Edinburgh Bookshelf

Edinburgh Bookshelf


Index for “British Convention”

Assembly Close.
where he continued until his death.
He subsequently removed to St John’s Street, Canongate,
TOWARDtSh e end of 1793, several meetings of the British Convention were
held in Edinburgh. At one of them (5th December) the Magistrates interfered,
dispersed the Convention, and apprehended ten or twelve of the members,
among whom were several English delegates ; but who, after examination, were
liberated on bail. The Magistrates at the same time issued a proclamation,
prohibiting all such meetings in future j and giving notice to all persons “who
shall permit the said meetings to be held in their houses, or other places belonging
to them, that they will be prosecuted and punished with the utmost severity
of law.” Notwithstanding this proclamation another meeting was summoned
by the secretary, William Xkirving, to be held in the cock-pit, Grassmarket, on
the 12th of December. On this occasion the Magistrates again interfered, and
apprehended several of the members ; some of whom were served with indictments
to take their trial before the High Court of Justiciary. It was about this
time that Watt and Downie became deeply involved in those transactions for
which they were condemned. After the dispersion of the British Convention,
they became active members of a “ Committee of Union,” designed to collect
the sense of the people, and to assemble another Convention. They were also
members of a committee, called the “ Committee of Ways and Means ”---of
which Downie was treasurer. In unison with the sentiments of the London
Convention, it appears, the “Friends of the People” in Edinburgh had
abandoned all hope of, or intention of further demanding, redress by constitutional
means ; and the more resolute of them began to entertain designs of an
impracticable and dangerous nature. Of these wild schemes Watt was a principal
and active promoter.
The first attempt of the Committee was to gain the co-operation of the
military, or least to render them neutral ; for which purpose they printed an
address, and circulated a number of copies among the Hopetoun Fencibles,
then stationed at Dalkeith.1 A plan was also formed, by which it was
The regiment was about to march for England. The object of the address was to excite the
men to mutiny, by persuading them that they were sold to go abroad ; and that if they revolted,
they would get thousands to assist them. John Geddes, a witness and one of the soldiers, said he
read the address. 0 ! dear brothers, stay
at home I ”
Some of the words it contained were-“Stay at home ! ... 1794. TOWARDtSh e end of 1793, several meetings of the British Convention were held in Edinburgh. At one of ...

Book 8  p. 491
(Score 5.02)

Currie?s, and Dewar?s Closes on the north side of
the market, were all doomed to destruction by the
late City Improvement Act.
In the vicinity of the first-named alley, whose
distinctive title implied its former respectability as a
paved close, was a tenement, dated 1634, with a
fine antique window of oak and ornamental leaden
tracery, and an adjacent turnpike stair has the
of December, 1793, so many members of the
memorable British Convention were seized and
made prisoners, with several English delegates,
when holding a political meeting for revolutionary
purposes and correspondence with the
French Republic.
In these transactions and meetings, Robert
Watt, a wine merchant, and David Downie, became
God . for , all . his . Giftis,? and the initials,
?L B. G. EL? .
In Currie?s Close was an ancient door, only two
feet nine inches broad, with the halfdefaced
legend :
GOD . GIVES THE . . . . RES . . . .
and the initials, ? G. B.? and ?? B. F,? and a shield
charged with a chevron and something like a boar?s
head in base.
In 1763 such a diversion as cockfighting was
utterly unknown in Edinburgh, but in twenty years
after, regular matches or maim, as they were technically
termed, were held, and a regular cockpit for
this school of gambling and cruelty was built in
the Grassmarket, and there it was that, on the 12th
death for high treason. After the dispersion of
the British Convention in the Grassmarket, they
became active members of a ? Committee of
Union,? to collect the sense of the nation, and of
another body styled the Committee of Ways and
Means,? of which Downie, who was a goldsmith in
the Parliament Close, and an office-bearer of his
corporation, was appointed treasurer. In unison
With the London Convention, the ?? Friends of the
People ? in Edinburgh had lost all hope of redress
for their alleged .political wrongs by constitutional
means, and designs of a dangerous nature were
considered-wild schemes, of which Watt was the
active promoter.
Their first attempt was to suborn the Hopetoun
Fencibles, then at Dalkeith, and under orders for ... December, 1793, so many members of the memorable British Convention were seized and made prisoners, with ...

Book 4  p. 236
(Score 4.71)


