Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


SIR WILLIAM FETTES. ?73 Charlotte Square.] Canongate, after which he removed to Charlotte Square, and finally to that house in George Street in which he died. He was resident in Charlotte Square before 1802, as was also the Earl of Minto. John Lamond of Lamond and that ilk, in Argyleshire, whose son John commanded the second He was for many years a contractor for military stores, and in 1800 was chosen a Director of the ? British Linen Company, in which he ultimately held stock-the result of his own perseverance and honest industry-to a large amount. He had in the meantime entered the Town Council, in which CHARLOTTE SQUARE, SHOWING ST. GEORGB?S CHURCH. to the bar in 1822 and raised to the bench in May, 1854. Mrs. Oliphant of Rossie had No. 10, and No. 13 was at the same time (about 1810) the residence of Sir William Fettes, Bart., of Comely Bank, the founder of the magnificent college which bears his name. He was born at Edinburgh on the 25th of June, 1750, and nine years afterwards attended the High School class taught by Mr. John Gilchrist. At the early age of eighteen he began business as a tea and wine merchant in Smith?s Land, High Street, an occupation which he combined for twenty years with that of an underwriter, besides being connected with establishments at Leeds, Durham, and Newcastle. His name appears in Wiiliamson?s Directory for 1788-90 as ? William Fettes, grocer, ofice he held for the then usual period of two years, and for a second time in 1805 and 1806. In 1804 between the two occasions, on the 12th May he was created a baronet. In 1787 he married Mark, daughter of Dr. John Malcolm of Ayr. The only child of this marriage was a son, William, born in 1787. He became a member of the Faculty of Advocates in 1810, and gave early promise of future eminence, but died at Berlin on the 13th of June, 1815. Retiring from business in 1800, Sir William took up his abode in Charlotte Square, and devoted himself to the management of several estates which he purchased at different times, in various parts of The principal of these were Comely ~ Scotland.
Volume 3 Page 173
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