Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


$80 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Bmughtoa -- REMAINS OF THE VILLAGE OF OLD RROUGHTON, Isj2. (From a Drawing by Gcorp W. Simson ) CHAPTER XXV. THE VILLAGE AND BAKONY OF BROUGHTON. Brouzhton-The Villaee and Baronv-The Loan-Brouehton first mentioned-Feudal Superiors-Wltches Burned-Leslie?s Head-quarters- -Gordon of E1lor;?s Children Murdered-Taken Rei Hand-Th Churches erected in the Bounds of the Barony. ACROSS the once well-tilled slope where now York Place stands, a narrow and secluded way between hedgerows, called the Loan of Broughton, led for ages to the isolated village of that name, of which but a few vestiges still remain. In a mernoir of Robert Wallace, D.D., the eminent author of the ?Essay on the Numbers of Mankind,? and other works, an original member of the Rankenion Club-a literary society instituted at Edinburgh in 1716-we are told, in the Scots Magazine for 1809, that ?he died 29th of July, 1771, at his cuzlntty lodgings in Broughton Loan, in his 75th year.? This baronial burgh, or petty town, about a mile distant by the nearest road from the ancient city, stood in hollow ground southward and eastward from the line of London Street, and had its own tolbooth and court-house, with several substantial stone mansions and many thatched cot- L?olbooth of the Buigh-The Mmute Books-Free Burgesses-Modern tages, in 1780, and a few of the former are still surviving. Bruchton, or Broughton, according to Maitland, signified the Castle-town. If this place ever possessed a fortalice or keep, from whence its name seems to be derived, all vestiges of it have disappeared long ago. It is said to have been connected with the Castle of Edinburgh, and that from the lands of Broughton the supplies for the garrison came. But this explanation has been deemed by some fanciful. The earliest notice of Broughton is in the charter of David I. to Holyrood, ciwa A.D. 1143-7, wherein he grants to the monks, ?Hereth, e2 Broctunam mm suis rectis a?iuisis,? &c. ; thus, with its lands, it belonged to the Church till the Reforrnation, when it was vested in the State. According to the stent roll of the abbey, the Barony of Broughton was most ample in extent,.and, among
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