discovery was made in one of our churches. Some
years ago a chest, without any address, but of
enormous weight, was removed from the Old
Weigh House at Leith, and lodged in the outer
aisle of the old church (a portion of St. Giles?s).
This box had lain for upwards of thirty years at
Leith, and several years in Edinburgh, without a
clainiznt, and, what is still more extraordinary,
without any one ever having had the curiosity to
examine it. On Tuesday, however, some gentlemen
connected with the town caused the mysterious
box to be opened, and, to their surprise
and gratification, they found it contained a
the power which the chamberlain had of regulating
matters in his Court of the Four Burghs respecting
the common welfare was transferred to the general
Convention of Royal Burghs.
This Court was constituted in the reign of
James III., and appointed to be held yearly at
Inverkeithing. By a statute of James VI., the
Convention was appointed to meet four times in
each year, wherever the members chose; and to
avoid confusion, only one was to appear for each
burgh, except the capital, which was to have two.
By a subsequent statute, a majority of the burghs,
came, by whom it was made, or to whom it
belongs, this cannot remain long a secret.
We trust, however, that it will remain as an
ornament in some public place in this city.?
More concerning it was never known, and
ultimately it was placed in its present position,
without its being publicly acknowledged
to be a representation of the unfortunate
In this Council chamber there meets
yearly that little Scottish Parliament, the
ancient Convention of Royal Burghs.
Their foundation in Scotland is as old,
if not older, than the days of David I.,
who, in his charter to the monks of Holyrood,
describes Edinburgh as a burgh holding
of the king, paying him certain revenues,
beautiful statute of his majesty (?), about
the size of life, cast in bronze. . . . .
Although it is at present unknown from
whence this admirable piece of workmanship
?and having the privilege of free
markets. The judgments of the ( F Y O ~ Scoftish ~ntiq7rurirm -w7?scunr.)
magistrates of burghs were liable
to the review of the Lord Great Chamberlain of
Scotland (the first of whom was Herbert, in
IIZS), and his Court of the Four Burghs. He
kept the accounts of the royal revenue and
expenses, and held his circuits or chamberlainayres,
for the better regulation of all towns. But
even his decrees were liable to revision by the
Court of the Four Burghs, composed of certain
burgesses of Edinburgh, Stirling, Roxburgh, and
Berwick, who met ahiiually, at Haddington. to decide,
as a court of last resort, the appeals from
the chamberlain-ayres, and determine upon all
matters affecting the welfare of the royal burghs.
Upon the suppression of the office of chamberlain
(the last of whom was Charles Duke of Lennox, in
1685), the power of controlling magistrates? accounts
was vested in the Exchequer, and the reviewd
of their sentences in the courts of law ; while
. .
or the capital with any other six, were empowered
to call a Convention as often as
they deemed it necessary, and all the other
burghs were obliged to attend it under a.
The Convention, consisting of two deputies
from each burgh, now meets ancually at Edinburgh
in the Council Chzmber, and it is
somewhat singular that the Lord Provost,
although only a meniber, is the perpetuai
president, and the city clerks are clerks to
the Convention, during the sittings of which
the magistrates are supposed to keep open
table for the members.
The powers of this Convention chiefly
respect the establishment of regulations concerning
the trade and commerce of Scotland ;
and with this end it has renewed, from time
to time, articles of staple contract with the
town of Campvere, in Holland, of old the
seat of the conservator of Scottish privileges.
As the royal burghs pay a sixth part of the
sum imposed as a land-tax upon
the counties in Scotland, the
Convention is empowered to consider
the state of trade, and the revenues of individual
burghs, and to assess their respective portions
The Convention has also been iii use to examine
the administrative conduct of magistrates in the
matter of burgh revenue (though this comes more
properly under the Court of Exchequer), and to
give sanction upon particular occasions to the
Common Council of burghs to alienate a part of
the burgh estate. The Convention likewise considers
and arranges the political seffs or constitutions
of the different burghs, and regulates matters
concerning elections that may be brought before it.
Before the use of the Council Chamber was
assigned to the Convention it was wont to meet
in an aisle of St. Giles?s church.
Writers? Court-so named from the circumstance
of the Signet Library being once there-adjoins the
Royal Exchange, and a gloomy little cuZ de sac it ... BEARING DATE OF 1692. discovery was made in one of our churches. Some years ago a chest, without ...

Book 1  p. 186
(Score 3.21)

