Edinburgh Bookshelf

Memorials of Edinburgh in the Olden Time


PREFA CE. xi ancient manners, a71 records of which are 'rapidly disappearing. Their accuracy is their chief recommendation. It would have been easy fo have embellished them with spurious additions, such as are of frequent occurrence in the illustrated candidates for the drawihgroom table. Their claim to any value, however, rests solely on their being true Memoriald of Old Edinburgh, as it has come down to us from former generations. If they should appear somewhat plain, and sparingly furnished with ornaments, the' best apology is, that our old Scottish style of architecture, apart from ecclesiastical edzces, partook of the national character ; it was solid, massive, and enriched with little display of ornament, yet exhibiting, as a whole, an accidental, but striking, picturesqueness altogether beyond the reach of elaborate art. In the progress of the work I have been indebted for much kind and valuable assistance to some of the most zealous students of Scottish literary and topographical antiquities. To. Charles Eirkpatrick Sharpe, Esq., I am under special obligations for many curious reminiscences of the olden time ; for free access to his valuable museum of antiquities, which rivals the more famed collection of Abbotsford; €or the use of some of the rare treasures of $is library ; and, indeed, for Rn amount of courtesy and kindness for which any acknowledgment I can offer is a very inadequate return. To David Laing, Esq., I owe the use of a book of pencil sketches, drawn by Mr Daniel Somerville in 1817 and 1818, which has enabled me to recover views of several ancient localities demo: lished before my own sketching days. The use which has been made of these sketches is acknowledged on the several plates. To Mr Laing's well-known courtesy I have been still more indebted for access to rare books, and other curious Bources of information, which were otherwise beyond my reach. To 3I.r William-Rowan, af New College. Library, I have also to express my obligations for valuable material8 derived from original 6ources, and still more from the stores of his singularly retentive memory. From W. B. D. D, Turnbull, Esq., I have received, in addition to much friendly assistance, free access to his extensive library, well known as probably the mosf perfect collection in the kingdom ou his own favourite studies of Topopaphy and Heraldry. To Robert Chambers, Esq., Alexander Smellie, Esq., and the Rev. Principal Lee, as well as to others,-I have to return thanks for much kind and nnexpected aid. To John Sinclair, Esq., City Clerk, and to James Laurie, Esq., of the Sasine Office, my thanks axe due for facilitating my researches among the city charter3 and 4
Volume 10 Page xiii
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