Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


246 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [High Street. OF the house of Provost Nicol Edward (or Udward, to which we have referred) a very elaborate description is given in the work entitled ? Minor Alexander Clark?s house, at the same wynd head.? In after years the lintel of this house was built in to Ross?s Tower, at the Dean. It bore this legend :- ?THE LORD IS MY PROTECTOR, ALEXANDRUS CLARK.? Nicol Edward was Provost of Edinburgh in 1591, and his house was a large and substantial building of quadrangular form and elegant proportions. The Chancellor at this time was Sir John Maitland of Lethington, Lord Thirlestane. Moyses next tells us that on the 7th of February, George Earl of Huntly (the same fiery peer who fought the battle of Glenlivat), ? with his friends, to the number of five or six score horse, passed from his Majesty?s said house in Edinburgh, as intending to pass to a horse-race in Leith ; but after they came, they passed forward to the Queensferry, where they caused to stop the passing of all boats over the water,? and &ossing to Fife, attacked the Castle of Donnibristle, and slew ?? the bonnie Earl of Murray.? From this passage it would seem that if Huntly?s six score horse were not lodged in Nicol Edward?s house, they were probably billeted over all the adjacent wynd, which six years after was the scene of a homicide, that affords a remarkable illustration of the exclusive rule of master over man which then prevailed. On the first day of the sitting of Parliament, the 7th December, 1597, Archibald Jardine, niasterstabler and servitor to the Earl of Angus, was slain, through some negligence, by Andrew Stalker, a ,goldsmith at Niddry?s Wynd head, for which he was put in prison. Then the cry of ??Armour !? went through the streets, and all the young men of Edinburgh rose in arms, under James Williamson, their captain, ?? and desirit grace,? as Birrel records, ?for the young man who had done ane reckless deed. The King?s majesty desirit them to go to my Lord of Angus, the man?s master, and satisfy and carved his arms, with an anagram upon his name thus :- ?* VA @UN VOL h CHRIST ?- pacify his wrath, and he should be contentit to save his life.? James Williamson thereupon went to the Earl of Angus, and offered, in the name of the young men of the city, ? their manreid,? or bond of man-rent, to be ready to serve him in war and feud, upon which he pardoned the said Andrew Stalker, who was immediately released from prison. In December, 1665, Nicoll mentions that a doctor of physic named Joanna Baptista, acting under a warrant from his Majesty Charles II., erected a stage between the head of Niddry?s Wynd and Blackfriars? Wynd, whereon ?he vended his drugs, powder, and medicaments, for the whilk he received a great abundance of money.? In May, 1692, we read that William Livingstone, brother of the Viscount Kilsyth, a cavalier, and husband of the widow of Viscount Dundee, had been a prisoner in the Tolbooth from June, 1689, to November, 1690-seventeen months ; thereafter, that he had lived in a chamber in the city under a guard for a year, and that he was permitted to go forth for a walk daily, but still under the eye of a guard. In consequence of his being thus treated, and his rents being sequestrated by the Revolutionary Government, his fortune was entirely ruined. On his petition, the Privy Council now permitted him ? to go abroad under a sentinel each day.from morning to evening furth of the house of Andrew Smith, periwig-maker, at the head of Niddry?s Wynd,? he finding caution under A;1,500 sterling to remain a prisoner. Under an escort of dragoons he was permitted to leave the periwig-maker?s, and visit Kilsyth, after which he was confined in two royal castles and the Tolbooth till 1693, ?so that, as a writer remarks, ?in the course of the first five years of British liberty, Mr. Livingstone must have acquired a tolerably extensive acquaintance with the various forms and modes of imprisonment, so far as these existed in the northern section of the island.?
