Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


the end we might pass to Heaven with all this gear! But fie on the knave Death !-that will come whether ye will or not; and when he hath laid on the arrest, then foul worms will be busy with this flesh, be it ever so fair and tender, and the silly soul, I fear, shall be feeble, that it can neither carry with it gold, garnishing, targating, pearl, nor precious stone.? In the midst of these speeches the Laird of Dun came out of the queen?s HOLYROOD PALACE, THE REGENT MORAY?S HOUSE (ADJOINING THE PALACE, ON THE NORTH), THE ROYAL GARDENS, AND ANCIENT HOROLOGE. (From U Drawinz6y Bh6,$pu6Zishedh 1826.) created Duke of Albany, but he looked forward to wearing the crown. His headstrong, dissolute, foolish, and in many instances brutal disposition, soon weakened the affections of the queen, and her imprudent love for him, which had at one time , been so violent and generous, was-especially after the murder of Rizzio-converted into abhorrence. The appointment of the latter-said by Rymer to be a pensioner of the Pope-to the important and -cabinet, and requested him to go home; nor does it appear that Mary took any further notice of his .officious and uncalled - for, interference with her -marriage.? Soon after, another mob broke into the chapel .royal during mass, but was driven out by the Provost, the Laird of Pitarrow, and others, an event which led to a futile trial of Knox before the Privy Council. Great events now followed each other fast, and .on the 29th of July, 1565, Mary was married to her wretched and dissipated cousin, the handsome Darnley, at Stirling Castle, in which an apartment .had been fitted up as a Roman Catholic chapel by David Rizzio. Three days before this Darnley had been confidential office of secretary to the queen had given great offence to the haughty noble$ of Scotland ; and such was his influence over her, that it has been more than once supposed that he was her confessor in disguise, which, could it be proved, would throw a new light on his history and that of Mary, by accounting for his influence over her, and her horror of his murderers. A footnote to Actq Regia, vol. iv., says that ?he was an old, crabbed, and deformed fellow, and that?twas his loyalty and sagacity which made him so dear to the queen.?? Thuanus too, says that notwithstanding his mean origin she made him sit at table with her every day. He certainly fitted up the chapel for her marriage, and is known to have had a brother, Joseph, said to be in holy?
Volume 3 Page 68
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