Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


Holyrood.? JAMES IV. 61 whose contract is still preserved in the city archives. A minute account of her reception at Edinburgh has been preserved by one of her attendants, John Young, the Somerset Herald, who records in a pleasing light the wealth, refinement, and chivalry of the court of Scotland. The king met his fair bride, who was then in her fourteenth year, at Dalkeith, where she was entertained by John Earl of Morton. She had scarcely taken possession af her chamber when the tramp of horses was heard in the quadrangle, and among the English using a stirrup, and spurred on at full gallop, leaving who might to follow ; but hearing that the Earl of Surley-his future foe-and other nobles were be hind, he returned and saluted them bareheaded. At their next meeting Margaret played also on the lute and clavichord, while the monarch listened with bended knee and head uncovered. Who, then, could have foreseen- the disastrous day of Flodden ! When she left Newbattle to proceed to the capital, James, attired in a splendid costume, met her on t 6 ISOMETRIC PROJECTION CIF THE ROYAL PALACE OF HOLYROOD HOUSE. (Fmnz am Engraaifig in Maitkwds ?Hntory of Edinburglr.?) attendants the cry rang through the castle, (? The ,king ! The King of Scotland has arrived !? The whole interview between the royal pair, as rdescribed by the Somerset Herald, presents a ?curious picture of the times. (( James was dressed .simply in a velvet jacket, with his hawking lure .flung over his shoulder ; his hair and beard curled naturally, and were rather long. . . . . . . He took her hand and kissed her, and saluted all her ladies by kissing them. Then the king took the queen aside, and they communed together for a long space.? He then returned to Holyrood. Next night he visited her at Newbattle, when he found her playing cards ; and James, who is said to have composed the air of ?Here?s a health to my true love,? entertained her by a performance on the clavichord and lute ; add on taking leave he sprang on his horse, ? a right fair courser,? without a bay horse trapped with gold. Before him rode Bothwell, bearing the sword of state, with the leading nobles. He took the queen from ?her litre,? and placing her behind him on a pillion, they rode onward to the city. On the way they were entertained by a scene of chivalry-a knight errant in full armour rescuing a distressed lady from a rival. The royal pair were met at their entrance by the Grey Friars, whose monastery they had to pass, bearing, in solemn procession, banner and cross and their most valued relics, which were presented to receive the kiss of Margaret and James ; and thereafter they had to tarry at an embattled barrier, at the windows of which were (( angells syning joyously,? one of whom presented to her the keys of the? city. Descending the crowded streets, they were met by the whole Chapter of St. Giles?s in their richest
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