Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


treyes beneath the Over Bow to be removit;? the meal market, &c., to be removed from the High Street to foot of James Aikman?s Close, and the ? grass market to the kirkyard foot ; twelve chief citizens were to be arrayed in velvet gowns ; the craftsmen to be arrayed in French cloth, with doublets of velvet, satin, and damask; thirty-seven citizens to be mounted with velvet foot-mantles and velvet gowns, and all the town officers to be To the inexpressible grief of James and the whole nation, Magdalene, then only in her seventeenth year, died of her insidious disease on the 10th of July. She was interred with great pomp in the royal vault, near the coffin of James II., and her untimely death was the occasion of the first general mourning ever worn in the kingdom. In the treasurer?s accounts are many entries of the ? Scots claith, French blak, Holland claith, and corsses upon the velvet.? On her coffin was inscribed in Saxon characters, ?? Magdalena Erancisci R&s Frank, Primogmifa Regina Sotie Sponsa Jacoh? K Regis, A. D. I 53 7, obiit.? Jarnes, however, was not long a widower, and in June, 1538, he brought to Scotland a new bride, Mary of Guise, the widow of the Duke de Longuevihe, who landed at Balcomie, escorted by an admiral of France, and the nuptials were celebrated with pomp at St. Andrews j and on St. Margaret?s Day in the same year, this new queendestined to enact so important a part in the future history of the realm-made her public entry into Edinburgh by the Port, and rode tw Holyrood Palace, while peat sports and gaiety says Pitscottie. Curious plays were made for her entertainment, and gold, spices, and wines were lavished upon her by the magistrates, who wellnigh exhausted the finances of the city. Amid the State turnoils and horrors that culminated in the rout of Solway, Jarnes V. held a council at Holyrood on the 3rd of November, 1542, when, according to Knox, a scroll was presented to him by Cardinal Beaton, containing the names of more than one hundred of the pnncipal nobles and gentry, including the Earl of Arran, then, by deaths in the royal family, next heir to the throne, who were undoubtedly in the pay of England, tainted with heresy, or in leagie with the then outlawed clan of Douglas,
Volume 3 Page 64
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