Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [High Street. 2x2 hand; but we are told that ?? one sees in a moment that this is not a great publishing shop ; such weighty and laborious business would put to flight all the loves and graces that hover in the atmosphere of the place.? Millar was the successor of William Creech ; but how little could Alexander Arbuthnot, or worthy old Bassandyne, when struggling with iron types to print their famous Bible, and the works of David Lindesay, in the edifice which was not a bow-shot distant, have dreamed of such places or such bibliopoles ? KNOX?S STUDY. of the old city itself, is the ancient manse of John nature existing there, for it was inhabited long be
Volume 2 Page 212
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High StreetJ LORD BALMERINIO?S . HOUSE. 2?3 was promoted to the abbacy by James V. in 1539, and was canonised two years afterwards at Rome, according to Wilson; but no such name appears in Butler?s ? Lives of the Fathers.? Until within the last few years the whole of this portion of the High Street was remarkable for its ancient houses, all bearing unchanged the stamp filled?with consternation, but all escaped without injury. The ruins were removed, and on their site was built, in 1850, a very handsome Gothic church in connection with the Free Church body, and named after the Reformer. Its foundationstone was laid on the 18th of May, being a day memorable in the annals of the great Non-intrusion perfect longitudinal section through the edifice to the people without, presenting suddenly a scene as singular as some of those displayed by the diabZe boiteux to the gaze of the student Don Cleofas, when all the roofs of Madrid disappeared before him. Some of the inmates were seen in bed, others were partaking of their humble morning meal, and high up in the airy attic storey was seen an old crone on the creepie stool, smoking at her ingle Street, is an ancient stone land, on which is inscribed- R.H. . HODIE . MIHI . CRAS . TIBI . CVR . IGITVR . CVRAS There was a date, now unknown. This was the property of Alison Bassandyne, daughter of Thomas the printer, and spouse of John Ker, and by her and others disposed of to John Binning in March, 1624; but the alley was long called Bassandyne?s Close, till it took the name of Panmure, from the residence therein of John Maule of Inverkeilory,
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