859. The marble tablet, which was carefully removed from the old church, was placed over her grave, with an additional inscription explaining the circumstance which occasioned her new place of interment. The portion of St. Cuthbert?s garish which was disjoined and attached to Lady Glenorchy?s is bounded by Nicolson Street and the Pleasance on the west and east, by Drummond Street on the north, and Richmond Street on the south, with an average population of about 7,000 souls. Roxburgh Terrace is built on what was anciently called Thomson?s Park; and the place itself was named the Back Row in the city plan of 1787. CHAPTER XL. GEORGE SQUARE AND THE VICINITY How-The last Lord Ross-Earlier Residents in the Square-House of Walter Scott, W.S.-Sir Waltcr?s Boyhood-Bickas-Grcen Breeks-The Edinburgh Light Horse-The Scots Brigad+Admiral Duncan--Lord Advocate Dundas-The Grants of Kilgrastonhmn Dunda+Sedan Chak--Campbells of Snccoth-Music Class Room-The Eight Southern DistrictAhapel of Ease-Windmill Street-Euccleuch Place-Jeffrey?s First House there-The Burgh Loch-Society of Impraven-The Meadow.
Volume 4 Page 338
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