Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


166 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [St. Andrew squan. I CHAPTER XXII. ST. ANDREW SQUARE. St Andrew Square-List of Early Residents-Count Bomwlaski-Miss Gordon or Cluny-Scottish Widows? Fund-Dr. A. K. Johnston- Scottish Provident Institution-House in which Lord Brougham was Born-Scottish Equitable Society-Chancrir of Amisfield-Douglas?s Hotel-Sir Philip Ainslic-British Linen Company-National Bank-Royal Bank-The Melvillc and Hopctoun Monuments-Ambrosc?r Tavern. BEFORE its conversion iiito a place for public offices, St. Andrew Square was the residence of many families of the first rank and position. It measures 510 feet by 520. Arnot speaks of it as ?the finest square we ever saw. Its dimensions, indeed, are, small when compared with those in London, but the houses are much of a size. They are of a uniform height, and are all built of freestone? The entire square, though most of the original houses still exist, has undergone such changes that, says Chambers, . ? the time is not far distant when the whole of this district will meet with a fate similar to that which we have to record respecting the Cowgate and Canongate, and when the idea of noblemen inhabiting St. Andrew Square will seem, to modem conceptions, as strange as that of their living in the,Mint Close.? The following is a list of the first denizens of the square, between its completion in 1778 and 1784.:- I. Major-General Stewart. 2. The Earl of Aboyne. He died here in his sixty-eighth year, in 1794. He was the eldest son of John, third Earl of Aboyne, by Grace, daughter of Lockhart of Carnwath, afterwards Countess of Murray. 3. Lord Ankerville (David Ross). 5. John, Viscount Arbuthnott, who died 1791. 6. Dr. Colin Drummond. 7. David Hume, afterwards Lord Dreghorn. 8. John Campbell of Errol. (The Earls of Em1 have ceased since the middle of the seventeenth century to possess any property in the part from whence they took their ancient title.) 11. Mrs Campbell of Balmore. 13. Robert Boswell, W.S. 15. Mrs. Cullen of Parkhead. 16. Mrs. Scott of Horslie Hill. 18. Alexander Menzies, Clerk of Session. 19. Lady Betty Cunningham. 20. Mrs Boswell of Auchinleck Boswell,? R. Chambers, 1824). 22. Jams Farquhar Gordon, Esq. 23. Mrs. Smith of Methven. 24 Sir John Whiteford. (25 in ? Williamson?s Directory.?) 25. William Fergusson pf Raith. 26. Gilbert Meason, Esq., and the Rev. Dr. Hunter. 27. Alexander Boswell, Esq.(aftemards Lord Auchinleck), and Eneis Morrison, Esq. 28. Lord Methven 30. Hon. Mrs. Hope. 32. Patrick, Earl of Dumfries, who died in 1803. (mother of ?Corsica 33. Sir John Colquhoun. 34. George, Earl of Dalhousie, Lord High Commissioner, 35. Hon. Mrs. Cordon. 38. Mrs. Campbell of Saddel, Cilbert Kerr of Stodrig, and Sir William Ramsay, Bart., of Banff House, who died in 1807. By 1784, when Peter Williamson published his tiny ? Directory,? many changes had taken place among the occupants of the square. The Countess of Errol and Lord Auchinleck were residents, and Thomas, Earl of Selkirk, had a house there before he went to America, to form that settlement in the Gulf of St. Lawrence which involved him in so much trouble, expense, and disappointment. No. I was occupied by the Countess of Leven ; the Earl of Northesk, KC.B., who distinguished himself afterwards as third in command at Trafalgar, occupied No. 2, now an hotel; and Lord Arbuthnott had been suceeeded in the occupancy of No. 5 by Patrick, Lord Elibank, who married the widow of Lord North and Grey. By 1788 an hotel had been started in the square by a man named Dun. It was there that the celebrated Polish dwarf, Joseph Borowlaski, occasionally exhibited himself. In his memoirs, written by himself, he tells that he was one of a family of five sons and one daughter, ?,and by one of those freaks of nature which it is impossible to account for, or perhaps to find another instance of in the annals of the human species, three of these children were above the middle stature, whilst the two others, like myself, reached only that of children at the age of four or five years.? Notwithstanding this pigmy stature, the count, by his narrative, would seem to have married, performed many wonderful voyages and travels, and been involved in many romantic adventures. At thirty years of age his stature was three feet three inches. Being recommended by Sir Robert Murray Keith, then Eritish Ambassador at Vienna, to visit the shores of Britain, after being presented, with his family, to- royalty in London, he duly came to Edinburgh, where, according to Kay?s Editor, ?? he was taken notice of by several gentlemen, among others by Mr. Fergusson, who generously endeavoured by their attentions to sweeten the bitter cup of life to the unfortunate gentleman.? 1777-82
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