Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


forth, all neatly done up with red tape. . . . His own writing apparatus was a very handsome old box, richly carved, lined with crimson velvet, and containing ink-bottles, taper-stand, &c., in silver, The room had no space for pictures, except one, an original portrait of Claverhouse, which SIR WALTER SCOTT?S HOUSE, CASTLE STREET. the upper leaves before opening it. I think I have mentioned all the furniture of the room, except a sort of ladder, low, broad, and well carpeted, and strongly guarded with oaken rails, by which he helped himself to books from his higher shelves. On the top step of this convenience, Hinse, a hung over the chimney-piece, with a Highland target on either side, and broadswords and dirks (each having its own story) disposed star-fashion round them. A few green tin boxes, such as solicitors keep their deeds in, wee piled over each other on one side of the window, and on the top of these lay a fox?s tail, mounted on an antique silver handle, wherewith, as often as he had occasion to take down a book, he gently brushed the dust off venerable tom-cat, fat and sleek, and no longer very locomotive, usually lay, watching the proceedings of his master and Maida with an au cif dignified equanimity.? Scott?s professional practice at the bar was never anything to speak of; but in 1812 his salary and fees as a Principal Clerk of Session were commuted into a fixed salary of ;Gr,6oo annually, an income he enjoyed for upwards of twenty-five years. His
Volume 3 Page 164
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