Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . --c- THE OLD CHURCH OF ST . CUTHBERT?S AND THE NORTH LOCH (after CZffSh of Eldin).-Rrontisrp;eCr. Keys of the City of Edinburgh . . . . . Paul?s Work . . . . . . . . Illustrated Heading ; . . . . . . The .. Maiden . . . . . . . . . The ?White Horse? Inn . . . . . Fac-simile of a View of Edpburgh in 1 5 4 . . Common SealofEdinburgh . . . . . Counter Seal of the Above . . . . . John Kay (1786) . . . . . . . Urn found at the Dean . . . . . . The Roman Road. near Portobello-The. ? Fishwives? Causeway . . . . . . . . . Arthur?s Seat. from St . Leonards The Arms of the City of Edinburgh . . . . . Fac-simile of a View of the Old Town. from a housetop at theTronChurch . . . . . Bird?s-eye View of the Castle and City of Edinburgh Dungeons in the Castle. below Queen Mary?s Room . . . . . St . Margaret?s Chapel. Edinburgh Castle . . . Chancel Arch of S t. Margaret?s Chapel ?Wallace?s Cradle. .. Edinburgh Castle Edinburgh Castle. as it was before 1573 . . . . . . . . . Ruins of the Well-house Tower . . . . The Royal Lodging or Palace. from the Grand Parade Prospect of Edinburgh. from the North. 1693 (ajm EdinburghCastle in 1647 . . . . . . The Blue Blanket. or Standard of the Incorporated Tradesof Edinburgh . . . . . . . James Hamilton. Earl of Arran ; John Erskine. Earl of Mar; Archibald, Earl ofAngus; The Regent Moray Plan of Edinburgh. showing the Flodden Wall . . Edinburgh. from the North and South . . . John Duke of Albany. and Queen Margaret . . Edinburgh Castle. from the South-west . . . Stone which formerly stood over the Barrier-gateway of Edinburgh Castle . . . . . . Room in Edinburgh Castle in which James VI . was born Ancient Postern and Turret near the Queen?s Post . EntaSlature above the Gateway. Edinburgh Castle . Reduced Fac-simile of a Plan of the Siege of Edinburgh Castle in 1573 . . . . . . . Sleaer) . . . . . Tufacepagt? Cipher of Lord Darnley and Queen Mary . . . The Regent Morton . . . . . . . PAGl U xi I 4 5 2 E 5 Ia I2 13 I6 16 I7 2a 24 25 28 29 32 33 33 21 36 37 40 41 44 4s 46 46 48 49 51 52 53 PAGE Covenanter?s Flag . . . . . . . 54 South Side of Edinburgh Castle . . . . 56 Edinburgh from the South. in 1650 . . . . 57 Mons Meg. Edinburgh Castle . . . . . 60 Order of Cavalcade at the Openlng of the First Parliamentof JamesVII . . . . . . 61 Thumbikin . . . . . . . . 62 Fa-simile of the Medal of the Edinburgh Revolution 8 Club . . . . . . . . . . 63 Edinburgh from Mons Meg Battery . To fut pagc 65 Inner Gateway of the Castle . . . . . 65 Royal Lodging and Half-Moon Battxy . . . 68 The Crown.room. Edinburgh Castle . . . . 69 TheRegaliaof Scotland . . . . . . 72 Plan of the City and Castle of Edinburgh in I742 . 73 Chest in which the Regalia were found . . . 76 Edinburgh. from the King?s Bastion. 182s . . . 77 Edinburgh Castle. from the King?s Mews, 1825 . . 80 Ground Plan of Edinhurgh Castle in the present day . 81 Memorial Cross to the 78th Highlanders. Esplanade. Prospect of Edinburgh Castle from the East in 1779 . Edinburgh Castle. from Kirkbraehead . . * 64 Runic Cross. Castle Bank . . . . . . 79 EdinburghCastle . . . . . . . 84 The Castle Hill. 1S45 . . . . . . 58 Allan Ramsay?s House . . . . . . Sg 85 Cannon Ball in Wall of House in Castle Hill . . 90 rhomas Guthrie. D.D. . . . . . . gz Duke of Gordon?s House. Blair?s Close. Castle Hill . 93 Assembly Hall . . . . . . . . 96 Edinburgh Old Town. from Salisbury Crags To facepage 97 TheOratoryof Maryof Guise . . . . . 97 3ak Door. from the Guise Palace . . . . 98 Lord Semple?s House. Castle Hill . . . . 100 Mary of Guise . . . . . . . . 101 The Lawnmarket. from St . Giles?s. 1825 . . . 105 Lady Stair?s Close . . . . . . . 107 31d Timber-fronted House. Lawnmarket . . . 108 3ladstone?s Land . . . . . . . 109 Plan of Edinburgh. from the Castle to St . Giles?s . 112 Bailie Macmorran?s House . . . . . . 113 Room in Bailie Macmorran?s House . . . . 114 Lantern and Keys of Deacon Brodie . . . . 115 The Lawnmarket. from the SiteoftheWeigh.house. 1825 104
