Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


Leith Street.] MARGAROT. I77 Walk. N.B.--Strang:ers can tlever be at a loss for a guide to any of the above places, as, at the Cross there are always in waiting, running stationels, otherwise CUU?Z~, that will conduct them to any place wanted. for a small charge.? In style and accommodation the ?Elack Bull? was one of those old-fashioned inns which were the precursors of the modern hotel, and preserved their style and features unchanged amid the encroachnients of private speculation and the rage for public improvement. Now the space on which it stood is covered with shops and dwelling-houses. In this street lived Margarot, one of the ? Friends of the People,? who was arrested by Provost Elder, Until recent years the old ?Black Bull? was long established here, and an arch on the west side gave access to the stables. In a species of advertisement appended to Kincaid?s ? View of Edinburgh,? in 1794~ is the following :- ?English Travellers, on business, are to be found commonly, at Paterson?s, Foot of the Pleasance ; McFarlane?s, Head of the Cowgate ; Kamsay?s Lodging?s, Milne Square ; . McKay?s, Grassmarket; Lee?s, Black Bull, Head of Leith good order and police. A great crowd assembled at his lodgings in Leith Street about ten o?clock, and he was conducted, with a wreath, or arch, held over him, with inscriptions of Reason, Liberty, &c. About the middle of the North Bridge, however, the cavalcade was met by the Lord Provost, sheriff, constable, peace-officers, Src., and immediately dispersed, the arch was demolished, and its supporters taken into custody. A press-gang attended to assist the peace-officers. Mr. Margarot then walked to the court, escorted by the Lord Provost, &c.: and no disturbance ensued.? Subsequently we read, that on the 10th of Feb and tried for his, life on charges of treason, with Hunter, Muir, and others. He conducted his own case, and the court sentenced him to fourteen years? transportation beyond the seas. ?In consequence of the proceedings on the 9th instant,? says the Annual Register for 1794, ?while Mr. hfargarot went to the Justiciary Court, every precaution was taken this day by the Lord Provost, magistrates, and sheriff, to prevent any breach of THE ALBEBT MEMORIAL, CHARLOTTE SQUARE.
Volume 3 Page 176
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Leith Street.] MARGAROT. I77 Walk. N.B.--Strang:ers can tlever be at a loss for a guide to any of the above places, as, at the Cross there are always in waiting, running stationels, otherwise CUU?Z~, that will conduct them to any place wanted. for a small charge.? In style and accommodation the ?Elack Bull? was one of those old-fashioned inns which were the precursors of the modern hotel, and preserved their style and features unchanged amid the encroachnients of private speculation and the rage for public improvement. Now the space on which it stood is covered with shops and dwelling-houses. In this street lived Margarot, one of the ? Friends of the People,? who was arrested by Provost Elder, Until recent years the old ?Black Bull? was long established here, and an arch on the west side gave access to the stables. In a species of advertisement appended to Kincaid?s ? View of Edinburgh,? in 1794~ is the following :- ?English Travellers, on business, are to be found commonly, at Paterson?s, Foot of the Pleasance ; McFarlane?s, Head of the Cowgate ; Kamsay?s Lodging?s, Milne Square ; . McKay?s, Grassmarket; Lee?s, Black Bull, Head of Leith good order and police. A great crowd assembled at his lodgings in Leith Street about ten o?clock, and he was conducted, with a wreath, or arch, held over him, with inscriptions of Reason, Liberty, &c. About the middle of the North Bridge, however, the cavalcade was met by the Lord Provost, sheriff, constable, peace-officers, Src., and immediately dispersed, the arch was demolished, and its supporters taken into custody. A press-gang attended to assist the peace-officers. Mr. Margarot then walked to the court, escorted by the Lord Provost, &c.: and no disturbance ensued.? Subsequently we read, that on the 10th of Feb and tried for his, life on charges of treason, with Hunter, Muir, and others. He conducted his own case, and the court sentenced him to fourteen years? transportation beyond the seas. ?In consequence of the proceedings on the 9th instant,? says the Annual Register for 1794, ?while Mr. hfargarot went to the Justiciary Court, every precaution was taken this day by the Lord Provost, magistrates, and sheriff, to prevent any breach of THE ALBEBT MEMORIAL, CHARLOTTE SQUARE. statue STATUES
Volume 3 Page 177
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