Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


60 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. LHol~lrood. and intriguing apostbte as one of the greatest and best men of his time.? In the churchyard, now all turned into flowerbeds and garden ground, there long remained a , .few plain gravestones, the inscriptions on some of range is of a very singular nature to be in the vicinity of a populous city, being little else than an assemblage of hills, rocks, precipices, morasses, and lakes.? It includes Arthur?s Seat and Salisbury Craigs, and, of course, as a refuge, originated in which are preserved by Menlteith in his ?Theatre of Mortality,? and by Maitland in his C?History.?l One alone remains now, that of Mylne (the builder of the palace), which was removed from its ald site (the north-east angle -of the ancient choir) in 1857, and placed against the eastern ,wall of the church. The extent of the ruin as it now remains is 127 feet in tlength by 39 feet in breadth, within the walls; and there .still exist nominally six deans .and seven chaplains of the Chapel Royal, all, of course, clergymen of the Church of .Scotland. The whole ruin has an air .of intense gloom and damp THE BELHAVEN MOAUMENT, HOLYROOD CHURCH. desolation ; the breeze waves the grass and rank weeds between the lettered grave-stones, the ivy rustles on the wall, and by night the owl hoots in the royal vault and the roofless tower where .stands the altar-tomb of Belhaven. For a considerable space around the church and palace of Holyrood-embracing a circuit of four miles and a quarter-the open ground has been, since the days of David I., a sanctuary, and is so mow, from arrest on civil process. This spacious the old ecclesiastical privilege of sanctuary, with the exemptions of those attached to a monarch?s court. When the law of debtor and creditor was more stringent than it is now, this peculiarity brought many far from respectable visitors to a cluster of houses round the palace-a cluster nearly entirely swept away about I 85 7-as varied in their appearance as the chequered fortunes of their bankrupt inmates j and it is believed to have been in a great measure owing to some private claims, likely to press heavily upon him, that Charles X. in his second exile sought a residence in deserted Holyrood. The House of Inchmurry, formerly called Kirkland, in the parish of St. Martin?s, was a country residence of the abbots of Holyrood. One of the bells that hung in the remaining tower was placed in the Tron church steeple, another in St. Cuthbert?s chapel of ease, and the third in St. Paul?s, York Place, the congregation of which had it in their former church in the Canongate, which was built 1771-4. This last is sniall, and poor in? sound. CHAPTER IX. HOLYROOD PALACE. F i ~ t Notice of its History-Marriage of James 1V.-The Scots of the Days of Flodden-A Brawl in the Palace-Jams V.?s. Tower-The Gudeman of Ballengeich-His Marriage-Death of Queen MagdalentThe Council of November, 1-A Standing Army Proposed-The Muscovite Ambassadors Entertained by the Queen Regent, THE occasional residence of so many of his kingly ancestors at the abbey of Holyrood, and its then sequestered and rural locality, doubtless suggested to James IV. the expediency of having a royal dwelling near it ; thus, we find from the Records of the Privy Seal the earliest mention of a palace at Holyrood occurs on the 10th of September, 1504, when ?( to Maister Leonard Log, for his gude and thankful service, done and to be done, to the kingis hienis, and speciallie for his diligent and grete laboure made be him in the building of the palace beside the Abbey of the Holy Croce,? of (( the soume of forty pounds.? This is the first genuine notice of the grand old Palace of Holyrood. In 1503 the then new edifice witnessed the marriage festival of James IV. and Mzgaret Tudor,
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