Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Bookshelf


Index for “big sam ”

rally intrusted to act as purveyor for the men of the room to which he belonged.
The butcher with whom he had dealt for some time used frequently to quiz him
about his reputed strength, and was perhaps inclined to think, from the silence
maintained by Sam on the subject, that it was not just so great as report
stated. One day, while higgling a little about the price of some purchase-
“ Come, come,” said the knight of the cleaver, and pointing to a bulk of very
excellent appearance, “take that on your shodder; and if you carry it to
Richmond, you shall have it for nothing.” The proposed task, strong as Sam
was, seemed infinitely beyond his power, Richmond barracks being distant
nearly two miles. The offer, however, wi~s extremely tempting ; and he well
knew what eclat such a prize would obtain for him among his fellows. Sam
therefore got the carcase on his back ; and, to the astonishment of the chop
fallen butcher, succeeded in carrying it triumphantly to the barracks.
Many of the Highland Fencible regiments were accompanied by stags of a
large size, which were at once the pets of the men, and the wonder of the different
towns they lay in. Big Sam was not the only human giant paraded in
a similar way, as a specimen of what the north could produce. The.Argyleshire
regiment had their champion in the person of a George Euchanan, who
marched at their head with a fine stag. He was fully as tall as Sam, but
wanted the symmetry and muscle that rendered him so remarkable ; neither was
his voice so gruff as M‘Donald’s, which had something ventriloquial about it,
as if he spoke from the inside of a barrel. Sam treated every other bully as a
conscious Newfoundland dog does the impertinences of a troublesome cur.
Euchanan had many wrestling bouts, however, with strong men in various places,
but uniformly threw them with great ease. When in Falkirk (during the
American war) he exhibited his muscular prowess by holding a heavy cart-wheel
upon his arm, which was afterwards passed through the nave, the wheel being
made to spin round like a mill-wheel on its axle.,
SINCLAIwRa s apprehended along with Margarot, Gerrald, and others ; but
neither he nor Citizen Browne were tried. Little is now known either of their
lives or characters. Sinclair is understood to have subsequently become an
informer ; and there is reason to suspect that from the first he had acted merely
as a spy. ... men, and the wonder of the different towns they lay in. Big Sam was not the only human giant paraded in a ...

Book 9  p. 257
(Score 6.65)

It is said that when Sam was in London, on one occasion he was advised to
show himself for money, and that although he declined exhibiting himself in
his own character, he so far acted on the hint as to dress in female attire,
and advertise as ‘‘ The remarkably tall woman.” By this ingenious expedient,
Sam became so well furnished with cash that his expenditure attracted the
notice of his Colonel, who being curious to ascertain in what way he had
obtained his supplies, interrogated Sam, who candidly disclosed the fact, and in
this way the secret transpired.
Sarn was once persuaded to appear on the stage, whilst in the service of
his late Majesty, at the request of his Royal Master. This took place at the
Opera-House in the Haymarket, then occupied by the Drury Lane Company.
upon occasion of the representation of a dramatic entertainment, called “ Cymon
and Iphigenia,” and in which he acted the appropriate part of Hercules.’
Numberless anecdotes are told of M‘Donald, illustrative of his great
strengkh. On one occasion, having been challenged by two soldiers of his
own regiment on the understanding that he was to fight both at once,
Samuel agreed, but said, as he had no quarrel with them, he should wish to
shake hands with them before they began. One of the combatants instantly
held out his hand. Samuel took hold of it, but instead of giving it the friendly
shake expected, he used it as a Iever to raise its owner from the ground, when
he swung him round as he would a cat by the tail, and threw him to a great
distance. The other combatant, not admiring this preliminary process, took to
his heels. Many feats of strength similar to this are, as already mentioned,
recorded of him.
While in Edinburgh, Sam occasionally patronised Geordie Cranstoun (see
No. 19) to whose singing he took much pleasure in listening. He was nevertheless
much displeased to find himself associated with him in this Print, which
was shown him by Mr. Kay. He remarked to the engraver that he did not choose
to be classed with a beggar, and insisted that the little man’s portrait should be
expunged. Although this demand was not complied with, the next time that
Sarn called on the artist he was in his usual good humour.
Sam was six feet ten inches high, four feet round the chest, extremely strongbuilt
and muscular, but yet proportionable, unless his legs might be thought
even too large for the load they had to bear.
No. XXI.
THIS gentleman, represented as giving the word of command, was an officer
in the 55th Regiment of Foot, which was in Edinburgh in 1790. Both officers
and men conducted themselves with great propriety while there.
1 Gentleman’s Magazine, voL Ixxii. p. 478. ... SKETCHES, 51 It is said that when Sam was in London, on one occasion he was advised to show himself ...

Book 8  p. 71
(Score 4.5)

From such reminiscences it may be guessed that the philosophy of Mr. Burnet
was not of that morose description which converts the sweets of life into sour.
He saw much in life worth living for j but yet, while he possessed a (( feeling
for all mankind,” there existed within him enough of the devil to render applicable
in his case the well known-motto of the thistle. He was not to be insulted
with impunity. Having gone into a tavern with a few friends one excessively
warm day, the Captain, in order to cool himself, laid aside his sword and belt.
in the meantime, another party entering the room, one of them, in approaching
the table, took the liberty of removing Mr. Burnet’s sword ; and, by way of
ridicule, placed it in a position which few men of spirit would have submitted:
to in silence. Springing to his feet .in a
paroxysm of rage, he unsheathed the weapon, and running on the offender,
would have transfixed him to the wall, but for the interference of a third party,
who fortunately parried the thrust.
The death of this veteran of the Guard, which occurred on the 24th August
1814, is thus recorded in the Scots Magazine :-“ At Seton, Mr. James Burnet,
many years Captain of the Town Guard of this city. Mr. Burnet is much
regretted by a numerous acquaintance, who greatly respected him as a cheerful
companion and an honest man.”
Neither did our excellent friend.
THIS is another Print of the Scottish Hercules. Annexed to the former Portrait
a short sketch of his life has already been given ; but a few additional anecdotes,
illustrative of his amazing strength, may not be improper here.
One night Sam happened to be placed as sentry over a piece of ordnance
which would have taken two or three ordinaxy men to remove. He had not
been long at his post, however, when his comrades, who were enjoying themselves
at the guard-room fire, were astonished at his entrance with the huge mass
of cast-iron over his shoulder. On being asked what he meant by deserting his
post-“ Why, what’s the use,” said he, U of standing out there in a cold night,
watching that bit of iron, when I could as well watch it in here !”
On another occasion, in the barrack-room, one of the men requested M‘Donald
to hand down a loaf from a shelf, which he could not easily get at himself.
Sam good-naturedly turned round, a.ud catching the individual behind the neck
held him up at arm’s length, saying, “There-take it down for yourself!”
While the Sutherland Fencibles were stationed at Dublin, Sam was gene ... BI 0 GRAPH1 C AL SKETCHES. From such reminiscences it may be guessed that the philosophy of Mr. Burnet was ...

Book 9  p. 254
(Score 3.75)

present sent by some friend, wa8 not a little amazed, and perhaps disappointed,
on opening the parcel, to find that it contained only her “ ain Geordie.”
At mason meetings, which he regularly attended, and where he was always
entertained gratis, he generally, when about to give a specimen of his accomplishmenta,
mounted on one of the tablea
George was a frequent candidate for precentorships in the various churches
of the city, but was uniformly rejectei on account of the extreme oddity of his
appearance, which not improbably would have excited feelings amongst the
congregation not consistent with the solemnity of divine worship.
No. xx.
SAMUEL M‘DONALD, or Big Sam, as he was generally called, was a native of
the parish of Lairg, in the county of Sutherland. During part of the American
War he was a private in the Sutherland Fencibles. He became afterwards
fugleman to the Royals, and continued in this situation till the year 1791,
when his 1ate.Majesty George the Fourth, then Prince of Wales, made him a
lodge porter at Carlton House. This situation he relinquished in 1793, and
was appointed a sergeant in the regiment in which he originally commenced his
military career.
His mild manner and singularly clear and sonorous voice peculiarly fitted
him for drilling recruits ; and in this duty he was very frequently employed.
Being of too large stature to stand in the ranks, he generally took his place on
the right of the regiment when in line, and marched at the head when ‘in column.
The striking appearance of M‘Donald on these occasions was not a little heightened
by his being always accompanied by a mountain deer, of a size as
remarkable as his own. This animal was so attached to him that, when permitted,
it would follow him through the streets.
When the Sutherland Fenciblea were formed into the 936 Regiment,
M‘Donald still retained his military predilection, and continued with his old
companions till the day of his death, which took place at Guernsey on the
6th of May 1802. His death was occasioned
by a collection of water in the thorax-an insidious disease to which the robust
am more yarticiilarly liable.
M‘Donald, from his great good nature and excellent moral character, was a
universal favourite, and much respected in the different corps in which he
served. The Countess of Sutherland, “judging probably,” says Colonel Stewart
of Garth, “ that EO large a body must require more sustenance than his military
pay could afford,” generously allowed him half-a-crown per day over and above
his pay.
He was then forty years of age. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. present sent by some friend, wa8 not a little amazed, and perhaps disappointed, on ...

