Edinburgh Bookshelf

Old and New Edinburgh Vol. II


318 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [The West Bow. Jambites pointing t a it with mingled howls and jeers, as a proof of the enslavement of Scotland.?? Outside the archway of the Bow Port, and on the west side of the street, was the house of Archibald Stewart, Lord Provost of Edinburgh in the ever memorable year 1745. Its upper windows overlooked the Grassmarket, and it was as full of secret stairs, trap-doors, little wainscoted closets, and concealed recesses, as any haunted mansion in a nursery tale. In one apartment there stood a cabinet, or what appeared to be such, but which in reality was the entrance to a trap-stair. It is unknown whether Provost Stewart-whose Jacobite proclivities are well known, as they brought him before a court on charges of treason-contrived this means of retreat, or whether (which is more probable) it had been a portion of the original design of the house ; but local tradition avers that he turned it to important use on one occasion. , It is said that during the occupation of Edinburgh by the Highland army in 1745 he gave a secret entertainment to Prince Charles and some of the chiefs of his army ; and it was not conducted so secretly but that tidings of it reached the officer commanding in the adjacent Castle, which was then garrisoned chiefly by the 47th or Lascelles Regiment. A party of the latter was sent to seize the Prince if possible, and, to do so, came down the Bow from the street of the Castle Hill. Fortunately, their own appearance created an alarm, and before they gained admission the guests of the Provost had all disappeared by the?secret stair. Tradition has never varied in the relation of this story, but the real foundation of it is difficult of discovery, This house stood at the foot of Donaldson?s Close, and Archibald Stewart was th(! third chief magistrate of Edinburgh who had inhabited it. In subsequent years it came into possession of Alexander. Donaldson, the well-known bookseller, .whose litigation with the trade in London made much noise at one time, as he was in the habit of deliberately reprinting the most modem English works in Edinburgh, where, before his epoch, both printing and publishing were at the lowest ebb. Refemng to the state of this branch of industry at the time he wrote (1779), Arnot says:--?Till within these forty years, the printing of newspapers and of school-books, of the fanatic effusions of Presbyterian clergymen, and the law-papers of the Court of Session, joined to the patent Bible printing, gave a scanty employment to four printinghouses. Such, however, has been the increase of this trade by the reprinting of English books, that there are now no fewer than twenty-seven printingoffices in Edinburgh.? In our own time there are about eighty. From his printing-house in the Castle Hill, Alexander Donaldson issued the first number of his once famous newspaper, The Edinburgh Advertiser, on the 3rd of January, 1764. It was a large quarto, and was also issued and sold from his shop, ?I near Norfolk Street in the Strand, London ;?, and, his first number contains the following curious. advertisement, among others :- ?Any young woman not under IS, nor much over 30 years of age, that is tolerably handsome, and would incline to give her hand to a Black Prince, upon directing a letter to F. Y., care of the Publisher, will be informed particularly as to this. matrimonial scheme, which they may be assured is a good one in every respect, the colour of the husband only excepted. If desired, secresy may be depended on.? For a long course of years this journal, prominent as a Conservative organ, proved a most lucrative speculation; and as all his other undertakings prospered, he left, together with his old house in the Bow, a rich inheritance to his son, the late Mr. James Donaldson, who eventually realised a large fortune, the mass of which (about ;t;240,000) at his death, in 1840, he bequeathed to found the magnificent hospital which bears his name at the west end of the city. Six years before his death the old house in the Bow, where he and his father had resided for so many years, and wherein they had entertained most of the literati of their time, was burned to the ground. Lower down than the house of the Donaldsons was an ancient edifice, with a timber front of picturesque aspect, in former times the town mansion of the Napiers of Wrightshouse-a family which passed away about the close of the 17th century, but was of some importance in its time. Alexander Napier of Wrightshouse appears as one of an inquest in 1488. His coat armorial was a bend, charged with a crescent between two mullets. He married Margaret Napier of Merchiston, whose father, Sir Alexander, was slain at Flodden, and whose brother (his heir) was slain at. Pinkie. In 1581, among the names of the Commissioners appointed by James VI., ?anent the cuinze,? that of William Napier of the Wrightshouse appears; and in 1590 his sister Barbara. Napier was accused of witchcraft on the 8th of Mayr and of being present at the great meeting of Scottish witches held by the devil in North Berwick. The wife of Archibald Douglas (brother of the Laird of Carshoggil), her trial was one of great
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