359.’ WILLIAYS KIRVINGS,e cretary to the British Convention, or, as he is
styled in the Print, “ Citizen Skirving, a tried patriot and an honest man,” was
tried for sedition before the High Court of Justiciary, on the 6th January 1794,
and sentenced to be transported beyond seas for the term of fourteen years.
Mr. Skirving was accused of circulating a seditious hand-bill or paper, dated
“Dundee, July 1793,” and for which Mr. Palmer had already been tried and
sentenced to seven years’ transportation. He was further charged with having
been a member of a society denominated ‘‘ Friends of the People,” and secretary
to the British Convention that met in Edinburgh during the months of
October, November, and December 1793, and for writing and publishing
various other seditious writings, as specially condescended on in the criminal
letters or indictment on said 6th January 1794.
Some time previous to Skirving’s trial, in virtue of a general warrant issued
by Sheriff Pringle, his house, at the dead hour of night, was taken possession
of by a posse of sherif oflcers, and strictly searched, on the pretext of finding
seditious and treasonable publications or papers ; and after seizing a variety of
books and papers which they thought proper to consider of the above description,
Skirving, without any further ceremony or explanation, was taken into
custody and incarcerated in the tolbooth of Edinburgh, until liberated in due
course of law.
Mr. Skirving indignantly refused to be liberated on bail until his solicitor,
Mr. William Moffat, had taken the necessary steps to secure a legal investigation
and redress for such illegal and iizquisitorial procedure. General warrants
having for many years been found and declared by the supreme law of the land
to be illegal and oppressive, vide the decision of the Court of King’s Bench, in
the case of the celebrated Alderman Wilkes against the Secretary of State for
damages, 1764, Mr. Moffat accordingly lost no time in serving the Sheriff and
his Procurator-Fiscal with a protest on behalf of Skirving, grounded on the
foresaid illegal proceedings, demanding his immediate liberation from jail, and
restitution of the books and papers that had been so illegally seized or stolen
from his house, as therein specially condescended on j and failing restitution and
his liberation, the protest concluded by holding the Sheriff and all concerned
liable in exemplary damages. Mr. Skirving was soon thereafter liberated, but
the papers and property never were returned, nor any damages recovered for
their illegal seizure and abstraction, although in the similar case of Alderman
Wilkes he obtained a verdict for 55000 damages against Lord Halifax and his
Under Secretary of State, who signed and issued the warrant in question
In May 1794 Skirving was transported to New South Wales in the Surprise
Transport, with his fellow-sufferers, Muir, Palmer, and Margarot, and died there
about three years after his arrival. Margarot was the only one who outlived
the period of his exile, and who returned in good health and spirits, in 1811,
Nos. 359 and 360 not being amongst Ray’s Copperplates at the time of his death, they only
lately came into our possession. They are introduced here aa supplying a desideratum-the parties
portrayed being frequently alluded to throughout the Work.
VOL 11. 3Q ... 481 359.’ WILLIAYS KIRVINGS,e cretary to the British Convention , or, as he is styled in the Print, ...

Book 9  p. 639
(Score 3.07)

trable to all such assaults. It did not fail, however, to excite the notice of his
opponents north of the Tweed ; and we have seen by the ‘‘ Patent of Knighthood”
how the artist improved upon the suggestion.
Notwithstanding his temporary unpopularity, Sir James was subsequently
at the head of the Magistracy in 1794-5, and again in 1798-9. During the
latter warlike period his conduct was truly meritorious. Scottish commerce
had suffered considerably from the attacks of French and Dutch privateers,
even on our very coasts, which had been left in a shamefully unguarded
condition. By the representations of Sir James, and his judicious applications
to Government, proper convoys were obtained for the merchantmen, and due
protection afforded to our bays. He zealously forwarded the plan of arming
the seamen of Leith and the fishermen of Newhaven, by which a strong body
of men were organised in defence of the harbour and shipping.
So highly were the services of Sir James appreciated, that at the annual
Convention of the Royal Burghs of Scotland (of which he was preses), held at
Edinburgh in 1799, the thanks of the Convention were presented to him in a
gold box, “for his constant attention to the trade of the country, and in
testimony of the Convention’s sense of his good services in procuring the
appointment of convoys, and in communicating with the outports on the
subject .”
In private life he was
very much respected : of mild, gentlemanly manners, but firm in what he judged
to be right. His habits were economical, but not parsimonious ; and the party
entertainments given at his house were always in a style of magnificence. In
person, he was tall and extremely attenuated.’
At one period Sir James resided in St. Andrew Square, the first house
north from Rose Street; and latterly at the west end of Queen Street, not
far from the Hopetoun Rooms. He acquired the estate of Larbert, in
Stirlingshire, which, with his title of Baronet, descended to his son, Sir Gilbert
Stirling, then a Lieutenant in the Coldstream Guards. He left another son,
George, who on the 25th December 1820 married Anne Henrietta, daughter
of William Gray of Oxgang, Esq. He had also two daughters, Janet and Joan,
the former of whom was married to Admiral Sir Thomas Livingstone of Westquarter,
near Falkirk.
Sir James Stirling died on the 17th February 1805.
1 It is related of Sir James, that on being pointed out to a countq woman while walking, attired
in his velvet robes, in a procession, she exclaimed-‘‘ Is that the Lord Provost I I thocht it was the
corpse rinnin’ awa’ wi’ the mort-cloth.”
30 ... SKETCHES. 377 trable to all such assaults. It did not fail, however, to excite the notice of ...

Book 8  p. 526
(Score 2.81)

