OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Bristo Street. 328
1837. ?? We found her sitting in the parlour, with
some papers on the table. Her appearance at
first betrayed a little of that languor and apathy
which attend age and solitude; but the moment
she comprehended the object of our visit, her
countenance-which even yd retains the lineaments
of what Clarinda may be supposed to have beenbecame
animated and intelligent ? That,? said
she, rising ~ p , and pointing to an engraving over
the mantelpiece, ?is a likeness of niy r.elative
at his death in York Place, in 1813, left her an
annuity, and thirty years after still found her living
in Edinburgh.
?? She is now nearly eighty years of age, but enjoys
excellent health,? says Kay?s editor in February,
that is ; it was presented to me by Constable and
Co., for having simply declared what I know to
be true-that the likeness was good.? We spoke
of the correspondence between the poet and
Clarinda, at which she smiled, and pleasantly
remarked on the great change which the lapse of
so many years had produced in her personal
appearance. Indeed, any observation respecting
Burns seemed to afford her pleasure. Having
prolonged our intrusion to the limits of courtesy,
(Lord Craig), about whom you have been inquiring.
He was the best friend I ever had.?
After a little conversation about his lordship, she
directed our attention to a picture of Bums by I Horsburgh, after Taylor, (You will know who
Bristo Street.] ALISON RUTHERFORD. 329
and conversed on various topics, we took leave
of the venerable lady, highly gratified by the interview.
To see and talk with one whose name is so
indissolubly associated with the fame of Bums,
and whose talents and virtues were so much
fare, where, in the days of her widowhood, as Mrs
Cockburn of Ormiston, resided Alison Rutherford
of Fahielee, Roxburghshire, authoress of the
modem version of the ?? Flowers of the Forest ? and
other Scottish songs-in her youth a ?forest flower
esteemed by the bard-who has now (in 1837)
been sleeping the sleep of death for upwards of
forty years-may well give rise to feelings of no
ordinary description. In youth Clarinda must
have been about the middle size. Bums, she
said, if living, would have been about her own age,
probably a few months older.?
Off Bristo Street there branches westward
Crichton Street, SO named from an architect of the
time, a gloomy, black, and old-fashioned thoroughof
rare beauty.? She removed hither from Blair?s
Close in the Castle-hill, and her house was the
scene of many happy and brilliant reunions Even
in age her brown hair never grew grey, and she
wore it combed over a toupee, with a lace band tied
under her chin, and her sleeves puffed out in the
fashion of Mary?s time. ?She maintained,? says
Scott, ?that rank in the society of Edinburgh
which French women of talent usually do in that of
Paris ; and in her little parlour used to assemble a