Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


Holyrood. THE ABBEY PILLAGED. 57 troops retnrned to complete the destruction of the abbey, which in the interval had been completely repaired, and their proceedings are thus recorded by one of themselves, Patten, in his account of the expedition into Scotland :-?? Thear stood to the westward, about a quarter of a mile from our campe, a monasterie; they call it Hollyroode Abbey. brought to the abbey by Abbot Bellenden were ?? the pet bellis and the gret brasin fownt.? During the civil wars in the time of Charles I. this relic was converted into money by the Puritans, and in all probability was utterly destroyed. After the battle of Pinkie, in 1547, the English As touching the moonkes, becaus they wear gone, These repeated destructions at the hands of n wanton enemy, rather than any outrages by the Reformers, were the chief cause that now we find nothing remaining of the church but the fragment of one tower and the shattered nave ; though much . they put them to their pencions at large.? sioners, making first theyr visitacion there, they found the moonkes all gone, but the church and mooch parts of the house well covered with leacie. Soon after thei pluct of the leade and had down the bels, which wear but two, and, according to the statute, did somewhat hearby disgrace the hous.
Volume 3 Page 57
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