only taken when completely disabled by wounds, and the court was hastily summoned to
sit on the following morning, “ that he might not preveen the public execution by his
death.” The evidence was found insufticient to convict him of a share in the Rye House
Plot, and the king’s advocate proceeded accordingly to lead other accusations of treason
against him, among which he charged him as having been one of the masked executioners
who beheaded Charles I. He appears to have been a man of most reAolute
courage, and a determined republican ; he denied having been the king’s executioner, but
readily admitted that he was on guard at the scaffold as one of Cromwell’s troopers, and
‘th<aBt e ihneg ahsakde ds iefr vheed oaws naed litehuet epnreasnetn ti nk ihnigs’ sa ramuyth oarti tyD, uhneb acrr,a vWedo rlceeasvteer ,t oa nbde eDxucnudseede.,
seeing he need neither offend them nor grate his own conscience.” He was executed
the same afternoon, with peculiar barbarity, and his quarters sent to be exposed in
some of the chief towns of Scotland, his head being reserved to grace the West Port of
Edinburgh. But the day of retribution came at last; the Prince of Orange landed in
England, and the feeble representative of the Stuarts was the foremost to desert his own
failing cause. From the close of 1688 till March 1689, when a Convention of the
Scottish Estates was summoned to meet, Edinburgh was almost left to the government
of the rabble. The sack of Holyrood, already described, completely established the
superiority of the Presbyterian party, and they signalised their triumph by assaulting
the houses of the wealthy Catholics who resided chiefly in the Canongate, which they
‘<ra bbZed,” as the phrase wae, gutting and sometimes setting them on fire. When at length
the Convention met, the adherenta of the exiled king crowded to the capital in hopes
of yet securing a majority in his favour. Dundee openly marched into the town with a
train of sixty horse, while the Whigs with equal promptitude, but secretly, gathered an
armed body of the persecuted Presbyterians, whom they concealed in garrets and cellars,
ready to sally out at a concerted signal, and turn the scales in favour of their cause.
The aumptuous old oaken roof of the Parliament Hall then witnessed as stirring scenes
as ever occurred in the turbulent minorities of the Jameses within the more ancient
Tolbooth. Dundee arose in his place in the Convention, and demanded that all strangers
should be commanded to quit the town, declaring his own life and those of others of the
king’s friends to be endangered by the presence of banded assassins. On his demand
being rejected, he indignantly left the assembly ; and the Convention, with locked doors
and the keys on the table before them, proceeded to judge the government of King
James, and to pronounce his crown forfeited and his throne vacant, beneath the same
roof where he had so often sat in judgment on the oppressed. Meanwhile Dundee
was mustering his dragoons for the rising of the North; the affrighted citizens were
beating to arms to pursue him, and the armed Covenanters sallying from their hidingplaces
to strike for liberty against the oppressor, on the same streets where they had not
openly been seen for years, unless when dragged to torture and execution; while the
Convention sternly bent themselves to the great question at issue, expecting every moment
that the Duke of Gordon would open a fire on them from the Castle guns, and compel
A sort of compromise would seem to have been tacitly entered into with regard to tbb brave “persecutor.”
Dalziel and Mackenzie have been delivered up to unmitigated popular infamy, while the same censors still speak of the
Bluidy Clavers and the Gallant Dundee, as though they had contrived to divorce hia evil from his good qualities in
order innocently to indulge their pride in the hero of Scottish song !
2E ... UC‘EN3OOTHS AND PARLIAMENT CLOSE. 2x7 only taken when completely disabled by wounds, and the court was hastily ...

Book 10  p. 237
(Score 2.63)

rally intrusted to act as purveyor for the men of the room to which he belonged.
The butcher with whom he had dealt for some time used frequently to quiz him
about his reputed strength, and was perhaps inclined to think, from the silence
maintained by Sam on the subject, that it was not just so great as report
stated. One day, while higgling a little about the price of some purchase-
“ Come, come,” said the knight of the cleaver, and pointing to a bulk of very
excellent appearance, “take that on your shodder; and if you carry it to
Richmond, you shall have it for nothing.” The proposed task, strong as Sam
was, seemed infinitely beyond his power, Richmond barracks being distant
nearly two miles. The offer, however, wi~s extremely tempting ; and he well
knew what eclat such a prize would obtain for him among his fellows. Sam
therefore got the carcase on his back ; and, to the astonishment of the chop
fallen butcher, succeeded in carrying it triumphantly to the barracks.
Many of the Highland Fencible regiments were accompanied by stags of a
large size, which were at once the pets of the men, and the wonder of the different
towns they lay in. Big Sam was not the only human giant paraded in
a similar way, as a specimen of what the north could produce. The.Argyleshire
regiment had their champion in the person of a George Euchanan, who
marched at their head with a fine stag. He was fully as tall as Sam, but
wanted the symmetry and muscle that rendered him so remarkable ; neither was
his voice so gruff as M‘Donald’s, which had something ventriloquial about it,
as if he spoke from the inside of a barrel. Sam treated every other bully as a
conscious Newfoundland dog does the impertinences of a troublesome cur.
Euchanan had many wrestling bouts, however, with strong men in various places,
but uniformly threw them with great ease. When in Falkirk (during the
American war) he exhibited his muscular prowess by holding a heavy cart-wheel
upon his arm, which was afterwards passed through the nave, the wheel being
made to spin round like a mill-wheel on its axle.,
SINCLAIwRa s apprehended along with Margarot, Gerrald, and others ; but
neither he nor Citizen Browne were tried. Little is now known either of their
lives or characters. Sinclair is understood to have subsequently become an
informer ; and there is reason to suspect that from the first he had acted merely

Book 9  p. 257
(Score 2.35)

