Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


4 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Canongate. the kingdom to teach the making of cloths of various kinds, a colony of them settled in the Canongate, under John Sutherland, and a Fleming named Jacob Van Headen, where they ?daily exercised in their art of making, dressing, sand litting of stuffs,? giving great ? light and knowledge Among the inhabitants of the Canongate was a George Heriot, who died in the following year, 1610, aged seventy. He was the father of the founder of that famous and magnificent hospital, which is perhaps the greatest ornament of either Old or New Edinburgh. HADDINGTON?S ENTRY. of their calling to the country people.? Notwithstanding that these industrious and inoffensive men hid royal letters investing them with special privileges, they were-as too often happens in those cases where the enterprise of foreigners appears to clash with the interests of natives-much molested and harassed by the magistrates of the Canongate, with a view of forcing them to become burgesses and free men in the regular way; but an appeal to the Privy Council affirmed their exemption. In 1639, we learn from Spalding that George, second Marquis of Huntly, who in his youth had commanded the Scottish Guard of Louis XIII. was residing at his old family mansion in the Canongate, wherein, about the month of November, two of his daughters were married ?with great solemnities ?-the Lady Anne, who was ? ane precise Puritan,? to the Lord Drummond; and Lady Henrietta, who was a Roman Catholic, to Lord Seton, son of the Earl of Winton. These ladies
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Chongrte.] A LEGEND BY SIR WALTER SCOT?I?. 5 - when the Castle of Duiiglass was blown up by gunpowder. An old house at the head of the Canongate, on the north side, somewhere in the vicinity of Coull?s Close, but now removed, was always indicated as being the scene of that wild story which Scott relates in his notes to the fifth canto of ?? Rokeby,? and in his language we prefer to give it here. He tells us that ?( about the beginning of the eighteenth century, when the large castles of the Scottish nobles, and even the secluded hotels, hke those of the French noblesse, which they had each 40,000 merks Scots as a fortune, their uncle, the Earl of Argyle, being cautioner for the payment, ?for relief whereof he got the wadset of Lochaber and Badenoch? Lady Jean, a third daughter, was also married in the ensuing January, with a fortune of 30,000 merks, to Thomas, Earl of Haddington, who perished in the following year, bearers insisted upon his being blindfolded. The request was enforced by a cocked pistol, and submitted to ; but in the course of the discussion he conjectured, from the phrases employed by the chairmen, and from some parts of their dress not completely concealed by their cloaks, that they were greatly above the menial station they had assumed. After many turnings and windings the chair was carried upstairs into a lodging, where his eyes were uncovered, and he was introduced into a bed-room, where he found a lady nen-ly delivered of an infant, and he was commanded by his possessed in Edinburgh, were sometimes the scenes. of strange and mysterious transactions, a divine of singular sanctity was called up at midnight to pray with a person at the point of death. This was no unusual summons ; but what followed was alarming- He was put into a sedanchair, and after he had been transported to a remote part of the town the EAST END OF HIGH STREET, NETHER BOW, AND WEST END OF CANONGATE. (Frmn G d w ofRofhiemay?r Mu!.) 48, Blackfriars Wynd : 49, l?odrig?s Wynd ; 50, Gay?s Wynd ; 51, St. Mary?s Wynd : 58, Leith Wynd ; 8, Suburbs of the Canongate : g, High Street : 14, The Nether How ; h, The Nether-bow Port; 18, The Flesh Stocks in the Goongate.
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