Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


2 ~ 6 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [High Street specially excepted out of Cromwell?s act of indemnity for his loyalty), and David Earl of Wemyss. In the Edinburgh Courant for October 16th, 1707 (then edited by Daniel Defoe), we have the following advertisement from a quack in this locality :- Bow ot Edinburgh, at Williani Muidies, where the Scarburay woman sells the same.? Here, in the Nether Bow, dwelt a humble wigmaker and barber, named Falconer, whose son William, author of the beautiful and classic poem, ?The Shipwreck,? was born in 1730. The Nethei KNOX?S BED-ROOM. There is just now come to town the excellent Scarburay Water, good for all diseases whatsomever, except consumption ; and this being the time of year for drinking the same, especially at the fall of leaf and the bud, the price of each chapin bottle is fivepence, the bottle never required, or three shillings (Scots, gd. English) without the bottle. Any person who has a mind for the same may come to the Fountain Close within the Nether Bow was his playground in early years, and there-ere he became an apprentice on board a merchant vessel at Leith-with his deaf and dumb brother and sister, he shared in the sports and frolics of those who have all but himself long since passed into the realm of oblivion. As a poet, Falconer?s fame rests entirely on ?The Shipwreck,? which is a didactic as well as descriptive poem, and may well be recommended to the young sailor,
Volume 2 Page 216
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