Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


LEITH, AND THE NEW TOWN. 371 hospital for lepers in early times, from an entry in the Council Records of 30th September 1584, where Michael Chisholm and others are commissioned to inquire into ((the estait and ordour of the awld fundatioun of the Lipper-houa besyde Dyngwall.” A rural mansion occupied in former days the north-eastern slope of Moutrie’s Hill,-a curious waif which long survived the radical changes that had transformed the silent fields in which it stood into long avenues of populous streets and squares. From its elevated position-on the hill where the Queen’s men hung up their adversaries as a point visible alike to Edinburgh and Leith-it must have commanded a magnificent prospect of the Lothians and Fifeshire, with the Forth, the German Ocean, and the Highland Hills. Now it is buried under lofty tenements, in one of the most populous districts of the New Town, and with miles of streets and houses on every side interposing between it and the distant country. This nucleus of the New Town was not, however, the oldest building it contained. A small fragment of an ancieut thoroughfare on the west side of the Register Office till lately bore the name of Gabriel’s Road, although it had been closed for many years, and reduced to a mere passage leading to one or two private dwellings ; a New Town close, in fact, somewhat worse than many of its defamed precursors of the Old Town. This mean-looking alley was the remains of a country road, along which some venerable citizens still remember to have wended their way between green hedges that skirted the pleasant meadows and corn fields of Wood’s farm, and which was in days of yore a favourite trysting-place for lovers, where they breathed out their tender tale of passion beneath the fragrant hawthorn. It led in an oblique direction towards the ancient village of Silvermills, and its course is still indicated by the irregular slant of the garden walls that separate the little plots behind Duke Street from the East Queen Street garden. When James Craig, the architect, a nephew of the poet Thomson, published his engraved plan of the new city, which had been selected as the best from a host of competing designs, he appended to it the following lines from his uncle’s poem :- August, around, what Public Works I Bee ! Lo, stately streets ! 10, squares that court the breeze ! See long canals and deepened rivers join Each part with each, and with the circling main, The whole enliveo’d Isle. The regular array of formal parallelograms thus sketched out for the future city, was received by the denizens of the Old Town with raptures of applause. Pent up in narrow and crooked wynds, its broad, straight avenues, seemed the Jeau ideal of perfection, and the more sanguine of them panted to see the magnificent design realised. Some echo of their enthusiastic admiration still lingers among us, but it waxes feeble and indistinct. The most hearty contemners of the dingy, smoky Old Town, now admit that neither the formal plan nor the architectural designs of the New Town, evince much intellect or inventive genius in their contriver ; and, perhaps, even a professed antiquary may venture to hint at the wisdom of our ancestors, who carried their road obliquely down the steep northern slope, from Moutrie’s Hill to Silvermills, instead of devising the abrupt precipitous descent from where the statue of George IV. now stands to the foot of Pitt Street ; a steep which strikes a stranger with awe, not unmingled with fear, on his first
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372 MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. ‘approach to our cc Modern Athens” from the neighbouring coast. When, some two or three centuries hence, the New Town shall have ripened into fruit for some twenty-second century Improvements Commission, their first scheme will probably lead to the restoration of Gabriel’s Road, and its counterpart from Charlotte Square to Pitt Street, marking the saltier of Scotland’s patron saint on the antiquated parallelograms of James Craig I The village of Silvermills, the remains of which lie concealed behind St Stephen’s Church and the modern streets that surround it, may not improbably owe its origin to some of the alchemical projects of James IT. or V., both of whom were greatly addicted to the royal sport of hunting for the precious metals, with which the soil of Scotland was then believed to abound. Sir Archibald Napier, the father of the philosopher, was appointed Master of the Mint and superintendent of the mines and minerals within the kingdom; and we are assured, on the authority of an ancient manuscript in the Cotton Library, that The Laird of Merchiston got gold in Pentland Hills.”‘ The village of Silvermills consists almost entirely of a colony of tanners, but one or two of its houses present the crow-stepped gables of the aeventeenth century; and though now enclosed within the extended town, we. can remember many a Saturday’s ramble through green fields that ended at this rural Aamlet. Another and more important village, which has experienced the same fate as that of Silvermills, is the ancient baronial burgh of Broughton. Its name occurs in the charter of foundation of Holyrood Abbey, granted by David I. in 1128, and implies, according to Marnitlandt,h e Castle town. If it ever possessed B fortalice or keep, from whence its name was derived, all vestiges of it had disappeared centuries before its fields were invaded by the extending capital. The Tolbooth, however, wherein the baron’s courts were held, and offenders secured to abide his judgment, or to endure its penalties, stood within these few years near the centre of the old village, bearing over its north door the date 1582. Its broad flight of steps was appropriately flanked with a venerable pair of stocks; a symbol of justice of rare occurrence in Scotland, where the joug3 were the usual and more national mode of pillory. The annexed vignette will srdice to convey some idea of this antique structure, which stood nearly in the centre of the New Town, on the ground now occupied by the east end of Barony Street, from whence it was only removed with all its paraphernalia of obsolete minners and laws in the year 1829. The curious rambler may still stumble on one or two of the humble tenements of the old village, lying concealed among the back lanes of the modern town. A few years since, its rows of tiled and thatched cottages, with their rude fore- Niaoellane Scotioa, Napier of Herohiaton, p, 228. VIOXETTE--The Tolbooth, Broughton.
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