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High Street.] ST. MARY?S CHA4PEL. 247 made out by Latinising his name into Nz?choZaus Ea?wfirtus. It occupied the western side of Lockhart?s Court, and was accessible only by a deep archway. In an Act passed in 158r, ?<Anent the Cuinzie,? Alexander Clark of Balbirnie, Provost of Edinburgh, and Nicol Edward, whose houses were both in this wynd, are mentioned with others. The latter appears in 1585 in the Parliament as Commissary for Edinburgh, together with Michael Gilbert; and in 1587 he appears again in an Act of Parliament in favour of the Flemish craftsmen, whom James VI. was desirous of encouraging ; but, !est they should produce inferior work at Scottish prices, his Majesty, with the advice of Council, hes appointit, constitute, and ordainit, ane honest and discreit man, Nicolas Uduart, burgess of Edinburgh, to be visitor and overseer of the said craftsmen?s hail warks, steiks, and pieces . . . the said Nicolas sal have sic dueties as is contenit within the buke, as is commonly usit to be payit therfore in Flanderis, Holland, or Ingland ; I? in virtue of all of which Nicholas was freed froin all watching, warding, and all charges and impositions. In that court dwelt, in 17534761, George Lockhart of Carnwath One of the thirteen roonis in his house contained a mantelpiece of singular magnificence, that reached the lofty ceiling; but the house had a peculiar accessory, in the shape of (? a profound dungeon, which was only accessible by a secret trapdoor, opening through the floor of a small closet, the most remote of a suite of rooms extending along the south and west sides of the court. Perhaps at a time when to be rich was neither so common nor so safe as now, Provost Edward might conceal his hoards in this massy more.? The north side of Lockhart?s Court was long occupied by the family of Bruce of Kinnaird, the celebrated traveller. In Niddry?s Wynd, a little below Provost Edward?s house on the opposite side, stood St. Mary?s Chapel, dedicated to God and the Blessed Virgin Mary, according to Arnot, in 1505. Its foundress was Elizabeth, daughter of James, Lord Livingstone, Great Chamberlain of Scotland, and Countess of Ross-then widow of John Earl of Ross and Lord of the Isles, who, undeterred by the miserable fate of his father, drew on him, by his treasonable practices, the just vengeance of James III., and died in 1498. Colville of Easter U?emyss, and afterwards Richardson of Smeaton, became proprietors and patrons of this religious foundation ; and about the year 1600, James Chaliners, a macer before the Court of Session, acquired a right to the chapel, and in 1618 the Corporations of Wrights and Masons, known by the name of the United Incorporations of Mary?s Chapel, purchased this subject, ?where they still possess, and where they hold meetings,? says Arnot, writing in 1779. In the CaZedonian Mercury for 1736 we read that on St. Andrew?s Day the masters and wardens of forty masonic lodges met in St. Mary?s Chapel, and unanimously elected as their grand-master William Sinclair of Roslin, the representative of an ancient though reduced family, connected for several generations with Scottish freemasonry. For this ancient chapel a modern edifice was substituted, long before the demolition of Niddry?s Wynd; but the masonic lodge of Mary?s Chapel still exists, and we believe holds its meetings there. Religious services were last conducted in the new edifice when Viscountess Glenorchy hired it. She was zealous in the cause of religion, and conceived a plan of having a place of worship in which ministers of every orthodox denomination might preach; and for this purpose she had St. Mary?s Chapel opened on Wednesday, the 7th March, 1770, by the Rev. Mr. Middleton, the minister of a small Episcopal chapel at Dalkeith ; but she failed to secure the ministrations of any clergyman of the Established Church, though in 1779 the Rev. William Logan, of South Leith, a poet of some eminence in his time, gave his course of lectures on the philosophy of history in the chapel, prior to offering himself as a candidate for the chair of civil history in the University. On the east side of Niddry?s Wynd, nearly opp0- site to Lockhart?s Court, was a handsome house, which early in the eighteenth century was inhabited by the Hon. James Erskine, a senator, better known by his legal and territorial appellation of Lord Grange, brother of John Earl of Mar, who led? the great rising in 1715 on behalf of the Stuarts. He was born in 1679, and was called to the Scottish bar in 1705. He took no share in the Jacobite enterprise which led to the forfeiture of his brother, and the loss, ultimately of the last remains of the once great inheritance in the north from which the ancient family took its name. He affected to be a zealous Presbyterian and adherent of the House of Hanover, and as such he figures prominently in the ?? Diary? of the indus . trious \ffodrow, supplying that writer with many shreds of the Court gossip, which he loved so dearly ; but Lord Grange is chiefly remembered for the romantic story of his wife, which has long filled
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