THIS Print is commemorative of an affair connected with the formation of the
Mound, or “ Mud Brig,” as, in olden time, it was not unfrequently called by the
lower classes. The inconvenience arising from the want of direct communication
between the Lawnmarket and Princes Street began to be seriously felt as
the New Town extended towards the west. In 1783, when the Mound was
first projected, Princes Street was built as far as Hanover Street.
Prior to this, some individuals in Edinburgh had formed an association for
the purpose of furthering Burgh Reform. Among the members were Lord
Gardenstone, Robert Grahame of Gartmore, William Charles Little of Liberton,
and several other gentlemen holding similar opinions. This movement in the
capital was speedily responded to in the provinces, and delegates were despatched
from almost all the Royal Burghs in Scotland to co-operate with the
committee formed in Edinburgh. The first Convention was held in Mary’s
Chapel, on the 25th March 1784-Mr. Little of Liberton,’ president-at which
resolutions were passed declaratory of their rights as citizens.
Some of the original promoters of the Burgh Reform Convention, encouraged
by the success of their political exertions, began to agitate on the subject of local
improvements. Residing chiefly either in the Lawnmarket or its neighbourhood,
they had long felt the want of some kind of communication with Princes
Street more direct than by the North Bridge. They at first thought of applying
for aid by petition to the Town Council; but, recollecting how obnoxious
their late proceedings must have rendered them to the corporation, they abandoned
the idea, and resolved to open a subscription, which they did at “ Dunn’s
Hotel,”’ for the purpose of constructing a thoroughfare. The subscription was
Mr. Little lived in a house at the bottom of Brodie’s Close, Lawnmarket, built by his ancestor
William Little, a magistrate of Edinburgh in the reign of James VI., and xhich was entailed in the
family; it wa8 afterwards occupied by Deacon Brodie, from whom the Close obtained its name.
The tenement was demolished to make room for the city improvements. Several of the carved
stones, and other parts of the house, have been taken to Inch House (Mr. Little’s residence near
Liberton), as relics of the habitation of the predecessors of the family. Mr. Little afterwards
resided in a house forming the angle between Potterrow and Bristo Street, which was known, from
its shape, by the name of the Ace of Czuhs.
a A small phblic-house in the Lawnmarket, at the mouth of the uppermost entry to Jam&
Court, kept by Robert Dunn, much frequented by the merchants at that period, and termed
‘‘Dum’s Hotel,” by way of burlesque-Dum’s elegant hotel in Princes Street having been then

Book 9  p. 9
(Score 2.2)

TRIS gentleman held the office of Chief Magistrate of Edinburgh at the
following different periods-first, from 1788 till 1790; again, from 1792 till
1794; and, lastly from 1796 till 1798.
Great responsibility WCLS attachable to the office during the second period of
his pravostship, in consequence of the disturbed state of the country, and the
measures of agitation resorted to by the “Friends of the People.” Provost
Elder exerted himself vigorously to check the inroad of democracy, Although
the troops then scattered over Scotland were under two thousand, he ventured,
assisted by a few only of the more respectable citizens of Edinburgh, to
suppress the meeting of the memorable British Convention, held on the 5th
December 1793, taking ten or twelve of the principal members prisoners; and,
in a similar manner, on the 12th of December, he dissolved another meeting,
held in the cock-pit at the Grassmarket.
On the 13th January 1794 an immense crowd had assembled on occasion of
the trial of Maurice Margarot, for the purpose of accompanying him to the
Court of Justiciary. In anticipation of this, the Magistrates, City-Guard, and
constables, with a number of respectable inhabitants, met at an early hour
in the Merchants’ Hall, and sallying forth, with the Chief Magistrate at their
head, about ten o’clock, they met Margarot and a number of his friends walking
in procession under an ornamental arch, on which the words “Liberty,
Justice,” etc. were inscribed. The canopy was instantly seized and thrown over
the east side of the North Bridge; and, with the assistance of the crew of a
frigate lying in Leith Roads, the crowd was dispersed, and the two arch-bearers
At ameeting of the Town Council on the 9th September, immediately previous
to the annual change in that body, they “unanimously returned their
thanks, and voted a piece of plate to the Right Hon. the Lord Provost, for his
spirited and prudent conduct while in office, and especially during the late commotions.”
On the formation of the Royal Edinburgh Volunteers, in the summer of
1794, Mr. Elder intended, on retiring from the provostship, to enter tbe ranks
as a common volunteer ; but this resolution was rendered nugatory by a mark
of distinction emanating from the members of the association. For obvious
reasons the commission of Colonel was to be invested in the Chief Maa&trate ... of Edinburgh, to suppress the meeting of the memorable British Convention , held on the 5th December 1793, ...

Book 8  p. 500
(Score 2.09)