Book 8  p. 68
(Score 3.11)

NEAR BONNINGTON-Facixg Title-Page.
SALISBURCYRA GS, . . . . . . . . . .
HEAD OF THE WEST Bow, . . . . . . . . .
ST. ANTHONY’WS ELL, . . . . . . . . .
. . . . .
QUIJEN MARY’S ROOM, CASTLE, . . . . . . . .
. . . .
ROOMI N CLARINDA’S HOUSE, . . . . . . . .
GALLERIES, . . . . . . . . . . .
ROYALE XCHANGE., . . . . . . . . .
Facing p. I

Book 11  p. xvi
(Score 2.42)

grey towers of Merchiston beleagured by the furious Queen’8 men, and battered with their
cannon till they “maid geit slappis in the wall;” but a truce was at length effected
betwixt the contending factions, and the donjon keep became once more the ahode of the
student, and its battlements the observatory and watch-tower of the astrologer. Napier
was regarded by his contemporaries as possessed of mysterious supernatural powers; and the
marvels attributed to him, with the aid of a familiar spirit that attended him in the shape of
a Jet Black Cock, have been preserved among the traditions of the neighbourhood almost to
our own day.’ The philosopher indeed would seem to have indulged his shrewd humour
occasionally in gieng countenance to such popular conceits. A field in front of Merchiston
still bears the name of tAe Doo Park as the scene of one of his necromantic exploits.
The pigeons of a neighbouring laird having annoyed him by frequent inroads on his grain,
he threatened at length to arrest them red-hand, and was laughingly dared to “catch
them if he could.” The depredators made their appearance as usual on the morrow, and
partook so heartily of the grain, which had been previously saturated with alcohol by the
reclaiming owner, that he easily made the bewitched pigeons captives, to the no small
astonishment and awe of his neighbours.
It is curious to find a popular nursery tale originating in the grave pranks of the
illustrious inventor of the Logarithms, yet many juvenile readers will recognise the following
adventure of the Warlock of Merchiston and his Jet Black Cock as a familiar story.
Napier apparently impressed his domestics with a full belief in his magical powers, as the
readiest means of turning their credulity to account. Having on one occasion missed
some property, which he suspected had been taken by one of his servants, they were
ordered one by one into a dark room where the black cock was confined, and each of
them wm required to stroke its back, after being warned that it would crow at the touch
of the guilty hand. The cock maintained unbroken silence throughout the mysterious
ordeal ; but the hand of the culprit was the only one found entirely free from the soot with
which its feathers had been previously anointed1 The philosopher, however, was an
adept in astrology, and appears himself to have entertained perfect faith in t.he possession
of unusual powers, particularly in that of discovering hidden treasure. A very singular
contract between him and Logan of Restalrig-one of the Gowrie conspirators-was found
among the Merchiston papers, wherein it is agreed, that, forsamekle as ther is dywerss
ald reportis, motiffis, and appirancis, that thair suld he within the said Robertis dwellinge
place of Fascastell a Bourn of monie and poiss, heid and hurdit up secritlie, quilk as yit
is onfund be ony man. The said Jhone sal1 do his utter and exact diligens to serche
and sik out, and be a1 craft and ingyne that he dow, to tempt, trye, and find out the
sam, and be the grace of God, other sal1 find the sam, or than mak it suir that na sik
thing hes been thair; so far as his utter trawell, diligens, and ingyne, may reach.’”
This singular contract acquires a peculiar interest, when we remember the reported discovery
of hidden treasure with which the preliminary steps of the Gowrie Conspiracy were
Within a little distance of the ancient tower of Merchiston, and directly between it
and the town, another old mansion of the Napiers attracted the eye of the curious.
1 Mark Napier’a Memoirs of Napier of Jlerchiston, 4t0, p. 214. * Napier’a Napier of Merchiaton, p. 221. ... WEST BOW AND SUBURBS. 349 grey towers of Merchiston beleagured by the furious Queen’8 men, and battered with ...

Book 10  p. 382
(Score 2.19)

Sanct Mary’s Wynd, hurtful to the keiping of this burghe.” And, again, on the Sth,
they caused the doors and windows of all the tenements on the west side of St Mary’s-
Wynd to be “ biggit up and closit,” as well as other great preparations for defence.
On the 20th of June, three pieces of brass ordnance were mounted on St Giles’s steeple,
and the holders of it amply stored with provisions and ammunition for its defence, and all
the malls, fosses, and ports, were again ‘ I newlie biggit and repairit ; ” and within a few days
after, the whole merchants and craftsmen remaining in the burgh, mustered to a ‘‘ wappinschawing”
in the Greyfriars’ Churchyard, and engaged to aid and assist the Captain of the
Castle in the service of the Queen.’
When all others means failed, an ingenious plot was devised for taking the Nether Bow
Port by a stratagem, nearly similar to that by which the Castle was recovered in 1341;
but the ambush was discovered by chance, and the scheme, happily for the citizens,
defeated. Immediately thereafter, “ the Lords and Captain of the Castle causit big ane
ne‘w port at the Nether boll, within the auld port of the same, of aisler wark, in the maist
strenthie maner ; and tuik, to big the saniyn with, all the aisler stanis that Alexander
Clerk haid gadderit of the kirk of Restalrig to big his hous with.”s This interesting
notation supplies the date of erection of the second Nether Bow Port, and accounts for its
position behind the line of the city wall ; as the original gate in continuation of St Mary’s
Wynd would have to be retained and defended, while the new works were going on within.
On the earlier site, but, we may presume to some extent at least, with these same materials,
the fauous old “ Temple Bar of Edinburgh,” was again rebuilt in the form represented in
the engraving, in the year 1606.
At a still later date, the same parties, in their anxiety to defend this important pass,
“causit all the houssis of Leith and Sanct Marie Wyndis heidis to be tane dounl”
The Earl of Mar was no less zealous in his preparations for its assault. He caused trenches
to be cast up in the Pleasance, for nine pieces of large and small ordnance, and mounted
others on Salisbury Crags, ‘‘ to ding Edinburgh with,” so that the poor burghers of that
quarter must have found good reason for wishing the siege to draw to a close. Provisions
failed, and all fresh supplies were most diligently intercepted; military law prevailed in its
utmost rigour, and the sole appearance of their enjoying a moment’s ease occur^ in the
statement, that “ uochttheles the remaneris thairin abaid patientlie, and usit all plesouris
quhilkis were wont to be usit in the xnoneth of Maij in ald tymes, viz., Robin Hude and
Litill Johne.”
This frightful state of affairs was at length brought to a close, with little advantage to
either party; and on the 27th of July 1572, the whole artillery about the walls, on the
steeple head of St Giles’s, and the Kirk-of-Field, were removed to the Castle, and the Cross
being most honourably hung with tapestry, a truce was proclaimed by the heralds, with
sound of trumpets, and the hearty congratulations of the people.“
In the month of August Knox returned to Edinburgh, after an absence of nearly two
years. His life was drawing rapidly to a close, and on the 24th of November 1572 he expired
in his sixty-seventh year. His body was interred in the Churchyard of St Giles, and
was attended to the grave by a numerous concourse of people, including many of the chief
Diurnal of Occurrenta, pp. 220, 226, 251.
Diurnal of Occurrenta, p. 241.
’ Ante, p. 8. ’ Ibid, p. 308. ... VI. TO RESTORATION OF CHARLES I.. 83 Sanct Mary’s Wynd, hurtful to the keiping of this burghe.” And, ...

