Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


209 High StrcetJ THE LODGING OF THE EARLS OF CRAWFORD. remaining in prison for a tyme, being in health att night, upon the morn was found dead. It was thought that she had wronged herselfe, either by strangling or by poyson; but we leave that to the judgment of the Great Day.? She had likely died of grief and horror. On the same side or the street, and nearly opposite the head of Blackfriars Wynd, was the lodging or town house of the Earls of Crawford. unattractive modem block of biiildings occupies its site. In ?Lamont?s Diary? we read, that in 1649, Lady Pitarro, a sister of the Laird of Fordel-Henderson, ? was delated by many to be a witch; was apprehended and camed to Edinburghe, where she was keiped fast; and after Lord Spynie and was slain in 1607 by Lindesay of Edzell), was promoted to the command of the Royal Guards, over the head of the Master of Glammis, who resented this bitterly. ?Some bragging,? says Moyse, ?followed thereupon betwixt him and the Earl of Bothwell, who took part with the Earl of Crawford and his brother against the Master of Glarnrnis, and both parties having great companies attending them, some tumult was It is mentioned in ?Moyse?s Memoirs,? when occupied by David ninth Earl of Crawford, in 1588, about the time when Francis Stewart Earl of Bothwell was alternately the pest and terror of James VI. Sir Alexander Lindesay, brother of the Earl of Crawford (a gentleman who was created ALLAN RAMSAY?S SHOP, HIGH STKEET.
Volume 2 Page 209
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