Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


62 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. vestments, bearing the arm-bone of the saint ; then they passed the Cross, the fountain of which flowed with wine, ? whereof all might drink,? says Leland. Personages representing the angel Gabriel, the Virgin, Justice treading Nero under foot, Force bearing a pillar, Temperance holding a horse?s bit, and Prudence triumphing over Sardanapalus, met them at the Nether Bow; and from there, preceded by music, they proceeded to Holyrood, where a glittering crowd of ecclesiastics, abbots, and friars, headed by the Archbishop of St. Andrews, conveyed them to the high altar, and after Te Deum was sung, they passed through the cloisters into the new palace. Fresh ceremonies took place in a great chamber thereof, the arras of which represented Troy, and the coloured windows of which were filled with the arms of Scotland and England, the Bishop of Moray acting as master of the ceremonies, which seems to have included much ?? kyssing ? all round. On the 8th of August the marriage took place, and all the courtiers wore their richest apparel, James sat in a chair of crimson velvet, ?the pannels of that sam gylte under hys cloth of estat, of blue velvet figured with gold.? On his right hand was the Archbishop of York, on his left the Earl of Surrey, while the Scottish prelates and nobles led in the girl-queen, crowned ?with a vary nche crowne of gold, garnished with perles,? to the high altar, where, amid the blare of trumpets, the Archbishop of Glasgow solemnised the marriage. The banquet followed in a chamber hung with red and blue, where the royal pair sat under a canopy of cloth of gold ; and Margaret was served at the first course with a slice from ? a wyld borres hed gylt, within a fayr platter.? Lord Grey held the ewer and Lord Huntly the towel. The then famous minstrels of Aberdeen came to Holyrood to sing on this occasion, and were all provided with silver badges, on which the arms of the granite city were engraved. Masques and tournaments followed. James, skilled in all the warlike exercises of the time, appeared often in the lists as the savage knight, attended by followers dressed as Pans and satyrs. The festivities which accompanied this mamage indicate an advancement in refinement and splehdour, chiefly due to the princely nature kindness, and munificence of James IV. ?? The King of Scotland,? wrote the Spanish ambassador Don Pedro de Ayala, ?is of middle height ; his features are handsome ; he never cuts his hair or beard, and it becomes him well. He expressed himself gracefully in Latin, French, German, Flemish, Italian, and Spanish. His pronunciation of Spanish was clearer than that of other foreigners. In addition to his own, he speaks the language of the savages (or Celts) who live among the distant mountains and islands. The books which King James reads most are the Bible and those of devotion and prayer. He also studies. old Latin and French chronicles. . . . , . . He never ate meat on Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday. He would not for any consideration mount horseback on Sunday, not even to go to mass, Before transacting any business he heard twa masses. In the smallest matters, and even when indulging in a joke, he always spoke the truth. . . . . The Scots,? continues De Ayala, ?are often considered in Spain to be handsomer, than the English. The women of quality were free in their manners and courteous to strangers The Scottish ladies reign absolute mistresses in their own. houses, and the men in all domestic matters yield a. chivalrous obedience to them. The people live well, having plenty of beef, mutton, fowl, and fish. The humbler classes-the women especially-are of a very religious turn of mind. Altogether, I found, the Scots to be a very agreeable and, I must add,, an amiable people.? Such, says the author of the ?? Tudor Dynasty,?? was the Scotland of the sixteenth century, a period described by modem writers as one of barbarism, ignorance, and superstition ; but thus it was the Spanish ambassador painted the king and his, Scots of the days of Flodden. ? In the year 1507,? says Hawthornden, ?James, Prince of Scotland and the Isles, was born at Holyrood House the 21st of January,? and the queen being brought nigh unto death, ?the king, overcome by affection and religious vows,? went on a pilgrimage to St. Ninian?s in Galloway, and (? at his return findeth the queen recovered.? In 1517 we read of a brawl in Holyrood, when James Wardlaw, for striking Robert Roger to the effusion of blood within ?? my Lord Governor?s chalmer and palace of pece,? was conveyed to the Tron, had his hand stricken through, and was. banished for life, under pain of death. The governor was the Regent Albany, who took office after Flodden, and during his residence at Holyrood he seems to have proceeded immediately with the works at the palace which the fatal battle had interrupted, and which James IV. had continued till his death. The accounts of the treasurer show that building was in progress then, throughout the years 1515 and 1516 ; and after Albany quitted the kingdom for the last time, James V. came to Holyrood, where he was crowned in 1524, and remained there, as Pitscottie tells, for ?the
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