Book 10  p. 91
(Score 2.18)

Thomson, and so are the various journals and encyclopedias under the
eye of the indefatigable Sir David Brewster and of Professor Jamieson,
and the 3hmzaZ uf Ph~enologye dited by George Combe. In this list there
are no doubt many omissions, but the above is, we hope, a fair enough
general estimate of Edinburgh celebrities duri,ng the period referred to.
Artists, sculptors, and architects are so numerous that we can only mention
a very few, (among the past) such as Sir David Wilkie, the Hogarth of Scotland
(whose first studio was in Paul Street, in the near building on the
left of the Engraving), the bold and picturesque Raebum, Thomson of
Duddingston, in the sublime style, the Grand Monarque of Scottish painting ;
Sir William Allan, Sir John Watson Gordon, David Scott with his Dantesque
imagination and sombre grandeur ; David Roberts, Horatio Macculloch,
D. 0. Hill, Sir George Harvey, Adam, Playfair, Bryce, Handyside Ritchie,
and M'CaIlum; (and among the present) Sir J. Noel Paton with his
boundless fancy and delicate finish ; Sir Daniel Macnee, Herdman, Drummond,
Waller H. Paton, Hugh Cameron, G. Paul Chalmers, Smart, and the
bold inimitable Sam Bough ; Anderson, Morham, Matheson ; Sir John Steell,
Brodie, Mrs. D. 0. Hill, Hutchison, and David Stevenson. We name these
as specimens-there are others besides of equal ox nearIy equal genius.
. . . . .
Returning from this excursus we find ourselves again at the College.
Changed it is from the days when we could pass over from tracing Sir John
Leslie in ltis giant leaps from system to system of the stellar universe, to
the class where Wilson was painting scenery with the 'potent dash of a
Salvatok Rosa, and analysing the human heart and its intricacies of passion ... EDINBURGH PAST AND PRESENT. Thomson, and so are the various journals and encyclopedias under the eye of the ...

Book 11  p. 46
(Score 1.97)

singular groups of huge, irregular, and diversified
tenements that could well be conceived. Here a
stunted little timber dwelling black with age, and ~
beyond it a pile of masonry, rising, storey above
storey, from some murky propound that left its
chimneys, scarcely rivalling those of its dwarfish
(Fmm a Mrafured Drawing & T. Hnmihn, #dIiskcd in 1830.)
case of his is thus reported by Lord Fountainhall,
under date July 6th, 1709 :-
?? Duncan Campbell, of Ashfield, giving himself
out to be the best lithotomist and cutter for the
stone, pursues Mungo Campbell, of Netherplace,
that he being under the insupportable agony of the
neighbours, after climbing thus far from their foundations
in the depths below.?
The Edinburgh Gazeffe for July, 1702, informed
the public that Duncan Campbell, of Ashfield,
chirurgeon to the city of Glasgow, was receiving
patients in his lodging at the foot of the West Bow,
and that he was great in operations for stone,
having ?cutted nine score persons without the
death of any, except five?; and one astounding
I gravel, and was kept down in his bed by two ser- ? vants, sent for the said Duncan to cure him, who
leaving the great employment he had, waited on
him for several weeks ; and by an emaciating diet,
fitted him for the operation, then cut him and
brought away a big stone of five ounces? weight, and
since that time he has ehjoyed better health, for
which extraordinary cure all he got in hand was
seventeen guineas ; whereas, by his attendance ... groups of huge, irregular, and diversified tenements that could well be conceived. Here a stunted little ...

Book 2  p. 320
(Score 1.94)

Often did her maid go with morning messages to her
friends, inquiring, with her, compliyents, after their
per cats. Good Miss Ramsay was also a friend
to horses, and indeed to all creatures. When she
observed a carter ill-treating his horse she would
march up to him, tax him with cruelty, and by the
very earnestness of her remonstrances arrest the
barbarian?s hand. So, also, when she saw one
labouring in the street with the appearance of
defective diet, she would send rolls to its master,
entreating him to feed theanimal. These peculiarities,
though a little eccentric, are not unpleasing;
and I cannot be sony to record those of the
daughter of one whose head and heart were an
honour to his country.? .
The hideous chapel of ease built in New Street
in 1794 occupied the site of the houses of Henry
Kinloch and the Earls of Angus, the latter of which
formed during the eighteenth century the banking
office of the unfortunate firm of Douglas, Heron,
and Co., whose failure spread ruin and dismay
far and wide in Scotland.
Little Jack?s Close, a narrow alley leading by a
bend into New Street, and Big Jack?s Close, which
led to an open court, adjoin the thoroughfare of
1760, and both are doubtless named from some
forgotten citizen or speculative builder of other
In the former stood the hall of the once wealthy
corporation of the Cordiners or Shoemakers of the
Canongate, on the west side, adorned with all
the insignia of the craft, and furnished for their
convivalia with huge tables and chairs of oak, in
addition to a carved throne, surmounted by a
crowned paring-knife, and dated I 682, for the
solemn inauguration of King Crispin on St. Crispin?s
Day, the 25th of October.
This corporation can be traced back to the 10th
of June, 1574, when William Quhite was elected
Deakon of the Cordiners in the Canongate, in
place of the late Andrew Purvis.
It was of old their yearly custom to elect a
king, who held his court in this Corporation Hall,
from whence, after coronation, he was borne in
procession through the streets, attended by his
subject souters clad in fantastic habiliments. Latterly
he was conducted abroad on a finelycaparisoned
horse, and clad in ermined robes,
attended by mock officers of state and preceded
1s Geordie Cranstoun, who figures twice in Kay?s
memarkable portraits.
In Big Jack?s Close there was extant, until
within a few years ago, the town mansion of
Seneral Sir Thomas Dalyell of Binns, commanderm-
chief of the Scottish forces, whose beard remained
mcut after the death of Charles I., and who raised
the Scots Greys on the 25th of November, 1681,
ind clad them first in grey uniform, and at their
head served as a merciless persecutor of the outlawed
Covenanters, with a zest born of his service
in Russia. The chief apartment in this house
has been described as a large hall, with an arched
or coach root adorned, says Wilson, with a painting
of the sun in the centre, surrounded by gilded rays
on an azure dome. Sky, clouds, and silver stars
filled up the remaining space. The large windows
were partially closed with oak shutters in the old
Scottish fashion. ? The kitchen also was worthy OF
notice, for a fireplace formed of a plain circular
wch, of such unusual dimensions that popular
credulity might have assigned it for the perpetration
of those rites it had ascribed to him of spitting
and roasting his miserable captives! . . . . .
A chapel formerly stood on the site of the open
court, but all. traces of it were removed in 1779.
It is not at all inconsistent with the character of
the fierce old Cavalier that he should have erected
a private chapel for his own use.?
It was to this house in Big Jack?s Close that
the Rev. John Blackadder was brought a prisoner
in 1681, guarded by soldiers under Johnstone, the
town major, and accompanied by his son Thomas,
who died a merchant in New England, and where
that interview took place which is related in
? Blackadder?s Memories,? by D. A. Crichton :-
? I have brought you a prisoner,? said Major-
?Take him to the guard,? said Dalyell, who was
about to walk forth.
On this, the poor divine, whose emotions must
have been far from enviable in such a terrible presence,
said, timidly, ? May I speak with you a little,
sir ? ? ?? You have already spoken too much, sir,? replied
Dalyell, whose blood always boiled at the sight of a
Covenanter, ?and I should hang you with my own
hands over that outshot ! ?
On this, Major Johnstone, dreading what might ... SIR THOMAS DALYELL. I9 Often did her maid go with morning messages to her friends, inquiring, with ...

