Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


42 EDINBURGH PAST AND PRESENT. historian,-% man too great to be faultless, too honest and peculiar to be without enemies, but whose name ranks with those of Knox, and Burns, and BUCIUNAN'S GRAVK. Chalmers, and William Wallace, and Robert Bruce, and David Hume, and Sir Walter Scott, as belonging to the very first file of eminent Scotchmen. Among others who repose here are Principal Robertson and Dr. M'Crie, two opposites paired off in the Parliament of Death ; Dr. Hugh Blair, the . . . . . .-. .. .. .I . .. ..., * . 1 . .- . ._-. . . . CRAVEOFTHEREGERTHORTON. accomplished critic and smooth sermon-writer ; Allan Ramsay, who must live as long as Edinburgh herseIf in his Gent& Sh.@herd; the learned Patrick Tytler j 'and Henry Mackenzie, who, in his Mas of Fedirq,JuZia de Roubi.e,
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THE OLD TOWN. 43 ~ ~~ ~- -_ and La Roche, levied once so heavy a tax upon the tears of Scotland-nay,of the civifised world ; here also a small unhewn stone marks the grave of the Regent Morton. But there are yet nobler sleepers in this ' God's Acre,'-an innumerable company of martyrs. Here stands what is called the Martyrs' Monument, with the following inscription :-$ From May 27, 1661, that the most noble Marquis of Argyle was beheaded, to the 17th Feb. 1688, that Mr. James Renwick suffered, were one way or other murdered and destroyed for the same aboirt 18,000, of whom were executed at Edinburgh about 100 of noblemen, gentlemen, ministers, and others,-noble martyrs for Jesus Christ. The most of them lie here.' Hire, in a spot as shown in our illustration, two hundred of the prisoners of Bothwell Bridge were lodged for five months, COVKNANTBRS PRISON. YACKKNZIE'S TOMB. half-starved and brutally used, while those who survived were .shipped off to Barbdoes. The child leaning against the original gate looks into this glorious Golgotha, this consecrated Aceldama And near them lies buried their main foe, the ' master-fiend ' Mackenzie j and here fancy stilI dreams that his spirit keeps restless and wretched guard, like a sentinel of Hell, around the circle of his victims; and boys used to cry in at the keyhole of his monument, ' Bluidy Mackenzie, come out if ye daur ; Lift the sneck and draw the bar.' ________
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