by some of the more desperate members of the British Convention to seduce
the soldiers from their allegiance, or at all events to sow the seeds of discontent
among them, but without effect.
At Dumfries, where the corps was quartered in 1794, the following curious
circumstance occurred :-“ One of the Hopetoun Fencibles, now quartered in
that town,” says a newspaper of the day, “ was discovered to be a woman,
after having been upwards of eighteen months in the service. The discovery
was made by the tailor, when he was trying on the new clothes. It is remarkable
that she has concealed her sex so long, considering she always slept with a
comrade, and sometimes with two. She went by the name of John Nicolson,
but her real name was Jean Clark. Previous to her assuming the character of
a soldier, it seems she had accustomed herself to the dress and habits of a
man; having been bred to the business of a weaver at Closeburn, and employed
as a man-servant at Ecclefechan.”
The services of the Hopetoun Fencibles were at first limited to Scotland,
but were afterwards extended to England. They remained embodied till 1798,
when they were disbanded, after the regular militia had been organised.
His lordship afterwards, as Lord Lieutenant of the county of Linlithgow,
embodied a yeomanry corps and a regiment of volunteer infantry, both of
which were among the first that tendered their services to Government. These
he commanded as Colonel, and took a deep interest and a very active part in
training them, and rendering them efficient for the public service. During
those times of alarm, when the country was threatened by foreign invasion, his
influence, his fortune, and his personal exertions were steadily devoted to the
public safety; and so much were his services appreciated by the Executive, that
he was created a Baron of the United Kingdom in 1809, by the name, style,
and title of Baron Hopetoun of Hopetoun.
The Earl died at Hopetoun House, on the 29th May 1816, at the advanced
age of 75. He married, in 1756, Elizabeth, daughter of the Earl of Northesk,
by whom he had six daughters. They all died prior to himself, except Lady
Anne, upon whom the Annandale estates devolved, and who married Admiral
Sir William Johnstone.
Inheriting from his ancestors high rank and ample fortune, Lord Hopetoun
maintained the dignity and noble bearing of the ancient Scotch baron, with the
humility of a Christian, esteeming the religious character of his family to be its
highest distinction; and he was not more eminent for the regularity of his
attendance on all the ordinances of religion, than for the sincerity and reverence
with which he engaged in them. He was an indulgent landlord, a most munificent
benefactor to the poor, and a friend to all who lived within the limits
of his extensive domains.
The following lines, written at the period of his death, describe his estimable
character in glowing and forcible language :- ... 197 by some of the more desperate members of the British Convention to seduce the soldiers from their ...

Book 8  p. 277
(Score 2.07)

misfortune, after a sharp combat of an hour and a half, to have expended every
shot that we had of our artillery. Under such circumstances we were of course
compelled to surrender.”
According to his own account, Colonel Campbell at first experienced most
honourable and humane treatment from the authorities at Boston. A sudden
change, however, followed. In a letter addressed to General Howe, and forwarded
to him through the hands of the Council at Boston, Colonel Campbell
thus describes his situation :-
I Concord Gaol, February 14, 1777.
* *
“ I am lodged in a dungeon of twelve or thirteen feet square, whose sides are black with the
grease and litter of successive criminals. Two doors, with double locks and bolts, shut me up from
the yard, with an express prohibition to enter it, either for my health or the necessary calls of nature.
“ Two small windows, strongly grated with iron, introduce a gloomy light to the apartment, and
these are at this hour without a single pane of glass, although the season, for frost and snow, is
actually in the extreme. In the corner of the cell, boxed up with the partition, stands a *
which does not seem to have been cleared since its first appropriation to this convenience of malefactors.
A loathsome black-hole, decorated with a pair of fixed chains, is granted me for my inner
apartment, from whence a felon was but the moment before removed, to make way for your humble
servant, and in which his litter to this hour remains. The attendance of a single servant on my
person is also denied me, and every visit from a friend positively refused.”
I . * *
It was in this loathsome dwelling that Colonel Campbell pencilled the sketch
of ‘‘ General Buttons Marching to Saratoga with Plunder.” During the Colonel’s
confinement, a variety of events had occurred unfavourable to the British interest,
-among others, the surrender of General Burgoyne and his small army, at the
heights of Saratoga, on the 17th October 1777. General Buttons is accordingly
represented on his march from the “field of spoil;” and, it must be granted,
he has contrived to make the most of his limited means of conveyance.
The cruel treatment of Colonel Campbell and other British officers by the
Americans originated in the law of retaliation, which they considered themselves
warranted in adopting by the conduct of the British towards Colonel Ethen
Allan and General Lee, in treating them not as prisoners of war but as criminals.
As soon as the Congress was informed of the capture of General Lee, they
offered six field-officers-of whom Colonel Campbell was one-in exchange.
This the British General (Howe) refused. It was contended in Findication of
the British, however, that even waiving the peculiar relation in which the prisoners
stood, as having violated their allegiance, they had proper attendants, and were
comfortably lodged.
The imprisonment of Colonel Campbell continued till the exchange of
prisoners was effected in the month of February following-the capture of General
Burgoyne having led to a speedy and amicable arrangement. ... SKETCHES. 267 misfortune, after a sharp combat of an hour and a half, to have expended every shot ...