Book 3  p. 18
(Score 1.91)

156 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. . [Queen Street,
always washed and carefully put away by her own
delicate hands, and thus breakage was evaded.
Marketing was then done in the early morning;
and many a time was the stately figure of old Mrs.
Wilson, ? in her elegantly-fitting black satin dress,
Seen to pass to and fro from the old market place
of Edinburgh, followed by some favourite caddie
peace and harmony reigned supreme, and there are
now not a few of her grandchildren who remember
this fine old Scottish matron with affection and
In 1815 John Wilson had been called to the bar,
at the same time with his firm friend Patrick Robertson,
Sir William Hamilton, Andrew Rutherford,
(or street porter), bearing the well-chosen meats and
vegetables that no skill but her own was permitted
to, select?
She was a high Tory of the old school ; and it is
told of her that on hearing it said that her, son
was contributing to the Edinburgh Revim, she
exclaimed, ?John, if you turn Whig this house is
no longer big enough for us both ! ??
In No. 53 she had under her roof for several
years two married sons, with their wives, children,
Archibald Alison, and others ; and in 1819, he, with
his wife and children, then five in number, removed
from his mother?s house in Queen Street to No. 20
Anne Street, Stockbridge. It was in No. 53, however,
that the famous ? Chaldee Manuscript ? was
written, amid such shouts of laughter, says Mrs.
Gordon, ? that the ladies in the room above, sent
to inquire in wonder what the gentlemen below
were about. I am informed that among those who
were met together on that memorable occasion ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. . [Queen Street, always washed and carefully put away by her own delicate hands, and ...

Book 3  p. 156
(Score 1.85)

THIS notorious individual was the son of a pocket-book maker, who for some
time had a small shop near the Church of St. Sepulchre, London, in which city
the subject of the Print was born in 1763. His father is said to have been an
industrious, well-meaning man, but his mother was a female of abandoned
habits, and long known as a shop-lifter and thief of the lowest grade. She had
three sons and three daughters, all of whom, under her maternal instruction,
became adepts in the art of pilfering. The career of Ben, the youngest son,
was short, as he was executed for robbery in 1786. John Mackcoull, the eldest,
was a well-known character at Bow Street. He was a person of good education
and the author of a volume entitled ii Abuses of Justice,” which he published
in 1819, on his acquittal from a charge of forgery.’
JAMEMS ACKCOULtLh,e hero of our narrative, who seems to have inherited
through life the propensities of his mother, although on a somewhat more
extended scale, made little progress in his education, farther than to acquire a
knowledge of reading and writing. He absented himself from school-displayed
great dexterity in pilfering from his playmates-and was a most accomplished
liar. Athletic, active, and swift of foot, he acquired much renown as a pugilist
in several encounters with his compeers. With these accomplishments his path
to distinction was easy. The first recorded instance of his public depredations
was robbing an unfortunate dealer in cats’ meat. Watching an opportunity,
the young hero threw a quantity of snuff in the poor man’s eyes, then cut the
bag of coppers from the barrow and decamped.
From this period his depredations were numerous, and generally successful,
His father had apprenticed him to a leather-stainer, with whom he remained
for some time ; but his irregularities were so great, that his master at last discharged
him. He now became a thief by profession, and in company with two
associates-Bill Drake and Sam Williams-did business on a large scale.
The most remarkable of his feats at this time was the robbery of a retired
This work, which, however, is rather scarce, is exceedingly amusing. If the author is to be

Book 9  p. 472
(Score 1.78)

Orknay, of the rycht of the Grammar Schole during his lyftyme, in favouris of the
baillies and counsall,” who accordingly restored it to him, “ to be haldin of thame, as
thai quha hes undoutitt rycht to dispone the samyne.”l At the head of Rae’s Close, a
little further to the eastward, another long and interesting inscription of the same period,
though earlier in its style, is inscribed over the entrance to the close. It consists of the
following prayer :-
ET MORTE SUBITA, ME LIBERA. 1 - 6 - 1 * 8 *
This, which is one of the most beautiful inscriptions of the Old Town, has been recently
partially concealed by a modern shop front; but the whde is given, with a slight variation,
in the Theatmm Mortalium.’ Immediately adjoining this, another stone tenement
of similar character presents its antique gabled faqade to the street, adorned with a
curious figure of a turbaned Moor occupying a pulpit, projecting from a recess over the
second floor. Various romantic stories are told of the Morocco Land, as this ancient
tenement is styled. The following is as complete an outline of the most consistent of
them as we have been able to gather, though it is scarcely necessary to premise that it
rests on very different authority from some of the historical associations previously
noticed :-
During one of the tumultuous outbreaks for which the mob of Edinburgh has rendered
itself noted at all periods, and which occurred soon after the accession of Charles I. to his
father’s throne, the provost-who had rendered himself peculiarly obnoxious to the
rioters-was assaulted, his house broken into and fired, and mob law completely cstablished
in the town. On the restoration of order several of the rioters were seized, and,
among others, Andrew Gray, a younger son of the Master of Gray, whose descendants
now inherit the ancient honours and title of that family. He was convicted as the ringleader
of the mob, and, notwithstanding the exertions of powerful friends, such was the
influence of the provostwho was naturally exasperated by the proceedings of the riotersthat
young Gray was condemned to be executed within a day or two after his trial. The
last day of his doomed life had drawn to a close, and the scaffold was already preparing at
the Cross for his ignominious death j but the Old Tolbooth showed, as usual, its proper
sense of the privileges of gentle blood. That very night he effected his escape by means
of a rope and file conveyed to him by a faithful vassal, who had previously drugged a
posset for the sentinel at tAe Purses, and effectually put a stop to his interference. A boat
lay at the foot of one of the neighbouring closes, by which he was ferried over the North
Loch ; and long before the town gates were opened on the following morning, a lessening
Register of the Burgh of the Canongate ; Naitland Club Niscellany, vol. ii. p. 345.
Monteith’s Theatrum MwtaZium, p. 248, where the last two words are incorrectly transposed. Rae’s Cloae
appears, from repeated references to it in the Register of the Burgh, to have been the only open thoroughfare at that
period between Leith Wynd and the Water Gate. e.g., Orders are given, 6th December 1568, “to caus big vpe the
fuit of Ra Cloce.” Again, 18th October 1574, “The Bailleis and Couosale ordains thair Thesaurer to big and upput
an8 yett upon Rais Cloce, and mak the sarnyn lokfast,” a charge for which afterwards appeara in the Treasurer’s accounts.
Mait. f i c . vol. ii pp. 316, 330, 336. Even in 1647, when Gordon’s bird’s-eye view was drawn, only one other
thoroughfare appeara, and nearly the whole ground lying behind the row of houses in the main street consists of open
gardens, with a wall running along the North Back of the Canongate. ... MEMORIALS OF EDINBURGH. Orknay, of the rycht of the Grammar Schole during his lyftyme, in favouris of ...

Book 10  p. 304
(Score 1.74)

Wheeler, Ann, 361
Whitbread, Mr. 247
White, Mr., 193
White, Henry Kirk, 299
White, Hbughton, 359, 360
White, Mrs. Houghton, 363
Whitefield, Rev. Mr., 41, 86
Whitefoord, Caleb, Esq., 60
Whitefoord, AIiss Maria, 59
Whytock, Rev. Mr., 245
Wiggan, Miss, 433
Wilberforce, William, Esq., 317
Wilde, Mr. John, 462
Wilkes, John, 392
Wilkes, Miss, 392
William IV., 214, 233
Williams, Sam, 354
Williarnson, John, 29
Williamson, Barbra, 29
Williamson, Mr. David, 122
Williamson, Mr. Janies, 122
Williamson, Kirkpatrick, Esq.,
135, 137
Williamson, Mr. George, 168
Williamson, Misses, 202
Willison, David, printer, 475
Willock, Captain George, 305,306
Wilson, Rev. Dr., 109
Wilson, Thomas, 202, 345
Wilson, Rev. David, 279
Wilson, Provost, 328
Wilson, Rev. Dr., Hebrew professor,
St. Andrews, 392
Wilson, Nr. John, 403, 407
Wilson, John, 408
Wilson, Mr, W. S., 445
Wilson, Professor, 457
Wilson, Robert Sym, Esq., 457
Wilson, James, 457
Winchilsea, Lord, 301
Witherspoon, Dr., 83
Woffington, Mrs., 205
Wood, Rev. James, 161
Wood, George, Esq., 193
Wood, Miss Apes, 193
Woodhead, Yr. Anthony, 1
Woods, Mr., actor, 204, 236, 260
Wordsworth, William, Esq., 338,
Wraxall, Sir William, 257
Wright, Miss, 284
Wynne, Lady Watkins William,
Wynyard, General, 295
YATES,M r., 177
Yates, Mrs., 204-206
York, Duke of, 22, 24, 189, 272,
York, Duchess of, 208
Young, Miss Apes, 50
Young, Dr., 260 ,
Young, Mr. Robert, 403, 408
Younger, Mr. Archibald, 4
Yule, Dr. 81
Z ~ Ith,e Persian poet and moral-
Zeithen, General, 259
349, 392, 446
ist, 302 ... INDEX TO THE NAMES, ETC. Wheeler, Ann, 361 Whitbread, Mr. 247 White, Mr., 193 White, Henry Kirk, ...

