Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


iv OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. CHAPTER VII. PAGE EDINBURGH CASTLE (conclzded). . The Torture of Neville Payne-Jacobite Plots-Entombing the Regalia-Project for Surprising the Foltress-Right of Sanctuary Abolished -Lord Drummond's Plot-Some Jacobite Prisoners-'' Rebel Ladies"- James Macgregor-The Castle Vaults-Attempts at Escape- Fears as to the Destruction of the Crown, Sword, and Sceptre-Crown-room opened in 1794-Again in 1817, and the Regalia brought forth-Mons Megseneml Description of the whole Castle . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . 66 CHAPTER VIII. . THE CA~STLE HILL. Doyglas-Castle Hill Promenade-Question as to the Proprietary of the Esplanade and Castle Hill . . . . . . . . The Esplanade or Castle Hill-The Castle Banks-The Celtic Crosses-The Secret Passage and Well house Tower-The Church on the Castle Hill-The Reservoir-The House of Allan Ramsay-Executions for Treason, Sorcery, &.-The Master of Forbes-Lady Jane 79 CHAPTER IX. THE CASTLE HILL (conczuded). 'Dr. Guthrie's O~pinal Ragged School-Old Homes in the Street of the Castle Hill-Duke of Gordon's House, Blair's Close-Webster's Close -Dr. Alex. Webster-Eoswell s Court-Hyndford House-Assembly Hdl-Houses of the Marquis of Argyle, Sir Andrew Kennedy, the Earl of Cassillis, the Laud of cockpen--Lord Semple's House-Lord Semple-Fah of Mary of Guise-Its Fate . . . . 87 CHAPTER X. T H E LAWNMARKET. The Lawnmarket-RiSjt-The Weigh-houstMajor Somerville and captain Crawford-AndeMn's Pills-Myhe's Court-James's Gourt-Sir John Lauder-Sir Islay Campbell-David Hume--" Cprsica" Boswell-Dr. Johnso-Dr. Blki-" Gladstone's Land "-A Fire in 1771 94 CHAPTER XI. THE LAWNMARKET (continued). Lady Stair's Close-Gray of Pittendrum-"Aunt Margaret's M rror"-The Marshal Earl and Countess of Stair-Miss Feme-Sir Richard Steel-Martha Countess of Kincardine-Bums's Room in Barfer's C1o.e-The Eridges' Shop ih Bank Stxet-Bailie MacMorran's Story-Sir Francis Grant of Cullen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I02 CHAPTER XII. THE LAWNMARKET' (continued). The Story of Deacon Brodie-His Career of Guilt-Hanged on his own Gibbet-Mauchine's Close, Robet? Gourlay's Hoiise and the other Old Houses therein-The Rank of Scotland, 16~5-Assassination of Sir Gorge hckhart-Taken Red Hand-Punishment of Chiesly I12 CHAPTER XIII. THE LAWNMARKET (concluded). Gosford's Close- The Town House of the Abbot of Cambu~kcnncth-Tennant's House-Mansion of the Hays-Liberton's Wynd-Johnnie Dowie's Tavern-Burns a d His Songs-The Place of Execution-Birthplace of "The Man of Feeling"-The Mirror Club- Forrester's Wynd-The Heather Stacks in the Houses-Peter Williamn-Beith's Wynd-Habits of the Lawnmarket Woollen Traders-"Lawnmarket Gazettes "-Melbourne Place-The County Hall-The Signet and Advocates' Libraries . . . . . I I8 CHAPTER XIV. T H E TOLBOOTH. Memori-1s of the Heart of Midlothian, or Old Tolbooth-Sir Walter Scott's Description-The Early Tolhth-The "Robin Hod" Disturbances-Noted Prison-Entries from the Records--Lord Burleigh's Attempts at Escape-The Porteous Mob-The Stories of Katherine Nairne and of Jam- Hay-The Town Guard-The Royal Bedesmen . . . . . . . . . . . . 12;
