Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Past and Present


HISTORICAL AND DESCRIPTIVE NOTES. 59 situated the Waverfey Bridge and East Princes Street Gardens ; here, from a littIe above the Imperial Hotel, the accompanying view of the North Bridge is taken. The castellated turrets of the Jail tell in relief against the eastern NOKI’H BRIDGE IN la*. sky ; down the slope the Royal High School is diinty seen in the morning haze; in the middle distance rises the North Bridge, with its nngraceful modem parapet, contrasting unfavourably with the original structure. The . . .. . . . . NOHTH BRIDGE IN 177% alterations which have gradually taken pIace here within the last twenty years are very marked. On the site of the old Green Market rises the new spacious station of the North British Railway, on the north side of which is situated -
Volume 11 Page 94
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