Book 9  p. 695
(Score 1.71)

68 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [The Water of Leith.
up against the dark green of the stately trees
around and behind it. In this institution above
ninety boys and girls are maintained, and its
benefits are not confined to any district of Scotland.
When admitted, they must be of the age of
seven, and not above ten years. They are taught
:reading, writing, arithmetic, and geography. The
hospital has been maintained almost solely from
&e charity of the public.
pleasure-grounds of the old Dean House, and was
formed in 1845. It is principally disposed on
the steep and finely-wooded bank of the Water of
Leith, and underwent great extension and some new
embellishment in 1872. It contains the ashes
of many distinguished Scotsmen, including Lords
Cockburn, Jeffrey, Murray, and Rutherford, Professor
Wilson, and near him his son-in-law, William
Here are the graves of 1 Edmonstoun Aytoun.
(After a Drawing 6y Georgc Simron.)
Near it, and north-westward of Bell?s Mills,
-stands John Watson?s Hospital, built in I 825-8,
irom a very plain design by Williani Burn. It is
a spacious edifice, with a Donc portico, and maintains
and educates about 120 children. This
charity takes its rise from the funds of John Watson,
W.S., who, in the year 1759, conveyed his
whole property to trustees, Lord Milton and Mr.
Mackenzie of Delvin, W.S., who managed their
trust so well that, though in 1781 it only amounted
to A4,721 5s. 6d., by 1823 it exceeded &go,ooo.
It is built on ground which belonged of old to the
estate of Dean.
The Dean Cemetery, the most beautiful of the
.cemeteries of Edinburgh, occupies the site and
Edward Forbes the naturalist, Goodsir the anatomist,
Allan, Scott, and Sam Bough, the painters,
Playfair the architect and the sculptor, and William
Brodie, RSA.
In a corner near the east gate is buried George
Combe, the eminent phrenologist, author of the
?? Constitution of Man,? who died in Surrey in 1858 ;
and under a stately memorial of red Yeterhead
granite, thirty-six feet in height, lies Alexander
Russel, editor of The Scotsntnn.
In the centre of the ground stands a tall obelisk,
erected to the memory of the soldiers of the
Cameron Highlanders ; and not far from it, a tomb,
inscribed with all his battles, marks the grave of
Major Thomas Canch, whose valour at the assault ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [The Water of Leith. up against the dark green of the stately trees around and behind ...

Book 5  p. 68
(Score 1.68)

for many generations an ancient and lofty signaltower,
the summit of which was furnished with
little port-holes, like the loops designed for arrows
or musketry in our old Scottish fortalices, but which
were constructed here for the more peaceable purpose
of watching the merchant ships of the port
as they bore up the Firth of Forth or came to
anchor off the Mussel Cape.
An unusually bold piece of sculpture, in a deep
square panel, was above the archway that led
into the courtyard behind. It was afterwards
placed over the arched entrance leading from the
Tolbooth Wynd to St. Andrew?s Street, and, as
shown by Robertson, bears the date 1678, with
the initials G. R., with two porters carrying a
barrel slung between them, a ship with a lee-board
and the Scottish ensign, an edifice resembling a
mill or two-storeyed granary, and above it a representation
of a curious specimen of mechanical
The latter consists of a crane, the entire machinery
of which ?was comprised in one large drum or
broad wheel, made to revolve, like the wire cylinder
of a squirrel?s cage, by a poor labourer, who occupied
the quadruped?s place, and clambered up
Sisyphus-like in his endless treadmill. The perspective,
with the grouping and proportions of the
whole composition, formed altogether an amusing
and curious sample of both the mechanical and the
fine arts of the seventeenth century.?
A local writer in 1865 asserts-we know not
upon what authority-that it is the tablet of the
Association of Porters; and adds, that ?had the
man in the wheel missed a step when hoisting up
any heavy article, he must have been sent whirling
round at a speed in nowise tending to his personal
comfort.? Robertson also writes of it as ?The
tablet of the Association of Porters, over the entrance
to the old Sugar House Close.??
About the middle of the wynd, on the south side,
stood the edifice used, until 1812, as the Customhouse
of Leith. It was somewhat quadrangular,
with a general frontage of about a hundred feet,
with a depth of ninety.
Riddle?s Close separated it from the old Tolbooth
and Town Hall, on the same side of the wynd.
It was built in 1565 by the citizens of Leith, though
not without strenuous opposition by their jealous
feudal over-lords the community of Edinburgh, and
was a singularly picturesque example of the old
Tolbooth of a Scottish burgh.
Anxious to please her people in Leith Queen
Mary wrote several letters to the Town Council of
Edinburgh, hoping to soothe the uncompromising
hostility of that body to the measure; and at length
the required effect was produced by the following
epistle, which we have somewhat divested of its
obsolete orthography :-
?? To the Provost, Bailies, and Counsale of Edinburgh
?Forasmeikle as we have sent our requisite
sundry times to you, to permit the inhabitants of
our town of Leith to big and edifie ane hous of
justice within the samyn, and has received no
answer from you, and so the work is steyit and
cessit in your default.
?t Wherefore we charge you, that ye permit our
said town of Leith to big and editie ane said hous
of justice within our said town of Leith, and make
no stop or impediment to them to do the samyn;
for it is our will that the samyn be biggit, and that
ye desist from further molesting them in time
coming, as we will answer to as thereupon.
? Subscribit with our hand at Holyrood House,
the 1st day of March, this year of God 1563.
This mandate had the desired effect, and in two
years the building was completed, as an ornamental
tablet, with the Scottish arms boldly sculptured,
the inscription, and date, ?IN DEFENS, M. R.,
1565,? long informed the passer-by.
This edifice, which measured, as Kincaid states,
sixty feet by forty over the walls, had a large
archway in the centre, above which were two
windows of great. height, elaborately grated. On
the west of it, an outside stair gave access to the
first floor ; on, the east there projected a corbelled
oriel, or turret; lighted by eight windows, all grated.
Three elaborate string mouldings traversed the
polished ashlar.fronr of the building, which nvas surmounted
by an embrasured battlement, and in
one part by a crowstepped gable.
Few prisoners of much note have been incarcerated
here, as its tenants were generally persons
who had been guilty of minor crimes. Perhaps
the most celebrated prisoner it ever contained was
the Scottish Machiavel, ?Maitland of Lethington,
who had fallen into the merciless hands of the
Regent Morton after the capitulation of Edinburgh
Castle in I 5 7 3, and who died, as it was said, ?? in
the d d Roman fashion,? by taking poison to
escape a public execution.
This was on the 9th of July, as Calderwood records,
adding that he lay so long unburied, ?that
the vermin came from his corpse, creeping out
under the door where he died.?
Such an occurrence, it has been remarked, said
little for the sanitary arrangements of the Leith
Tolbooth, and it is to be hoped that it had few
other prisoners on that occasion.
, ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Leith for many generations an ancient and lofty signaltower, the summit of which was ...

