Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


332 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [1745- General Preston saluted with cannon the officers of State who returned to Edinburgh on the 13th November, and hauled down his colours, which had been flying since the 16th of September. Guest then assumed the command, and was nobly rewarded, while Preston was consigned to neglect, and the humble memorial of his long service was laid in vain before the Duke of Cumberland. Thus he reaped no advantage from his loyal adherence to confined in damp vaults, and treated by the imtated soldiers with every indignity and opprobrium. To these were soon added a multitude of prisoners of all ranks, belonging to the regiments of Buckley, Berwick, and Clare, of the Irish Brigade in the French service, captured by the Mi&~ord Haven (40 guns), on board the Luis XK, off Montrose. On the 9th December, Lord John Drummond, en route to join the Prince in England, marched THE WEIGH-HOUSE (From a Drawk~ ay Storcr, #ubZished in 1820.) the House of Hanover, whose policy it was then to slight the Scots in every way. By a letter from the Lord President to the Marquis of Tweeddale (the last Scottish Secretary of State), we learn that at this crisis bank notes had ceased to be current, that all coin was locked up, ?so that the man of best credit in this country cannot command a shilling;? that bills on Edinburgh or London were of no value ; and that bills drawn for the subsistence of the Earl of Loudon?s regiment had been returned protested. On the departure of the Prince the Castle was crowded with those persons who had fallen under the suspicion of Government ; among these were -Alexander Earl of Kellie, and upwards of sixty gentlemen, all of whom were heavily ironed, closely through Edinburgh, with 800 men and a train of 18-pounders. He sent a drummer to the Castle to effect an exchange of these prisoners, without avail; and sixteen who were proved to have been deserters from our army in Flanders were thrown into the Castle pit, from whence four were taken to the gallows in the Grassmarket. In the same month young Macdonald of Kinlochmoidart, aidedecamp to the Prince, was treacherously captured in the night, near Lesmahago, by the Reverend Mr. Linning, who, as the price of his blood, received the incumbency of that parish, acccrding to ? Forbes?s Memoirs ? ; and from the Castle he was taken to Carlisle, where he was hanged, drawn, and quartered. About the end of November, when the High
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