Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


CONTENTS. vii . CHAPTER XXXI. PAGE ALLEYS OF THE HIGH STREET (continued). Blackfriars Wynd-The Grant of Alexander 11.-Bothwell slays Si Williiam Stewar-Escape of Archbishop Sharpe-Cameronian Meetinghouse- The House of the Regent Morton-Catholic Chapels of the Eighteenth Century-Bishop Hay-"No Popery" Riots- Baron Smith's Chapel-Scottish Episcopalians-House of the Prince of Orkney- Magnificence of Earl Wdliam Sinclair-Cfudinnl Beaton's House-The Cardinal's Armorial Bearings-Historical Assw$arions of his House-Its Ultimate Occupants-The United IndusWSchool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . 258 CHAPTER XXXII. ALLEYS OF THE HIGH STREET (continued). Toddrick's Wynd-Banquet to the Danish Ambassador and Nobles-Lord Leven's House in Skinner's Close-The Fim Mint Houses- The Mint-Scottish Coin-Mode of its Manufacture-Argyle's Lodging-Dr. Cullen-Elphinstone's Court--Lords Laughborough and Stonefield-Lard Selkirk-Dr. Rutherford, the Inventor of Gas . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 CHAPTER XXXIII. ALLEYS OF THE HIGH STREET (concluded). The House of the Earls of Hyndford-The l'hree Rornps'of Monreith-Anne, Conntess of Balcarris-South Foulid Qosc-The "Endnrylie's Well"-Fountain Close-The House of Bailie Fullerton-Purchase of Property for the Royal College of Physicians-New Episcopal Chapel-Tweeddale Close-The House of the Marquis of Tweeddale-Kise of the British Linen Compmy-The Mysterious Murder of Begbie-The World's End Close-The Stanfield Tragedy-Titled Raidenters in Old Town C h e s . . . . . . 274 CHAPTER XXXIV. NEW STREETS WITHIN THE AREA OF THE FLODDEN WALL. Lord Cockburn Street-Lord Cockhnrn-The Scobman Newspaper-Charles Mackren and Alexander Kussel-The Queen's Edinburgh Rifle Brigade-St. Giles Street-Sketch of the Rise of Journalism in Edinburgh-The Edidurgk Couramt-The Dai& Review- Jeffrey Street-New Trinity College Church . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 CHAPTER XXXV. NEW STREETS WITHIN THE AREA OF THE FLODDEN WALL (ctmcluded). Victoria Street and Terrace-The I n d i Buildings-Mechanics' Subscription Libraq-Gwrge IV. Bridge-St. Augustine's Church-Martyrs' Church-Chamber of the Hqhlandaud Apicnltural Sodety--SheriffCourt Bddbgs a d sohitors' Hall-Johnstone Terace-St. John's Free Church-The Church of Scotland Training Ihllege . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291 CHAPTER XXXVI. ST. MARY'S WYND. St. Mary's Wynd and Street-Sir David Annand-St. Mary's Cisterdan Conrentand Hospital-Bothwell's Brawl in I+-T?I~ Caagate Port- Rag Fair-The Ladies of Traquair-Ramsay's "White Horsc '' Inn-Pasqnale de Paoli-Ramsay Retires with a Fortune-Boyd's '' White Horse" Inn-Patronised by Dr. Johnson-Improvements in the Wynd-Catholic Institute-The Oldest Doorhead in the City 297 CHAPTER XXXVII. LEITH WYND. Leith Wynd-Our Lady's Hospital-Paul's Work-The Wall of 1540-ItO Fall in 1854-The "Happy Land"-Mary of Gueldns-Trinity College Church-Some Particulars of its Charter-Interior View-Decorations-Enlargement of the Establishment-Privileges of its Ancient Officers-The Duchess of Lennox-Lady Jane Hamilton-Curious Remains-Trinity Hospital-Sir Simon Preston's " Public Spirit "-Become a Corporation Charity-Description of Buildings-Provision for the Inmates--Lord Cockburn's Female Pdon-Demolition of the Hospital-Other Charities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 CHAPTER XXXVJII. T H E W E S T B O W . %e West Bow-Quaint Ciaracter of its Houses-Its Modern Aspact-Houses of the Tunplar Knighrs-The Bowfoot Well-The Bow Port-The Bow-head-Major Weir's Land-History of Major Thomas WeL-Personal Appearance-His Powdd Prayers-The 'I Holy Sisters "-The Bowhead Saints-Weir's Reputed Compact with the Devil-Sick-bed Confession-ht-Search of his House--Prison Confession-Trial of Him and His Sister Grizel-Execution-What was Weir ?-His Sister undoubtedly Mad-Terrible Reputation of the Houw-Untenanted for upwards of a Century-Patullo's Experience of a Cheap Lodging-Weir's Land Improd Out of Existence -Hall of the Knights of St. John-A Mysterious House-Samerville Mmsion-The Assembly Rooms--Opposed by the Bigotry of the Times-The LPdy-Directress-Curioua Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .309
Volume 2 Page 389
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