Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE NOTES. 69 which he died is situated on the ground floor to the right of the entrance door, the window looking to the pleasing outlines of the Braid Hills and the Returning to the city by the Melville Drive and Clerk Street, we pass the Literary Institute, the southern counterpart of the Philosophical Institution, and the Blind Asylum in Nicolson Street. In connection with the latter, we give an Engraving of the New Royal Blind Asylum at West Craigmillar. The memorial stone was laid on zzd May 1876, by Sir Michael Shaw Stewart, Bart., Grand Master Mason of Scotland, when the Asylum was formally opened by his Grace the Lord High Commissioner, the Right Hon. the Earl of Galloway.' ~ more distant range of the Pentlands. NEW XOYAL BLIND ASYLUJM. Passing the front of the University, of which the Earl of Derby is the present Rector, and of which an Engraving is given at page 20, we notice at the inner end of the Quadrangle the marble statue of the late Sir David Brewster, the predecessor of the present PrincipaI, Sir Alexander Grant, Bart. 1 The other benevolent Institutions in the city are numerons. Besides the well-known Ragged Schools of Dr. Rohertson and Dr. Guthrie, two Institutions caI1 for a passing notice. ' The Edinburgh Industrial Brigade' appeals to the sympathies of the public as affording what was formerly a missing link in the chain of charitable effort to rescue destitute and homeless lads, by stepping in to supply their needs when too old for the raggad schools. The Institution, while thoroughly Protestant in its teaching and influence, is otherwise unsectarian. The United Industrial School of Edinburgh' is founded on a broader basis, the principles being that the religious instruction is distinct from the ordinary education given to the children.
Volume 11 Page 110
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