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LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS . xi .. P Deacon Brodie . . . . . . . . The First Interview in 1786: Deacon Brodie and George Smith-? . . . . . . . Sir George Lockhart of Carnwath . . . . Robert Gourlay?s House . . . . . . John Dowie?s Tavern . . . . . . . John Dowie . . . . . . . . Edinburgh. from St . Cuthbert?s to St . Giles?s . . Interior of the Signet Library . . . . . The Heart of Midlothian . . . Tofacrpq Relics from the Tolbooth. now in the Scottish Antiquarian Museum . . . . . . . Lord Monboddo . . . . . . . The Tolbooth . . . . . . . . The Guard-house and Black Turnpike . . . The City Guard-house . . . . . . Three Captains of the City Guard . . . . LochaberAxes of thecity Guard . . . . Sed of St . Giles . . . . . . . The Norman doorway. St . Giles?s. which was destrojed towards the end of the eighteenth century . . John Knox?s Pulpit. St . Giles?s . . . . . The Lantern and Tower of St Giles?s Church . . Plan of St . Giles?s Church. prior to the alterations in 1829 Jenny Geddes? Stool . . . . . . . Carved Centre Groin Stone or Boss . . . . Interior of the High Church. St . Giles?s . . . St . Giles?s Church in the present day . . . . Grave of John Knox . . . . . . . The City Cross . . . . . . . . Creech?s Land . . . . . . . . William Creech . . . . . . . . The Old Parliament House . . . . . . Great Hall. Parliament House . . To facepage Parliament House . . . . . . . Parliament House in the present day . . . . Union Cellar . . . . . . . . View from the Cowgate of the Buildings on the South side of the Parliament Close. the highest buildings Plan of the Parliament House and Law Courts . . Ruins in Parliament Square after the Great Fire. in in Edinburgh. 1794 . . . . . . Interior of the Justiciary Court . . . . . November. 1824 . . . . . . . George Heriot?s Drinking Cup . . . . . Sir William Forbes. of Pitsligo . . . . . November. 1824 . . . . . . Ruins in the old Market Close after the Great Fire of The Parliament Stairs . . . . . . Dr . Archibald Pitcairn . . . . . . Seal of Arnauld Lammius . . . . . Cleriheugh?s Tavern . . . . . . . The Town Council Chamber. Royal Exchange To facepage General View of the Ruins after the Great Fire of November. 1824 . . . . . . PAGE Tal1y.stick. bearing date of 1692 . . . . 186 General Planof the RoyalExchange . . . 188 TheRoyalExchange . . . . . . 189 New Year?s Eve at the Tron Church . To faccpage 15- Andrew Crosby . . . . . . . 192 The OldTronChurch . . . . . . 193 PlanofEdinburgh. fromSt.Giles?s toHackerston?s Wynd 197 The Nether Bow Port. from the Canongate . . 201 Edinburgh. from St . Giles?s Church to the Canongate . 205 Allan Ramsay . . . . . . . . z08 AllanRamsay?sShop. Highstreet . . . . mg Knox?s Study . . . . . . . . 212 John Knox?s House . . . . Tofwepegr zq Portrait and Autograph of John Knox . . . 213 Knox?s Bed-room . . . . . . . 216 Knox?s Sitting-room . . . . . . . 217 The Excise Office at the Nether Bow . . . . 220 The Nether Bow Port, from the High Street . . 221 House of Lord Advocate Stewart. at the foot of Advocates? Close. west side . . . . . 223 William Chambers . . . . . . . 224 Robert Chambers . . . . . . . 224 Advocates? Close . . . . . . . 225 Stamp OfficeClose . . . . . . . 229 Fleshmarket Close . . . . . . . 232 Susanna. Countessof Eglinton . . . . . 233 Lintels of Doorways in Dawney Douglas?s Tavern . 236 Mylne?s Square . . . . . . . . 237 St . Paul?s Chapel. Carrubber?s Close . . . . 240 House in High Street with memorial window. ?? Heave awa. lads, I?mno deidyet I ? . . . . 241 Ruins in the Old Assembly Close. after the Great Fire. November. 1824 . . . . . . . 244 GeorgeBuchanan . . . . . . . 248 St . Cecilia?s Hall . . . . . . . 252 House of the Abbots of Melrose. Strichen?s Close . 256 Tiding Pin. from Lady Lovat?s House. Blackfriars Wynd 258 House of the Earls of Morton. Blackfriars Street . 260 Stone. showing the Armorial Bearings of Cardinal Beaton. from his house. Blackfriars Wynd % . 261 . . . . . . Blackfriars Wynd * 257 Cardinal Beaton?sHouse . . . . . . 264 Edinburgh United Industrial School . . . . 265 Lintelof theDoor of theMint . . . . . 267 Theold ScottishMint . . . . . . 268 Kelicsof the old Scottish Mint . . . . . 269 Elphinstone Court . . . . . . . 272 The Earl of Selkirk?s qouse. Hyndford?s Close (South view) . . . . . . . . 273 TheEarlofSelkirk?sHouse. Hyndford?sClose(Westview) 276 Tweeddale House . 277 The Scokman Office . . . . . . . 284 Lord Cockburn Street and Back of the Royal Exchange Tofiepap 285 Alexander Russel . . . . . . . 285 Interior of Trinity College Church. Jeffrey Street . 288 . . . . . .
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