Book 6  p. 228
(Score 1.47)

Within the gate, the houses were gaily decorated, the
windows being hung with tapestry, and filled with “lordes,
ladyes, gentylwomen and gentylmen ; and in the churches
of the towne, bells rang for myrthe.” Here they were
received by the chapter and prebendaries of St Gilea’s
Church in their richest vestments, and bearing the arm of
their patron saint, which they presented to their Majesties
to kiss ; while the good city vied with the ecclesiastics in
testifying their joy by pageants and quaint mysteries,
suited to the auspicious occasion. Nigh to the cross, at
which a fountain flowed with wine, whereof all might drink,’ they were received by Paris
and the rival goddesses, “with Mercure that gaffe him the apylle of gold for to gyffe to
the most fayre of the thre.” Further on was the salutation of the Angel Gabriel to the
Virgin ; while on another gate, probably the Netherbow, appeared the four virtues-Justice,
treading Nero under her feet; Force, bearing a pillar, and beneath her Holofernes, all
armed ; Temperance, holding a horse’s bit, and treading on Epicurus , and Prudence,
triumphing over Sardanapalus ! while the tabrets played merrily as the royal prdcession
passed through, and ao proceeded to the Abbey. There they were received by the Archbishop
of St Andrews, accompanied by a numerous retinue of bishops, abbots, and other
ecclesiastics, in their official robes, and conducted to the high altar, at which they
knelt, while the (‘ Te Dam” was sung, and then passed through the cloisters into the
In the great chamber (the hangings of which represented the history of Troy, and the
windows filled with the arms of Scotland and England, and other heraldic devices, in
coloured glass), were many ladies of great name and nobly arrayed ; and the King letting
go the Queen, till she had kissed all the ladies, the Bishop of Moray acted as Master of
the Ceremonies, naming each as she saluted her :-“ After she had kyssed them all, the
Kyng kyssed her for her labour, and so took her again with low cortesay and bare hed,
and brought hyr to hyr charmer, and kyssed her agayn, and so took his leve right
humble ! ” ‘‘ The eighth day of the said month, every, man apointed himself richly for the marriage,
the ladies noblyaparelled, some in gowns of cloth of gold, others of crimson, velvet, and
black; others of satin, tynsell, and damask, and of chamlet of many colours; hoods,
chains, and collars upon their necks. . . . . . The Kyng sat in a chape of cramsyn
velvet, the pannells of that sam gylte, under hys cloth of astat of blew velvet fygured of
gold; ” with the Archbishop of York at his right hand, and the Earl of Surrey on his
left; while the Scottish bishops and nobles led the Queen frold her chamber, “crowned
with a varey ryche crowne of gold, garnished with pierry and perles, to the high altar,
where the marriage was solemnised by the Archbishop of Glasgow, amid the sound of
trumpets and the acclamation of the noble company.” At the dinner which followed, the
Queen was served at the first course with ‘‘ a wyld borres hed gylt, within a fayr platter,”
followed by sundry other equally queenly dishes. The chamber was adorned with hangl
Lelaod’e Collectan- vol. iv. p. 289.
VIoNmm-Ancient padlock, dug up in Greytiara’ Churchyard, 1841. ... IV. TO THE BATTLE OF FLODDEN. 27 Within the gate, the houses were gaily decorated, the windows being hung ...

Book 10  p. 29
(Score 1.37)

HUGHM ~CPHERSOoNr, “ Wee Hughie,” as he was commonly termed, was born
in the district of Badenoch about the year 1770. His father, who lived to a
great age, was shepherd on an extensive farm in that quarter; and both his
parents were persons of ordinary stature. When Hughie fist ventured forth
of his native fastnesses, he made his debdt in the Lowlands, att,ired in the Highland
garb-bonnet, kilt, and plaid-with a pair of top-boots in lieu of hose !
For some years after his arrival in Perth, he was employed as a clerk in the George
Inn; next in the shop of a grocer; and subsequently with Messrs J. and P.
Cameron, carriers betwixt Perth and Edinburgh. The tartans had, long ere
this, given way to a coat of dark green, light vest, darkish trousers, and highheeled
boots ;’ a dress to which he adhered without alteration for a length of
time. Every new
suit, to make sure of being fashionably fitted, cost him a visit to Edinburgh.
At length, that he might take charge of his employers’ establishment there,
he had the peculiar satisfaction of being removed permanently to the
Hugh was a well-known kharacter, the oddness of his figure, and his excessive
self-conceit, making him the subject of much diversion. While in Perth,
some one having drawn a caricature of him, he at once sought reparation by
challenging the offender to fight a duel ; but this display of spirit only tended
to make matters worse, for, in another picture, the little mountaineer was grotesquely
exhibited brandishing a pair of pistols not much shorter than himself.
Proud and vindictive, he was easily affronted; and nothing vexed him more
than to be underrated, or looked upon in the light of pity, by the fair sex. If
insulted in their presence, he became perfectly furious. On one occasion, at a
wedding party in Edinburgh, Hugh was dancing with great spirit, and in imagination
as big as the tallest in the company, when a waggish participator in the
reel, seizing a favourable opportunity, tripped up his heels, sending him headforemost
into the ash-pit. Those who were present will not easily forget the
miniature hero’s countenance on regaining his feet. Seizing a candlestick, in a
His hat, too, it may be
remarked, was particularly high and capacious ; thereby, we presume, to add to the height and dignity
of his appearance.
Hughie was, in his own estimation, a perfect dandy.
Hughie invariably wore boats, not shoes, aa represented in the Print. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. No. CCLXXV. HUGH MACPHERSON, SOMETIME CLERK TO THE PERTH CARRIERS. HUGHM ...

Book 9  p. 417
(Score 1.36)

very interesting, and have a romance and fascination about them which
structures of a more modem day, although adorned with all the taste aid
beauty which the most cultivated art can lend them, do not possess. Gifted
with speech, what wild tales of wassail and riot, love and hate, friendship and
revenge, marriage and feud, could they’not relate !
Possibly Dalmeny Park is the object of greatest interest in this neighbourhood,
remarkable alike for the beauty of its position and the rich and varied
scenery of which it forms the centre. We have visited few places with which
we have been more pleased, and seen fewer sights still which we have so
thoroughly enjoyed. The bold waving surface of the demesne, with its noble
avenue of trees, magnificent park, and pleasant pastures fringed with long
ridges of rocks and canopied by a foliage of the most luxuriant growth ; the
majestic Forth almost at your feet, stretching away east and west, gemmed
with many an island, dotted with innumerable craft of varied sail, and seemingly
banked by that massive rock-ribbed barrier of mountains which forms
the boundary of the Highlands ; the rich and rugged scenery on either side,
with here and there in the very front of it some old castellated fortress, now
‘all tattered and torn,’ but big with the memories of former struggles and
triumphs, standing out in clear and bold relief, the time-scarred sentinel of
the neighbourhood-all this taken together constitutes a scene, the wide
extent and varied beauty and grandepr of which may be equalled, but raiely
surpassed, and from which painter and poet alike may inbreathe the purest
and divinest inspiration.
A parish partly in the counties of Linlithgow and Edinburgh, lies a little
to the east of Dalmeny, with the beautifully wooded Hill of Corstorphine on
the south. It is intersected by the river Almond, which flows on somewhat
noisiIy here over its rugged and boulder-strewn bed, between steep banks and
under afoliage with which it is almost arched, and falls into the sea at a
creek, on the east side of which, on a gently declining brae, stands the sweet
little village of the name. The arable pasture of the parish has long been in
a state of high cultivation, and is generally remunerative-the remainder consisting
of large valuable plantations and rich meadow pastures. A very
interesting and pleasant walk for foot-passengers, along the shore-line from
this to Leith, might be constructed at little or no expense ; but as it is, it is
rather heavy plodding to get along over the dried sand; besides, one is
exposed occasionally to be overtaken by the waves which rise in spring-tides, ... 87 very interesting, and have a romance and fascination about them which structures of a more modem day, ...