Book 8  p. 373
(Score 1.91)

but commencing the pillage too soon, the enemy rallied, and attacked the Russians-
who were busy plundering-with so much impetuosity, that they were
driven from the town in all directions. This untoward circumstance compelled
the British to abandon the positions they had stormed, and to fall back upon
their former station. Another attack on the stronghold of the enemy was made
on the 3d of October. The conflict lasted the whole day, but the enemy abandoned
their positions during the night. On this occasion Sir Ralph Abercromby
had two horses shot under him. Sir John Moore was twice wounded severely,
and reluctantly carried off the field; while the Marquis of Huntly (the late
Duke of Gordon), who, at the head of the 92d regiment, was eminently dis.
tinguished, received a wound from a ball in the shoulder.
The Dutch and French troops having taken up another strong position
between Benerwych and the Zuyder-Zee, it was resolved to dislodge them before
they could receive reinforcements. A day of sanguinary fighting ensued, which
continued without intermission until ten o'clock at night, amid deluges of rain,
General Brune having been reinforced with six thousand additional men, and
the ground he occupied being nearly impregnable, while the arms and ammunition
of the British, who were all night exposed to the elements, were rendered
useless, retreat became a measure of necessity. Upon this the Duke of York
entered into an armistice with the Republican forces, by which the troops were
allowed to embark for England, where they arrived in safety.
No. LII.
IN the month of June 1800, General Abercromby was appointed Commanderin-
Chief of the troops ultimately destined for Egypt. Owing to casualties
unnecessary to mention, the armament did not reach the place of its destination
till the 8th of March 1801, on which day the troops disembarked in Aboukir
Bay, notwithstanding the strenuous efforts of the French to prevent them.
On the 13th March, Sir Ralph attacked the French in their position, and
succeeded, after a keen contest, in forcing them to retreat to the heights of
Nicopolis. An attempt to take these heights, which were found to be comhanded
by the guns of the fort, proved unsuccessful. The British took up the
position formerly occupied by the enemy, with their right to the sea, and their
left to the canal of Alexandria, thus cutting off all communication with the city.
On the 18th the garrison of Aboukir surrendered.
General Menou, the French commander, having been reinforced, attempted to
take the British by surprise, and suddenly attacked their positions with his whole
force, The enemy advanced with much impetuosity, shouting as they went, ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES, but commencing the pillage too soon, the enemy rallied, and attacked the Russians- who ...

Book 8  p. 158
(Score 1.79)

Along the deeply arched vault which leads into the Argyle Battery, may be traced the
openings for two portcullises, and the hinges of several successive gates that formerly
guarded this important pass. In Sandby’s view, already referred to, from which the
vignette at the head of this chapter is copied, this gateway is shown as finished with an
embattled parapet, and a flat roof, on which a guard could be statioued for its defence ;
but since then it has been disfigured by the erection over it of an additional building,
of a very unornamental character, intended for the use of the master carpenter.
The apartment immediately above the long vaulted archway, is a place of peculiar
interest, as the ancient state prison of the Castle. Within this gloomy stronghold, both
the Marquis and Earl of Argyle were most probably confined previous to trial ; and here
also many of lesser note have been held in captivity at different periods, down to the
eventful year 1746, when numerous noble and gallant adherents of the house of Stuart
were confined in it, as well as others suspected of an attachment to the same cause.l The
last state prisoners lodged in this stronghold were Watt and Downie, accused of high
treason, in 1794, the former of whom was condemned and executed. It was at first,
intended to have fulfilled the sentence of the law at the ancient place of execution for
traitors, on the Castle Hill, but this being considered liable to be construed into a betrayal
of fear on the part of Government, as seeking to place themoelves under the protection of
the Castle guns, he was ultimately executed in the Lawnmarket.
The only other objects of ipterest in the outer fortress are the Governor’s House, a
building probably erected in the reign of Queen Anne, and the Armoury, immediately
behind it, where a well appointed store of arms \s preserved, neatly arranged, intermixed
with some relics of ancient warfare. In the exterior fortificatione, to the west of the
Armoury, may still be traced the archway of the ancient postern, which has been built up
for many years. Here Viscount Dundee held his conference with the Duke of Gordon,
when on his way to raise the Highland cla.ns in favour of King James, while the Convention
were assembled in the Parliament House, and were proceeding to settle the crown
upon William and Mary. With only thirty of his dragoons, he rode down Leith Wynd,
and along what was called the Long-Gate, a road nearly on the present line of Princes
Street, while the town was beating to arms to pursue him. Leaving his men at the Kirkbrae-
head, he clambered .up the rock at this place, and urgently besought the Duke to
accompany him to the HighlandR, and summon his numerous vassals to rise on behalf of
King James. The Duke, however, preferred to remain and hold out the Castle for the
terror of the Convention, and Dundee hastily pursued his way to Stirling.’ On this same
site we may, with every probability, presume the ancient postern to have stood, through
which the body of the pious Queen Margaret was secretly conveyed in the year 1093, while
the fortress was besieged by Donald Bane, the usurper.*
The most interesting buildings, however, in the Castle, are to be found, as might be
’ The rebel ladiw are also said to have been confined there, and Lady OgiMe made her escape in the drem of a
* Minor Antiquitiea, p. 65.
* Ante, p. 3. It has been stated (Walks in Edinburgh, p 52), but, we think, without su5cient evidence, that the
Castle was without fortifications on the west and north siderr until recent period, tradition assigning their fimt erection
to William 111. But the same walls that still exist appear in (lordon’s map, 1648, with the remains of ruinous buildinga
attnched to them, proving their antiquity at that earlier date.
washerwoman, brought by Wias Balmain, who remained in her stead ; she was allowed afterwards to go free. ... CASTLE. 123 Along the deeply arched vault which leads into the Argyle Battery, may be traced the openings for ...

