Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


76 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. Holyrood. ~ ~~ ~~ ~ period, and in 1736- one of unusual brilliance was given in January, the Hon. Charles Hope (afterwards Muster Master-General for Scotland) being king, and the Hon. Lady Helen Hope queen. In the Gallery of the Kings a table was covered with 300 dishes en ambigzr, at which sat 150 ladies at a time . . . . illuminated with 400 wax candles. ?!The plan laid out by the council of the Company was exactly followed with the their dark days had found refuge at St. Germains. He entered Holyrood under a salute from the castle, while the approaches were lined by the Hopetoun Fencibles and Windsor Foresters. He held a levCe next day at the palace, where he was soon after joined by his son, the Duc d?Angoul6me. The royal family remained several years at Holyrood, when they endeared themselves to all in Edinburgh, where their presence was deemed but greatest order and decency, and concluded without the least air of disturbance.? Yet brawls were apt to occur then and for long after, as swords were worn in Edinburgh till a later period than in England j and an advertisement in the Cowant for June, 1761, refers to a silver-mounted sword having been taken in mistake at an election of peers in that year at Holyrood. The ancient palace had once more royal inmates when, on the 6th of June, 1796, there landed at Leith, under a salute from the fort, H.R.H. the Comte d?Artois, Charles Philippe, the brother of Louis XVI., in exile, seeking a home under the roof of the royal race that had so often intermarried with his family, and which in a natural link of the old alliance that used to exist between Scotland and France. The count, with his sons the Duc d?Angoul6me and the Duc de Bem, was a constant attender at the drills of the Edinburgh Volunteers, in the meadows or elsewhere, though he never got over a horror of the uniform they wore then-blue, faced with redwhich reminded him too sadly of the ferocious National Guard of France. , He always attended in his old French uniform, with the order of St. Ampoule on his left breast, just as we may see him in Kay?s Portraits. He was present at St. Anne?s Yard when, in 1797, the Shropshire Militia, under Lord Clive-the j ~ s t English regiment of militia that ever entered Scotland-was reviewed by Lord Adam Gordon, the commander-in-chief.
Volume 3 Page 76
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