Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


42 EDINBURGH PAST AND PRESENT. historian,-% man too great to be faultless, too honest and peculiar to be without enemies, but whose name ranks with those of Knox, and Burns, and BUCIUNAN'S GRAVK. Chalmers, and William Wallace, and Robert Bruce, and David Hume, and Sir Walter Scott, as belonging to the very first file of eminent Scotchmen. Among others who repose here are Principal Robertson and Dr. M'Crie, two opposites paired off in the Parliament of Death ; Dr. Hugh Blair, the . . . . . .-. .. .. .I . .. ..., * . 1 . .- . ._-. . . . CRAVEOFTHEREGERTHORTON. accomplished critic and smooth sermon-writer ; Allan Ramsay, who must live as long as Edinburgh herseIf in his Gent& Sh.@herd; the learned Patrick Tytler j 'and Henry Mackenzie, who, in his Mas of Fedirq,JuZia de Roubi.e,
Volume 11 Page 66
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