Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


CONTENTS. ix CHAPTER XLVII. MOULTRAY'S HILL-HER MAJESTY'S GENERAL REGISTER HOUSE. PAGE The Moultrays of that Ilk-Village of Moultray's Hill-The Chapel of St. Ninian-St James's Square-Bunker's Hill-Mr. Dundas-Rob& Bums's House-State of the Scottish Recdrds-Indifference of the Government in 174a-The Register House built-Its Objects and Size<urious Documents preserved in this House-The Ofice of Lord Clerk Register-The Secretary's Register-The Register of Sashes-The Lyon King of Arms-Sir David Lindesay-Si James Balfour-Si Alexander Erskine-New Register HoustGreat and privy Seals of Scotland-The Wellington Statue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364 CHAPTER XLVIII. THE S O U T H B R I D G E . Marlii's Wynd-Legend of the Pavior-Peebles Wynd-The Bridge Founded-Price of Sites-Laing's Book Shop-The Assay Office and Goldsmith's Hall-Mode of Marking the Plate-The Corporation, and old Acts concerning it-Hunter's SquarGMerchant Company's Hall-The Company's Charter-"The Stock of Broom"-Their Monopoly and Progress-The Great Schools of the Merchant Company-The Chamber .of Commerce-Adam Square-Adam's Houses-Dr. Andrew Duncan-Leonard Homer and the Watt Institution-Its Progress and Vitality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373 CHAPTER XLIX. THE PLEASANCE 'AND ST. LEONARDS. The Convent of St. Mary-Friends' Burial PlactOld Chirurgeon's Hall-Surgeon's Square-" Hamilton's Folly "-The Gibbet-Chapel and Hospital of St. Leonard-Davie Deans' Cottage-The .. IMOCCnt Railway "-First Public Dispensary . . . . . . 382 KEYS OF THE CITY OF EDINBURGH.
Volume 2 Page 391
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