Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


142 ROSLIN, HAWTHORNDEN, bodies lay as thick as a man may notte cattell grasing in a full plenished pasture, and 'the ryvere ran a1 red with blood.' 1 At nightfall the English mustered again near Inveresk and gave a shout that the people heard in the streets of Edinburgh. Next morning the English set to work to bury their dead ; and, some halfcentury ago, a great number of the skeletons were excavated at Pinkie-bum. A copsewood has been planted to mark out these rows ; and on the spot where the Protectois tent was pitched, on the outskirts of Eskgrove, a memorial pillar stands with this inscription upon it :- THEP ROTECTORD, UKEO F SOMERSET, Encamped here, 9th September, 1547. The marriage between the children of the two realmsnever tookplace. Somerset withdrew into England, and the little Mary was shipped off to France. Twenty years elapsed, and once more two hostile forces met on the banks of the Esk, within sight of the battlefield of Pinkie. Mary Stuart and Bothwell, with some 2000 followers, were stationed upon Carberry Hill, while at a little distance, on the other side of a hollow, were ranged the forces of the Confederate Lords, flaunting their banner, on which was painted the figure of a dead man. AI1 through the June day the Lords conferred with Bothwell and the Queen, who, sitting upon a stone, clad in her runaway garb of short jacket and red petticoat, was alternately fierce, tearful, and haughty. Then, as evening was closing in, the Lords made their last proposition, and Mary knew she must submit to it. Bothwell was to go free, and Mary was to be led away captive. She consented, and on the green slope of Carbemy Hill they parted for ever. Bothwell rode away upon his horse ; and Mary was taken back into Edinburgh, dusty, tear-stained, and desperate, amidst the execrations of the crowd.' ' Cover my face for me : I cannot heave my hand up to my head ; Mine arms are broken.-Is he got to horse 7 I 'do not think one can die more than this. I did not say fare~ell.'~ At Musselburgh, the Roman bridge, now preserved in the clutches of strong iron bands, and succeeded, for all rougher traffic, by a broad modem 1 Patten's Expedicimn : vide Statistical Account. 3 Froude's ffistmy of EngZand, 1865, vol. ix. p. ga. a EothwcZl, by A. C. Swinbume.
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