Book 11  p. 140
(Score 1.34)

heights on either side, one gazes upon a world of moving tree-tops in the
ravine below. ~
A little way back, on the Ieft bank, lies the single-streeted village of
Roslin. Between the village and the Esk, on a grassy height called the
College Hill, stands the Chapel ; and some hundred yards below, on a rocky
promontory, formed by a bend in the river, are the ruins of the Castle,
accessible only by a stone bridge of great height which spans a natural ravine
between the promontory and the College Hill. From this position the Castle
derived its name-XmZianRe, the promontory of the waterfall. The Esk
forms a cascade as it bends sharply round the promontory, and it is still at
this point called ‘the Lynn.’
The St. Clairs, or Sinclairs, of Roslin, or Rosslyn, trace their descent from
a ‘Seemly St. Clair,’ a Norman knight of fair deportment, who ‘ came in’ with
the Conqueror, and whom Malcolm Canmore diplomatically allured over the
border by big grants of Scottish land. Roslin, amongst other places, was given
to the family, and the Castle probably dates from the beginning of the fourteenth
century. In
1622, when it had begun to fall away, a newer house was built over its vaults;
and this was inhabited about eighty years ago by a good old Scottish Laird,
the last heir-male and lineal descendant of the ‘ Seemly St. Clair.’ It is still
let in summer to families wanting rustic accommodation ; and for one season
at least it was tenanted in this fashion by the late Mr. Robert Chambers of
Edinbu?gh. . The ‘ground about the hoary old ruins is now bright with the
fruit and flowers of a market-garden. But in the middle of the fifteenth century
the Castle was the seat of the good and scholarly William St. Clair, ‘ Prince of
the Orkneys and Duke of Oldenburgh,’ the founher of Roslin Chapel. He
was a very great personage indeed, with a town mansion at the foot of Blackfriars
Wynd in Old Edinburgh, and a great retinue of lords and gentlemen.
Sevenv-five gentlewomen attended upon his lady, who, when she rode from
Edinburgh to Roslin, was accompanied by a guard of two hundred horse, and
also, if it was after nightfall, by eighty bearing torches. On one occasion - part of the Castle was set on fire by the carelessness of one of this lady’s
handmaidens. The women fled in fear j and the Prince, who was upon the
College Hill at the time, no doubt superintending the building of his pet
Chapel, on hearing of the fire, ‘was sorry for nothing but the loss of his
charters and other writings.’ These, which were kept in the dungeon-head,
his chaplain cleverly saved, throwing them out-four boxfuls of them-and
following himself on a bell-rope tied to a beam. The good Prince rewarded
From that time it was the chief residence of the St. Clairs. ... ROSLIN, HAWTHORNDEN, ~. heights on either side, one gazes upon a world of moving tree-tops in the ravine ...

Book 11  p. 187
(Score 1.3)

Hogg was born on a farm near Ettrick Forest in Selkirk and baptized there on December 9. He had little education, and became a shepherd, living in grinding poverty hence his nickname, The Ettrick Shepherd. His employer, James Laidlaw of Blackhouse, seeing how hard he was working to improve himself, offered to help by making books available. Hogg used these to essentially teach himself to read and write (something he had achieved by the age of 14). In 1796 Robert Burns died, and Hogg, who had only just come to hear of him, was devastated by the loss. He struggled to produce poetry of his own, and Laidlaw introduced him to Sir Walter Scott, who asked him to help with a publication entitled The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border. In 1801, Hogg visited Edinburgh for the first time. His own collection, The Mountain Bard, was published in 1807 and became a best-seller, allowing him to buy a farm of his own. Having made his name, he started a literary magazine, The Spy, and his epic story-poem, The Queen's Wake (the setting being the return to Scotland of Queen Mary (1561) after her exile in France), was published in 1813 and was another big success. William Blackwood recruited him for the Edinburgh Magazine, and he was introduced to William Wordsworth and several other well-known literary figures. He was given a farm by the Duke of Buccleuch, and settled down there for the rest of his life.

Hogg had already made his reputation as a prose writer with a practical treatise on sheep's diseases; and in 1824 his novel, The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner, was another major success. He became better known than his hero, Burns, had ever been.

Today, Hogg's poetry and essays are not as widely read as in his contemporary era. However "Justified Sinner" remains important and is now seen as one of the major Scottish novels of its time, and absolutely crucial in terms of exploring one of the key themes of Scottish culture and identity: Calvinism. In a 2006 interview with Melvyn Bragg for ITV1, Scottish novelist Irvine Welsh cited Hogg, especially "Justified Sinner" as a major influence on his writing.

[edit] Other works
The Forest Minstrel (1810) (poetry) 
The Pilgrims of the Sun (1815) (poetry) 
Brownie of Bodsbeck (1817) (novel) 
Jacobite Reliques (1819) (collection of Jacobite protest songs) 
The Three Perils of Man (1822) (novel) 
The Three Perils of Woman (1923) (novel) 
Queen Hynde (1925)) (poetry) 
Songs by the Ettrick Shephard (1831) (songs/poetry) 
The Brownie of the Black Haggs (1828) (short story/tale) 
The Domestic Manner and Private Life of Sir Walter Scott (1834) ("unauthorised" biography) 
Tales and Sketches of the Ettrick Shepherd (1837)[1] 

[edit] Footnotes
^ Bibliographic information from:Bleiler ... was born on a farm near Ettrick Forest in Selkirk and baptized there on December 9. He had little education, ...

Book 1  p. ix
(Score 1.27)

booty. “DO ye no see what I’m about 1’’ answered the fellow with the utmost
assurance : “ nae doubt ye’ll be some o1 the understrappers frae the big
house!” Amused at the surpassing nonchalance of the rustic, “What if
Maule were to come upon you 1” said his lordship, with difficulty maintaining
a sufficient gravity of countenance. “Hout, man, he ,wadna say a wordthere’s
no a bet,ter hearted gentleman in a’ the country ; but as I’m in a hurry,
I wish you would lend me a hand, man.” To this Panmure good-humouredly
agreed ; and when the tree had been securely placed on the cart, the jolly
peasant proposed rewarding his assistant with a dram in a neighbouring alehouse.
To this his lordship would not accede, but invited the youth to call next day
at the Castle, where, by asking for Jamie the footman, he would be sure to find
him, and be treated to a glass out of his own bottle. The countryman called
according to promise ; but his confusion and astonishment may be guessed,
when, instead of meeting Jamie the footman, he was ushered, with great ceremony,
into the presence of Lord Panmure and a company of gentlemen. “My
man,” said his lordship, walking up to him, “next time you go to cut wood, I
would advise you first to ask Illaule’s permission.” With this gentle reprimand
he dismissed the terrified depredator, though not without having given instructions
that he should be well entertained in the hall.
In imitation of some of our Scottish Kings, Maule occasionally amused himself
by visiting his tenantry in the character of a mendicant, so disguised that
it was impossible they could recognise him. He thus became minutely acquainted
with the character and habits of a class of people in whom he was
deeply interested. Entering a hamlet, in the course of his excursions, on the
borders of Forfarshire, one very cold and wet evening, he sought shelter in the
house of an old woman, who was busy at her wheel, for the spinning-jenny had
not then entirely expelled that useful instrument of industry from the cottage
ingle. With the accustomed hospitality of our rural population, the “ Gaberlunzie-
man” was welcomed to a share of the hearth; but he was no sooner
seated than he began to grumble at the small fire that burned slowly in the halfempty
grate. The woman assured him there was no more fuel in the house ;
and as she marvelled at the impertinent manner of the sturdy-looking beggar,
her terror and amazement may be conceived, when starting to his feet, and exclaiming--“
I’ll’soon make a fire,” he laid hold of the wheel ; and, in spite of
threats, remonstrances, and the personal opposition which a sense of wrong inspired
her with strength and courage to offer, first the rock, with the ‘‘wee
pickle tow ”-next the wheel-and lastly, the whole body of the frame-at
once her pride and her means of livelihood-were crackling in the flames, and
spreading a light and a warmth unknown to the cottage. Having thoroughly
warmed himself, and when the rage and imprecations of the old woman were
nearly spent with their own violence, Maule took his departure, but not without
leaving a benison, in the shape of a well-filled purse, which amply reconciled
her to the destruction of her property.
The liberality of his disposition frequently relieved the “ Generous Sports ... SKETCHES. 429 booty. “DO ye no see what I’m about 1’’ answered the fellow with the ...

