Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


vi OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. CHAPTER XXIII. , THE HIGH STREET (continued). PAGR ' The Black Turnpike-Bitter Reception of Quem Mary-Lambie's Bannei-Mary in the Black Turnpike-The House of Fenton-Its Picturesque Appearance-The House of Bassandyne the Printer, 1574-" Bishop's Land," Town House of AKhbhhop Spottiswood- Its various Tenants-% Stuart Thriepland-The Town-house of ths Hendersons of Fordel-The Lpdging of the Earls of Crawford- The First Shop of Allan Rams.g-The Religious Feeling of the People-Ancrum House-The First Shop of .Constable and Co.- Manners and Millar, Booksellers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204 - CHAPTER XXV. THE HIGH STREET (coalinued). The Neighbourhood of Knox's House-Mmerino Mansion-Singular Accident-The Knos Memorial ChurchSociety CI-John Knox's House-The '' Preaching Window "-His Wives-Attempted Aqmsination-Last Sermon-Death and Burial-James of Jerusalem-House of Archbishop Sharp-The Birthplace of W i l l i FaIconef-Old Excise Offices-The Nether Bow Part-The Earlier Gate-Th; Regent Morton's Surp<se Party-Tne Last Gate-Its Demolition . . . . . . . . . . 212 CHAPTER XXV. THE HIGH STREET (continued). Thz Ancient Markets-The House of Adam Bothwell, Bishop of Orkney-The Bishop and Queen Mary-His Sister Anne-Sir William Dick of Braid-His Colossal Wealth-Hard Furtune-lhe "Lamentable State "-Advocates' Close-Sir lames S.ewart's Holm-Andrew CroSbie, *' Counsehx Pleydell "-Scougal's House-His Picture Gallery-Roxburgbe Close-Warriston's Close-Lord Philiphaugh's House-Bmce of Binning's Mansion-Mess=. W. and R. Chambers's Printing and Publishing Establishment--History of the Firm- House of Sir Thomas Craig-Sir Archibald Johnston of Wariston . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 CHAPTER XXVI. THE HIGH STREET (continued). M q Rig's Cke-Who was Mary ?-Scourged by the Plague of *s-Its Mystery-Drummond's Epigram-hf. Sirtclaifs 'I Satan's ' Invklble World Discovered $'-MT. and Mrs. Coltheart's Ghostly Visitors-The Close finally abandoned to Goblins-Craig's Close- Andro Hart, Bookseller and Printer-Andro Hart's Spear-A Menagefie in Craig's ClostThe Isle of Man Arms-The Cape Club- Its Mysteries and OCcegInstallation of a Knight-Provincial Cape ClubbThe Poker ClukHow it Originated-Membm- Office-bearc+OId Stamp Office Court-Fortune's Tavern-The beautiful Countess of Eglinton-Her Patronage of Letters-Her Family-Interview with Dr. Johnson-Murderous Riot in the Close-Removal of the Stamp Office . . . . . . . 227 CHAPTER XXVII. THE HIGH STREET (continued). Tie Anchor Close-Dawney Douglas% Taw-The 'a Crnwn Rwm"-The Crochallan Club-Members-Burns among the Crochallan Fencihles-Smellie's Printing Of5ctDandas's House, Fleshmarket Clo~-Mylne's Squue-Lord Alva's How-The Countess of Sutherland and Lady Glenorchy-Birthplace of Fergucson-Halkerston's Wynd Port-Kinloch's Close-Carmbber's Close-The Episcopal Chapel-Clam Shell Land--Captain Matthew Henderson-Allan Ramsay's Theatre-Its later Tenants-The Tailor's Hall- Bailie Fyfe's Closc-" Heave awa' lads, I'm no deid yet "-Chalmers' Close-Hope's House-Sandiland's Close-Bishop Kennedy's Housc-Grant's Close-Baron Grant's H-se . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 CHAPTER XXVIII. THE HIGH STREET (continre.l). The Salamander Land "-The Old Fihmarka Close-Heriot's Mansion-The Decnste<s Hmse-Borthwick's ClostLmd Durie's House -Old Assembly Rooms-Edinburgh Assemblies, I/ZO-S3-MiSS Nicky Murray-Formalities of the Balls-Ladies' Fashions-Assemblies Removed to Bell's Wynd-Blair Street and Hunter's Square-Kennedy's Close-George Buchanan's Death--Nidd,y's Wynd-Nicoi Edwards' House-A Case of Homicide in 1597-A Quack Dacta-Livingstone's Liberty . . . . . . . . . . 24." , CHAPTER XXIX. THE HIGH STREET (confinued.) Niddry's Wynd --Provast Edwads House-Lmkhart's Court-St. Mary's Chapel-Masonic Lodge Meetings-Vintess Glenorchy-The Story of Lady Graoge-St. Cecili'. Hall-Its Old-fashioned Concerts-The Belles of the Etghteenth Century-The Name Niddry . 246 . CHAPTER XXX. THE HIGH STREET (confinued). Dicksons' and Cant's Closes-The House of the " Scottish Hogarth and the Knight of Tillybole-Rosehaugh's, or Strichen's, Close-House of the Abbots of Melrose-Sir George Mackenzie of Rosehaugh-Lady Anne Dick-Lord Strichen-The Manners of 1730-Provost Griey-John Dhu, Corporal of the City Guard-Lady Lovdtk Land-Walter Chapman, Printer-Lady Lovat . . . . . 253
Volume 2 Page 388
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