Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


252 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [High Streer Bart. ; Miss Lucy Johnston of East Lothian, who married hlr. Oswald of Auchincruive ; Miss Halket of Pitfirran, who became the wife of the celebrated Count Lally-Tollendal ; and Jane, Duchess of Gordon, celebrated for her wit and spirit as well as her beauty. These, with Miss wynd into a street, there was swept away Dalgleish?s Close, which is referred to in the ?Diurnal of Occurrents? in 1572, and which occupied the site of the present east side of Niddry Street. From whom this old thoroughfare took its name we know not; but it is an old one in ST. CECILIA?S HALL. Burnet and Miss Home, and many others whose names I do not distinctly recollect, were indisputably worthy of all the honours conferred upon them.? These and other Edinburgh belles of the past all shed the light of their beauty on the old hall in Niddry?s Wynd, now devoted to scholastic uses. We first hear of a ? Teacher of EzzgZish ? in I 750, when a Mr. Philp opened an educational estajlishment in the wynd in that year. In widening the Lothian, and, with various adjuncts, designates several places near the city. In the charters of David 11. Henry Niddry is mentioned in connection with Niddry-Marshal, and Walter, son of Augustine, burgess of Edynbourgh, has the lands of Niddry in that county, qunm yohantles de Bennnchtyne de k Con-okys res&navit, 19th Sept. an. reg. 33; and under Robert 111. John Niddry held lands in Cramond and also Pentland Muu.
Volume 2 Page 252
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