Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. III


Rase Street.] HUG0 ARNOT. ?59 announced that Bailie Creech, of literary celebrity, was about to lead Miss Burns of Rose Street ?? to the hymeneal altar.? In hiswrath, Creech threatened an action against the editor, whose contradiction made matters worse :-? In a former number we noticed the intended marriage between Bailie Creech of Edinburgh and the beautiful Miss Bums of the same place. We have now the authority of that gentleman to say that the proposed marriage is not to take place, matters having been otherwise arranged, to the mutual satisfaction of both parties and their respective friends.? After a few years of unenviable notoriety, says the editor of *? Kay,? Miss Burns fell into a decline, and died in 1792 at Roslin, where a stone in the churchyard records her name and the date of her demise. In the same year of this squabble we find a ball advertised in connection with the now unfashionable locality of Rose Street, thus :-? Mr. Sealey (teacher of dancing) begs to acquaint his friends and the public that his ball is iixed for the 20th of March next, and that in order to accommodate his scholars in the New Town, he proposes opening a school in Rose Street, Young?s Land, opposite to the Physicians? Hall, the 24th of that month, where he intends to teach on Tuesdays and Fridays from nine in the morning, and the remainder of the week at his school in Foulis?s Close, as formerly.? In 1796 we find among its residents Sir Samuel Egerton Leigh, Knight, of South Carolina, whose lady ? was safely delivered of a son on Wednesday morning (16th March) at her lodgings in Rose Street.? Sir Samuel was the second son of Sir Egerton high, His Majesty?s AttorneyGenerd for South Carolina, and he died at Edinburgh in the ensuing January. He had a sister, married to the youngest brother of Sir Thomas Burnet of Leya This son, born at Edinburgh in 1796, succeeded in ISIS to the baronetcy, on the death of his uncle, Sir Egerton, who married Theodosia (relict of Captain John Donellan), daughter of Sir Edward, and sister of Sir Theodosius Edward Boughton, for the murder of whom by poison the captain was executed at Warwick in 1781, It was in Dr. John Brown?s Chapel in Rose Street, that Robert Pollok, the well-known author of ?The Course of Time,? who was a licentiate of the United Secession Church, preached his only sermon, and soon after ordination he was attacked by that pulmonary disease of which he died in 1827. In 1810 No. 82 was ?Mrs. Bruce?s fashionable boarding-school,? and many persons of the greatest respectability occupied the common stairs, particularly to the westward ; and in Thistle Street were many residents of very good position. Thus No. z was the house, in 1784, of Sir John Gordon, Bart. ; and Sir Alexander Don, Bart., of Newton Don, lived in No. 4, when Lady Don Dowager resided in No. 53, George Street (he had been one of the d h u s in France who were seized when passing through it during the short peace of 1802), and a Mrs. Colonel Ross occupied No. 17, Under the name of Hill Street this thoroughfare is continued westward, between Fredenck Street and Castle Street, all the houses being ?selfcontained.? The Right Hon. Charles Hope of Granton, Lord Justice Clerk, had his chambers in No. 6 (now writers? offices) in ~808 ; Buchanan of Auchintorlie lived in No. I I, and Clark of Comrie in No. 9, now also legal offices. In one of the houses here resided, and was married in 1822, as mentioned in Bkrckwoad?s Magazine for that year, Charles Edward Stuart, styled latterly Count d?Albany (whose son, the Carlist colonel, married a daughter of the Earl of Errol), and who, with his brother, John Sobieski Stuarf attracted much attention in the city and Scotland generally, between that period and 1847, and of whom various accounts have been given. They gave themselves out as the grandsons of Charles Edward Stuart, but were said to be the sons of a Captain Thomas Allan, R.N., and grandsons of Admiral John Carter Allan, who died in 1800. Seven broad and handsome streets, running south and north, intersect the great parallelogram of the New Town. It was at the corner of one of those streets-but which we are not told-that Robert Burns first saw, in 1787, Mrs. Graham, so celebrated for her wonderful beauty, and whose husband commanded in the Castle of Stirling. From the summit of the ridge, where each of these streets cross George Street, are commanded superb views : on one side the old town, and on the other the northern New Town, and away to the hills of Fife and Kinross. According to ? Peter Williamson?s Directory,? Hugo Arnot, the historian, had taken up his abode in the Meuse Lane of South St. Andrew Street in 1784. His own name was Pollock, but he changed it to Arnot on succeeding to the estate of Balcormo, in Fifeshire. In his fifteenth year hC became afflicted with asthma, and through life was reduced to the attenuation of a skeleton. Admitted an advocate in 1772, he ever took a deep interest in all local matters, and published various essays thereon, and his exertions in promoting the improvements then in progress in Edinburgh were which is now the New Town dispensary. c
Volume 3 Page 159
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