Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


366 MEMORIALS OF EDfN3URGH. Andrew’s ; and the ground on which it and the neighbouring tenements were erected is styled in a charter of Queen Mary, dated 1569, ‘‘ The liberty of the north side of the Water of Leith, commonly called Rudeside : ” an epithet evidently resulting from its dependency on the Abbey of the Holyrood. St Ninian’s Chapel still occupies its ancient site on the banks of the Water of Leith, but very little of the original structure of the good Abbot remains ; probably no more than a small portion of the basement wall on the north side, where a small doorway appears with an elliptical arch, now built up, and partly sunk in the ground. The remaihder of the structure cannot be earlier than the close of the sixteenth century, and the. date on the steeple, which closely resembles that of the old Tron Church destroyed in the Great Fire of 1824, is 1675. A large sculptured lintel, belonging to the latter edifice, has been rebuilt into a more modern addition, erected apparentIy in the reign of Queen Anne. It bears on it the following inscription in large Roman characters : -BLESSED. AR . THEY. PAT. EEIR . YE. VORD . OF. QOD . AND. KEEP. IT. LVK . XI. 1600. By the charter of Queen Mary, which confirmed the rights that had been purchased by the inhabitants from Lord Holyroodhause, the Chapel of St Ninian was erected into a church for the district of Rorth Leith, and endowed with sundry annual rents, and other ecclesiastical property, including the neighbouring Chapel and Hospital of St Nicolas, and their endowments. An Act of Parliament was obtained in 1606, oreating North Leith a separate and independent parish, and appointing the chapel to he called in all time coming the “parish Kirk of Leith benorth the brig.’’ The celebrated George Wishart-welLknown as the author of the elegant Latin memoirs of Montrose, which were suspended to the neck of the illustrious cavalier when he was executed-was minister of this parish in the year 1638, wheu the signing of the Covenant became the established test of faith and allegiance in Scotland. He was soon afterwards deposed for refusing to suhscribe, and was thrown into one of the dungeons of the Tolbooth of Edinburgh, in consequence of the disoovery of his correspondence with the Royalists. Wishart survived the stormy revolution that followed, and shared in the sunshine of the Restoration. He was preferred to the See of Edinburgh on the re-establishment of Episcopacy in Scotland, and died there in 1671, in his seventy-first year. He was buried in the Abbey Church of Holyrood, where a long and flattering Latin inscription recorded the whole biography of that oele6ris dooctar SopAocardius, as he is styled, according to the scholastic punning of that age. The last minister who officiated in the ancient Chapel of St Ninian was the benevolent and venerable Dr Johnston, the founder of the Edinburgh Blind Asylum, who held the incumbency for upwards of half a century. The foundation of the pew parish church of North Leith had been laid so early as 1814, and at length in 1826 its venerable predecessor was finally abandoned as a place of worship, and soon after converted into a granary. “Thus,” says the historian of Leith, with indignant pathos, “that edifice which had for npwards of 330 years been devoted to the sacred purposes of religion, is now the unhallowed repository of pease and barley I ” The Hospital and Chapel of St Nicolas, with the neighbouring cemetery, were most probably founded at a later date than Abbot Ballantyne’s Chapel, as the reasons assigned by the founder for the building of the latter seem to imply that the inhabitants were without any accessible place of worship. Nothing, however, is now known of their origin, and
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