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CONTENTS. B CHAPTER XV. . THE CHURCH OF ST. GILES. PAGE SL Giles?s Church-The Patron Saint-Its Wgh and early Norman style-The Renovation of xEzg-History of the StrucsPmcession of the Saint?s Relics-The Preston Relic-The Chapel of the Duke of Albany-Funeral of the Regent Morray-The ?Gude Regent?s Aisle?-The Assembly Aisle-Dispute between James VI. and the Church Part-Departure of James VI.-Haddo?s Hole-The Napier Tomb-The Spire and Iantun--Clak and Bells-The Krames-Restoration of 1878 . . . . . . . 1.38 . . CHAPTEK XVI. THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF ST. GILES?S. St Giles?s Churchyard-The Maison Dieu-The Clam-shell Turnpike-The Grave of Knox-The City C-The Summons of Pint- Executions : Kirkaldy, Gilderoy, and othe-The Caddies-The Dyvours Stane-The LnckenboobThe Auld Kirk Style-Byre?s Lodging--Lord Coaktoun?s Wig-Allan Ramsay?s Library and ?? Creech?s Land?-The Edinburgh Halfpenny . . . . . 1 4 f . CHAPTEK XVII. ? THE PARLIAMEXT HOUSE. Site of the Parliament Iiouse-The Parliament Hall-Its fine Roof-Proportions-Its External Aspect of Old-Pictures and Statues-The Great South Window-The Side Windows-Scots Prisoners of War-General Monk Feasted-A Scene with Gen. DalyeU-The Fire of 17-Riding of the Parliament-The Union-Its due Effects and ultimate good Results-Trial of Covenanters . . . . . 157 CHAPTER XVIII. THE PARLIAMENT HOUSE (continued). The Faculty of Advocates-The Wr:ters to the Signet-Solicitors before the Supreme Court-The First Lords of Session-The Law Courts- The Court of Session: the Outer and Inner HousesXollege of Justice-Supreme Judicature Court-Its Corrupt Nature-How Justice used to be defatec-Abduction of Lord Dune-Some Notable Senators?of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries: Lord0 Fountainhall, Covington, Monboddo, Kames, Hailes, Gardenstone. Amiston, Balmuto, and Hermand . . . . . , I66 CHAPTER XIX. THE PARLIAMENT CLOSE. Probable Extinction of the Court of Scion-Memorabiliaof the Parliament Close?and Square-Goldsmiths of the OldenTime-Gearge Heriot- HIS Workshop-His Interview with James VI.-Peter Williamson?s Tavern-Royal Exchange-Statueof Charles 11.-Bank of Satha- The Fire of 17-The Work of Restoration-John Row?s Coffee-house-John?s Coffee-house-SylvesterOtwaFSir W. Forbes?s Bank- 6ir Walter Scott?s Eulogy on Sir Willkm Forks-John Kay?s Print-shopThe Parliament ShirsiJames Sibbald-A Libel Gsc-Fire in Junz IllatDr. Archibald Pitcairn-lhe ?Greping Office?-Painting of King Charles?s Statue White-Seal of Arnauld Lzmmiua 174 CHAPTER XX. THE ROYAL EXCHAGGE-THE TRON CHURCH-THE GREAT FIRE OF NOVEMBER, 18% The Royal Exchange-Laying the Foundation Stone-Description of the Exchanee-The Mysterious Statue-The Council Chamber- Convention of Rayal Burghs : Constitution thereof, and Powers-Writers? Court-The s? Star and Garter ? Tavern-Sir Walter Scotth Account of the Scene at Clenheugh?s-Lawyers? High Jinks-The Tron Church-History of the Old Church-The Great Fire of 18z4-1nddents of the ConAagration-The Ruin9 Undermined-Blown up by Captain Head of the Engioew . . . . 183 CHAPTER XXI. T H E H I G H S T R E E T . A Place for Blawling-First Paved and Lighted-The Meal and Flesh Market-State of the Streets-Municipal Regnlations 16th Ccntury- Tulzies-The Lairds of Airth and Wemyss-The Tweedies of Drumrnelzier-A Montrose Quarrel-The Slaughter of Lord T o r t h d d -A Brawl in 1705-Attacking a Sedan Chair-Habits in the Seventeenth Century-Abduction of Women and Girls-Sumptuary Laws against Women . , . . - . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . 191 CHAPTER XXII. THE HIGH STREET (continucd). Thc City in 1598-Fynes Morison on the Manners of the Inhabitants-Tle ?Lord? Provost of Edinburgh-Police of the City-Taylor the Water Poet-Banquets at the Cross-The hard Case of the Earl of Traquair-A Visit of H-The Quack and his Acrobats-A Procession of Covenanters-Early Stages and Street Caaches--Salc of a Dancing-girl-Constables appointed in Ip-First Numher of the Courrmt-The Cnledomian Mercwy-Carting away of the strata of Street Filth-Candition of old Houses . . . . . 198
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