Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


160 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. 1st. Andrew Street, rewarded by the freedom of the city, which was conferred on him by the magistrates. The house he occupied in St. Andrew?s Lane was a small one, and he had an old and very particular lady as a neighbour on the upper floor. She was frequently disturbed by the hasty and impetuous way in which he rang his bell, and often remonstrated with him thereon, but without avail, which led to much ill-feeling between them. At length, on receiving a very imperative and them by example in buckling on his sword again, as in his youth he had been a lieutenant in the army. In 1787 he retired on account of his health to Dryburgh Abbey, but returning to Edinburgh again, occupied the house 131 George Street, and died in 1829. In St. Andrew Street lived, and died in 1809, in his sixty-eighth year, Major-General Alexander Mackay, who in 1803 commanded the forces in Scotland, and was thirty years upon the staff there. He was QUEEN STREET. petulant message one day, insisting that he should summon his servants in a different manner, great was the old lady?s alarm to hear the loud explosion of a heavy pistol in Arnot?s house ! But he was simply -as he said-complying with her request by firing instead of ringing for his shaving water. In 1784 St. Andrew Street was the residence of David, Earl of Buchan, who in 1766 had been Secretary to the British Embassy in Spain, and who formed the Scottish Society of Antiquaries in 1780. Though much engaged in literary and antiquarian pursuits, he was not an indifferent spectator of the stirring events of the time, and when invasion was threatened, he not only used his pen to create uniqn among his countrymen, bct essayed to rouse I usually named ? Old Buckram,? from the stiffness of his gait, for he ? walked as if he had swallowed a halbert, and his long queue, powdered hair, and cocked hat, were characteristic of a thoroughbred soldier of the olden time.? Sir James Gibson Craig, W.S., of Riccarton, occupied No. 8 North St. Andrew Street in 1830. Proceeding westward, at the north-west corner of South St. David Street we find the house of David Hume, whither he came after quitting his old favourite abode in Janies?s Court. The supenntendence of the erection of this house, in 1770, was a source of great amusement to the historian and philosopher, and, says Chambers, a story is related in more than one way regarding the manner ?4
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