Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. IV


OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Arthur's Seat 304 in places where the sandstone has been quarried (as the craigs were for years to pave the streets of London), beautiful specimens have been obtained of radiated haematites, intermixed with steatites, green fibrous iron ore, and calcareous spar, a most uncommon mixture. the glacier are to be found all over these craigs and Arthur's Seat, and on various parts are found rounded ' boulders, some of which have been worked backwards and forwards till left at last, stranded by the farewell ebb of an ancient sea. The rocky cone of Arthur's Seat is strongly mag- PLAN OF ARTHUR'S SEAT (THE SANCTUARY OF HOLYROOD). veins of calcareous spar, talc, zoolite, and amethystine quartzose crystals; and strange to say several large blocks of the same greenstone of which they . are composed are to be found on Arthur's Seat, at elevations of from eighty to 200 feet above the craigs. In ascending the steep path which leads from Holyrood to the top of the latter, we pass over layers of sandstone which show ripple marks-the work of the ice-of unknown ages, grinding and depositing pebbles, coarse sand, and sedimentary rock. The bluffs above the path must have had many a hard struggle, when glaciers crashed against tion of men of science to this circumstance in 183 I, when he stated that at some points he found the needle completely reversed. (Edn. PhiZ. Juurnal, No. XXII.) Concerning the origin of the name of this remarkable mountain, and that of the adjacent craigs, there have been many theories. Arthur is a name of-frequent occurrence in Scottish, as well as Welsh and English topography, and is generally traced by tradition to the famous Arthur of romance, and who figures so much in half-fabulous history. From this prince, who is said to have reigned over Strathclyde from 508 to 542, when he was shin at the
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