Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


mission, though in a foreign army. After suffering a month's imprisonment, they were glad to profess PLAN OF EDINBURGH, FROM sr. GILES'S TO HACKBRSTON'S WYND. (Aftpy Gordm ofbotkicnury..) . Q The High Street; 11, The Tolbooth ; 12, The High Cross or Market Cross ; 13, The Tmn : 19, Meal Market : 10, The Parliament House : 23, The Fish Market ; 23. The Flesh Market ; 38, S. Monan's Wynd ; 39, FEh Market Wynd : 40, Borthwick's Wynd ; 41, Conn's Close; 42, Bell's Wynd : 43. Steven Law's Close ; 44, Peebles Wynd ; 45, Marlin's Wynd ; 46, Niddry's Wynd ; 47, Dickson's Close ; 48, The Blackfriars Wynd ; 57, Hackenton's Wynd ; m, The Great Kxk, or St. Giles's Kirk ; n, The Tron Kirk. dwelling-house, about eight in the evening, accompanied by her orphan granddaughter, then fourteen Privy Council (as its record attests), and thus to During the preceding century the abduction of women and girls was no uncommon thing in Edinburgh. On the 8th December, 1608, Rfargaret . Stewart, a widow, complained to the Privy Council - obtain their liberty. beset her, with six men armed like himself, with swords, gauntlets, steel bonnets, and plate sleeves, and violently took the child from her, despite her tears and manifold supplications. For this Geddes was outlawed; and soon after the Privy Council was compelled to renew some
Volume 2 Page 197
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