Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


320 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. Arthur?s h t . 1 Marquis of Douglas. This lady, who was married in 1670, was divorced, or at least expelled from the society of her husband, in consequence of some malignant scandals which a former and disappointed lover, Lowrie of Blackwood, was so base as to insinuate into the ear of the marquis.? Her father took her home, and she never again saw her husband, who married Mary, daughter of the Marquis of Lothian, and died in 1700. Lady Baxbara?s only son, Jznies, Earl of Angus, fell Martinmas wind, when wilt thou blaw, 0 gentle death, when wilt thou come 7 An?shake the green leaves aft the tree? For 0? my life I am wearie.? A public event of great importance in this locality was the Royal Scottish Volunteer Review before the Queen on the 7th of August, 1860, when Edinburgh, usually so empty and dull in the dog days, presented a strange and wonderful scene. For a few days before this event regiments from all RUINS OF ST. ANTHONY?S CHAPEL, LOOKING TOWARDS LEITH. (From n P4oiofln)h by Ale%. A. IngZis.) bravely at Steinkirk, in his twenty-first year, at the head of the 26th, or Cameronian Regiment. Two verses of the song run thus :- ?? Oh, waly ! waly ! gin love be bonnie A litttle time while it is new ; But when it ?5 auld it waxeth cauld. And fades away like morning dew. Oh, wherefore should I busk my heid? Or wherefore should I kame my hai ? For m y true lov- has me forsook, And says he ?11 never love me mair. Now Arthur?s Seat shall be my bed, St. Anton?s Well shall be my drink, The sheets shall ne?er be pressed by mp ; Since my true love?s forsaken me ! parts of Scotland came pouring into the city, and were cantoned in school-houses, hospitals, granaries, and wherever accommodation could be procured for them. The Breadalbane Highlanders, led by the white-bearded old marquis, attracted especial attention, and, 011 the whole, the populace seemed most in favour of kilted corps, all such being greeted with especial approbation. .Along the north wall of the park there was erected a grand stand capable of containing 3,ooc persons. The royal standard of Scotland-a splendid banner, twenty-five yards square-floated from the summit of Arthur?s Seat, while a multitude of other standards and gnow-white bell-ten@ covered all the inner slopes of the Craigs. Bp
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321 Arthur?s Seat.] VOLUNTEER REVIEW IN 1860. many a strong man?s heart beat high and his eyes glisten. The vast hilly amphitheatre was crowded by more than IOC),OOO spectators, who made the welkin ring with their reiterated cheers, as the deep and solid columns, with all their anns glittering in the sun, were steadilyforniing on the grassy plain below. Every foot of ground upon the northern slopes not too steep for standing on was occupied, even to the summit, where the mighty yellow standard with the red lion floated out over all. When the Queen, accompanied by the Prince Consort, theaged Quchess of Kent, and the royal children, came in front of the grand stand, the sight one o?clock all the regiments were in Edinburgh, and defiled into the park by four separate entrances at once, and were massed in contiguous close columns, formed into divisions and brigades of artillery, engineers, and infantry, the whole undet the command of Lieutenant-General Sir G. A. Wetherall, K.C.B. The scene which burst upon the view of these volunteers as they entered the park, and the vast corps being played past by the pipers of the Rossshire Buffs. ?So admirable was the arrangement,? wrote one at the time, ?by which the respective corps were brought back to their original ground, that not ten minutes had elapsed after the marching-past of the last company before all was ready for the advance in line, the officers having taken post in review order, and the men standing with shouldered arms. On the signal being given, the whole line (of columns) advanced, the review bands playing. The effect of this was, in one word, indescribable, and when the whole was was magnificent, when more than two-and-twenty thousand rifles and many hundred sword-blades flashed out the royal salute, and then the arms were shouldered as she drove slowly along the line of massed columns. The ground was kept by the 13th Hussars, the 29th Regiment, 78th Highlanders (the recent heroes of Lucknow), and the West York Rifle Militia The Queen seemed in the highest spirits, wore a tartan dress, and bowed and smiled 2.9
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