Book 9  p. 574
(Score 1.24)

About this time a strange story went abroad
concerning the spectre of Dundee ; the terrible
yet handsome Claverhouse, in his flowing wig and
glittering breastplate, appearing to bis friend the
Earl of Balcarres, then a prisoner in the Castle, and
awaiting tidings of the first battle with keen anxiety.
.\bout daybreak on the morning when Killiecrankie
was fought and lost by the Williamites, the
spectre of Dundee is said to have come to Bal-
?After this??(says C. K. Sharpe, in a note to
? Law?s Memorials I), ? it moved towards the
mantelpiece, remained there for a short time in a
leaning posture, and thed walked out of the
? chamber without uttering one word. Lord Balcarres,
in great surprise, though not suspecting that what
he saw WAS an. apparition, called out ?repeatedly on
his friend to stop, but received no answer, and
subsequently learned that at the very moment the
[Edinburgh Castle.?
The Torture of Neville Payne-Jacobite Plots-Entombing the Regalia-Project for Surprising the Foitress-Right of Sanctuary Abolished-
Lord Drummond?s Plot-Some Jacobite Prisoners-? Rebel Ladies?-James Macgregor-The Castle Vaults-Attempts nt Escape-Fears
as to the Destruction of the Crown, Sword, and Sceptre-Crown-room opened in ~;rg+-Again in 7817, and the Regalia brought forth-Mons
Meg-General Description of the whole Castle.
AMONG the many unfortunates who have pined as
prisoners of state in the Castle, few suffered more
than Henry Neville Payne, an English gentleman,
who was accused of being a Jacobite conspirator.
About the time of the battle of the Boyne, when
the Earl of Annandale, Lord ROSS, Sir Robert
hlontgomerie of Skelmorlie, Robert Fergusson
? the plotter,? and others, were forming a scheme
in Scotland for the restoration of King James,
Payne had been sent there in connection with
it, but was discovered in Dumfriesshire, seized,
and sent to Edinburgh. Lockhart, the Solicitor-
General for Scotland, who happened to be in
London, coolly wrote to the Earl of Melville,
Secretary of State at Edinburgh, saying, ? that there
was no doubt that he (Payne) knew as much as
would hang a thousand; but except you put him
to the torture, he will shame you all. Pray you, put
him in such hands as will have no pity on him!?*
The Council, however, had anticipated these
amiable instructions, and Payne had borne torture
to extremity, by boot and thumbscrews, without
confessing anything. On the loth of December,
under express instruction signed by King William,
and countersigned by Lord Melville, the process
was to be repeated; and this was done in the
presence of the Earl of Crawford, ?with all the
seventy,? he reported, ? that was consistent with
humanity, even unto that pitch that we could not
preserve life and have gone further, but without the
least success. He was so manly and resolute under
his sufferings that such of the Council as were not
Melville?s Coiiespondence.
acquainted with the evidence, were brangled, and
began to give him charity that he might be innocent.
It was surprising that flesh and blood could, without
fainting, endure the heavy penance he was in for
two hours.? This unfortunate Englishman, in his
maimed and shattered condition, was now thrown
into a vault of the Castle, where none had access
to him save a doctor. Again and again it was represented
to the ?I humane and pious King William?
that to keep Payne in prison Id without trial was contrary
to law;? but notwithstanding repeated petitions
for trial and mercy, in defiance of the Bill of
Rights, William allowed him to languish from year
to year for ten years ; until, on the 4th of February,
1701, he was liberated, in broken health, poverty,
and premature old age, without the security for
reappearance, which was customary in such cases.
Many plots were formed by the Jacobites-one
about 1695, by Fraser of Beaufort (the future
Lovat), and another in 1703, to surprise the
Castle, as being deemed the key to the whole
kingdom-but without success ; and soon after the
Union, in 1707, its walls witnessed that which was
deemed ?I the last act of that national tragedy,? the
entombing of thz regalia, which, by the Treaty,
? are never more to be used, but kept constantly
in the Castle of Edinburgh.?
In presence of Colonel Stuart, the constable ; Sir
James Mackenzie, Clerk of the Treasury ; William
Wilson, Deputy-Clerk of Session-the crown,
sceptre, sword of state, and Treasurer?s rod, were
solemnly deposited in their usual receptacle, the
crown-room, on the 26th of March. ?Animated
by the sam- glow of patriotism that fired the ... this time a strange story went abroad concerning the spectre of Dundee ; the terrible yet handsome ...

Book 1  p. 66
(Score 1.16)

338 OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Roxburgh Place.
sion, belonging to the Lords Ross and to the age
of stately ceremony and stately manners, occupied
till the middle of the eighteenth century the site
occupied the same apartment as that in which
resided, till the year before his death, in 1785,
Alexander Kunciman, one of the most eminent
Scottish artists of his day, and where, no doubt, he
must have entertained the poet Robert Fergusson,
?? while with ominous fitness he sat as his model
for the Prodigal Son.?
Nicolson Street church, erected in 1819-20, at
a cwt of x6,000, has a handsome Gothic front,
with two turreted pinnacles ninety feet in height.
It is built upon the site of the old Antiburgher
Meeting-house, and is notable for the ministry of
Dr. John Jamieson, author of several theological
works, and of the well-known ? Etymological Dictionary
of the Scottish Language.? It was among
the first efforts at an improved style of church
architecture in Edinburgh, where, as elsewhere in
Scotland after the Keformation, the accommodation
of the different congregations in the homeliest
manner was all that was deemed necessary.
The pond sam parish called Lady Glenorchy?s
lies eastward of Nicolson Street, and therein quite
a cluster of little churches has been erected. The
parish church was built as a relief chapel in 1809,
by the Rev. Mr. Johnstone, and altered in 1814,
when it was seated for 990 persons. The Independent
congregation in Richmond Couk was
established in 1833 ; but their place of worship till
1840 was built about 1795 by the Baptists. The
Hebrew congregation was established in 1817, but
has never exceeded IOO souls. The Episcopal
congregation of St. Peter?s, Roxburgh Place, was
established in 1791, and its place of worship consisted
of the first and second flats of a five-storeyed
tenement, and was originally built, at the sole
expense of the clergyman, for about 420 persons.
To Roxburgh Place came, in 1859, the congregation
of Lady Glenorchy?s church, which had been
demolished by the operations of the North British
Railway. The Court of Session having found that
city. In those days the mansion, which was a
square block with wings, was approached by an
avenue through a plantation upwards of sixty yards
this body must be kept in full communion with
the Established Church, authorised the purchase of
Roxburgh Place chapel in lieu of the old place of
worship, and trustees were appointed to conduct
their affairs.
The chapel handed over to them was that of
the Relief Communion just mentioned. Externally
it has no architectural pretensions ; but many may
remember it as the meeting-place of the ?Convocation
? which preceded the ever-memorable
secession in 1843, after which it remained closed
and uncared for till it came into the hands of the
Glenorchy trustees in 1859, in so dilapidated a condition
that their first duty was to repair it before
the congregation could use it.
The remains of the pious Lady Glenorchy, which
had been removed from the old church near the
North Bridge, were placed, in 1844, in the vaults
of St. John?s church ; but the trustees, wishing to
comply as far as was in their power with the
wishes of the foundress, that her remains should
rest in her own church, had a suitable vault built
in that at Roxburgh Place. It was paved and
covered with stone, set in Roman cement, and
formed on the right side of the pulpit.
Therein her body was laid on the evening of
Saturday, 31st December, 1859. The marble
tablet, which was carefully removed from the old
church, was placed over her grave, with an additional
inscription explaining the circumstance which
occasioned her new place of interment.
The portion of St. Cuthbert?s garish which was
disjoined and attached to Lady Glenorchy?s is
bounded by Nicolson Street and the Pleasance on
the west and east, by Drummond Street on the
north, and Richmond Street on the south, with an
average population of about 7,000 souls.
Roxburgh Terrace is built on what was anciently
called Thomson?s Park; and the place itself was
named the Back Row in the city plan of 1787.
How-The last Lord Ross-Earlier Residents in the Square-House of Walter Scott, W.S.-Sir Waltcr?s Boyhood-Bickas-Grcen
Breeks-The Edinburgh Light Horse-The Scots Brigad+Admiral Duncan--Lord Advocate Dundas-The Grants of Kilgrastonhmn
Dunda+Sedan Chak--Campbells of Snccoth-Music Class Room-The Eight Southern DistrictAhapel of Ease-Windmill
Street-Euccleuch Place-Jeffrey?s First House there-The Burgh Loch-Society of Impraven-The Meadow. ... OLD AND NEW EDINBURGH. [Roxburgh Place. sion, belonging to the Lords Ross and to the age of stately ceremony ...

Book 4  p. 338
(Score 1.13)

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