Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


Douglas, of Carshogle, who was apprehended on suspition,? but set at liberty. ?? Anna Simson, a famous witch, is reported to have confessed at her death that a picture of waxe was brought to her having A. D. written on it, which, as they said to THE MARQUIS OF HUNTLY?S HOUSE, FROM BAKEHOUSE CLOSE. On the same side of the street, opposite to the archway leading into St. John Street, Jack?s Land, a lofty stone tenement, formed, in her latter years, the residence of the beautiful Susannah, Countess of Eglinton, and there she was frequently visited thinking of the Earl of Angus, whose name was Archibald Douglas, and might have been Davidson, because his father was David) did consecrate or execrate it after her forms, which, she said, she would not have done for all the world. . . . . His body was buried at Abernethy and his heart in Douglas, by his oune direction. He was the last Earle of the race of George, Master of Angus, who was slain at Flowden.? , progress of ?the Douglas cause;? and in another flat thereof resided David Hum, who came thither from Riddel?s Land in 1753, while engaged on his ? History of England.? ?The Shoemakers? Lands, which stand to the east of Jack?s Land,? says Wilson, writing in 1847, ?? are equally lofty and more picturesque buildings. One of them especially, opposite to Moray House, is a very singular and striking object in the stately
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