Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


56 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Holyrood. thirty-two days. He was then brought forth, nude, in presence of a multitude, who regarded him with fear and wonder, and to whom he affirmed ?that by the aid of the Blessed Virgin, he could fast as long as he pleased.? ? As there appeared to be more simplicity than guile in his bchaviour, he was released, and. afterwards went to Rome, where he fasted long enough to convince Pope Gregory of the miracte. From Holyrudhous f but the days of its declension an& destruction were at hand. The English army which invaded Scotland under the Earl of Hertford, in 1543-4, barbarously burned down the temporal edifices of the abbey; and. among other plunder there were camed off the brass lectern which has been already described, and a famous brass font of curious workmanship, ? by Sir Richard Lea, knight, captain of English INTERIOR OF HOLYROOD CHURCH, LOOKING EAST. Rome he went to Venice, where he received fifty ducats of gold to convey him to Jerusalem, in performance of a vow he had made. He returned to Scotland in the garb of a pilgrim, wearing palmleaves, and bearing a bag filled with Iarge stones, which he said were taken out of the pillar to which the Saviour was bound when he was scourged. He became a preacher, and in an obscure suburb of the city perfornied mass before an altar, on which his daughter, a girl of beauty, stood with wax tapers around her to represent the Virgin-a double impiety, which soon brought him under the ridicule and contempt he deserved.? In 1532, the ? Diurnal of Occurrents ? records, there ?was made ane great abjuration of the favouratis of Martene Lutar in the abbey of Pioneers, who presented it to the Church of St, Albans, in Hertfordshire, with the following absur& inscription, which is given in Latin in Camden?s ?? Britannia ?:- -?When Leith, a town of good account im Scotland, and Edinburgh, the principal city of that nation, were on fire, Sir Richard Lea, knyght, saved me out of the flames, and brought me to England In gratitude for his kindness, I, who heretofore served only at the baptism of kings, do now most willingly render the same service even to the meanest of the English nation. Lea the conqueror hath so commanded ! Adieu. The year of man?s salvation, 1543-4, in the thirty-sixth year of King Henry VIII.? Father Hay records that among other things
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Holyrood. THE ABBEY PILLAGED. 57 troops retnrned to complete the destruction of the abbey, which in the interval had been completely repaired, and their proceedings are thus recorded by one of themselves, Patten, in his account of the expedition into Scotland :-?? Thear stood to the westward, about a quarter of a mile from our campe, a monasterie; they call it Hollyroode Abbey. brought to the abbey by Abbot Bellenden were ?? the pet bellis and the gret brasin fownt.? During the civil wars in the time of Charles I. this relic was converted into money by the Puritans, and in all probability was utterly destroyed. After the battle of Pinkie, in 1547, the English As touching the moonkes, becaus they wear gone, These repeated destructions at the hands of n wanton enemy, rather than any outrages by the Reformers, were the chief cause that now we find nothing remaining of the church but the fragment of one tower and the shattered nave ; though much . they put them to their pencions at large.? sioners, making first theyr visitacion there, they found the moonkes all gone, but the church and mooch parts of the house well covered with leacie. Soon after thei pluct of the leade and had down the bels, which wear but two, and, according to the statute, did somewhat hearby disgrace the hous.
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