Book 10  p. 134
(Score 1.76)

period the Count frequently Visited London, from whence, it is said, he directed
the operations of the Chouans in Bretagne. He also visited Sweden in 1804,
and again returned to Britain in 1806.
born in 1757.’ “At the beginning of the Revolution he declared against its
principles, and was one of the most zealous defenders of the royal prerogatives.”
At length a price having been set on his head by the Convention, he was under
the necessity of withdrawing himself from France; and, from 1789 till 1794,
continued a wanderer among various continental courts. Towards the end of
the last-mentioned year the British Government granted him an allowance,
when he embarked for Britain. Previous to the Revolution, which proved so
destructive to his family, the Count is described to have been the most gay,
gaudy, fluttering, accomplished, luxurious, and expensive Prince in Europe.”
He married Maria Theresa, daughter of the King of Sardinia, in 1773, by whom
he had two sons,-the eldest of whom, the Duc d‘Angouleme, accompanied him
in his exile, and arrived at Holyrood House a few days after his father. The
life of the Count d‘iirtois has been very much chequered. On the restoration
of the Bourbon dynasty in 1815, his elder brother, the Count de Provence,
ascended the throne of France as Louis XVIII., and on his death the Count
succeeded to the crown under the title of Charles X.; but the well-known
recent events of the “ Glorious Three Days ” again drove him and his family
into exile. In 1830 he once more took up his residence at Holyrood, where
he resided with the Duc and Duchess d‘iingouleme, and his grandson the Duc
de Bourdeaux, till 1833, when he retired to Gratz, a town of Illyria in the
Austrian dominions. There he died of inflammation in the bowels, November
6, 1836, in the seventy-fifth year of his age.
Can Scotia hear my mournful tale,
And Scotia not afford relief?
Oh ! let the voice of woe prevail-
Thy tenderness will soothe my grief.”
When the Count revisited Holyrood aa Charles X., the author of these lines then presented him
with a few lines of condolence and congratulation by the hand of a confidential friend.
In December 1763 the subject of this notice acted a part in a little drama of compliment with
which David Hume was treated at t4e French Court, in consideration of his literary merits. We
make the following extract from a letter of Hume to Dr. Robertson :-“What happened last week,
when I had the honour of being presented to the Dauphin’s children at Versailles, is one of the most
curious scenes I have yet passed through. The Due de B. (Bourdeaux, afterwards Louis XVI.), the
eldest, 8 boy ten years old, stepped forth, and told me how many friends and admirers I had in this
country, and that he reckoned himself in the number, from the pleasure he had received from reading
many passages of my works. When he had finished, the Count de P. ‘(Provence, afterwards Louis
XVIII.), who is two years younger, began his discourse, and informed me that I had been long and
impatiently expected in France ; and that he himself expected soon to have great satisfnction from
the reading of my fine history. But, what is more curious, when I waa carried thence to the Count d’A
(Artois), who is but four (six) years of age, I heard him mumble something, which, though he had
forgot it in the way, I conjectured, from some scattered words, to have been also a panegyric dictated
to him. Nothing could more surprise my friends, the Parisian philosophers, than thia incident.”-
RITCHIE’S Life of H u e , 155. ... SKETCHES, 215 period the Count frequently Visited London, from whence, it is said, he directed the ...

Book 8  p. 303
(Score 1.75)

OF this hero of the “War of Independence,” nothing farther is known than the
fact that such a person did actually serve in the American army. “ The drawing,”
says Kay, in his MS., “ from which this Print is taken, was done by Colonel
Campbell, while confined in prison in America, after the treaty of Saratoga.
Through a small hole-the only aperture for light in his dungeon-the Colonel
had frequent opportunities of seeing General Buttons ; and, notwithstanding
the gloomy nature of his situation, he could not resist the impulse of taking a
sketch of such a remarkable military figure.” This sketch he sent home for the
amusement of his friends, by whom it was communicated to the artist, for the
purpose of more extended circulation.
Whether this excellent counterpart of the “ Knight of the Rueful Countenance”
be a faithful representation of “ Provincial General Buttons,” or heightened
in its unique grotesque appearancs by the fancy of the caricaturist, is a
matter of no great moment. The circumstances under which it was pencilledthe
state of political feeling in this country at the period-and the penchant
which even yet exists for enjoying a little wit at the expense of brother Jonathan,
were sufficient to stamp a value on the production, independent of its own
intrinsic claims to merit.
Lieutenant-Colonel Campbell was taken prisoner by the Americans in 1716.
It appears that, unapprised of the evacuation of Boston by the British troops,
he had attempted, in compliance with his orders, to make a landing at that port.
His small force consisted of two transports, the George and Annabella, with two
companies of the 71st Regiment. On reaching the mouth of the harbour, they
were attacked by four American privateers, which, with very unequal means,
they repulsed ; and, under the fire of an American battery, bore right into the
harbour, where, one of the vessels running aground, Colonel Campbell was under
the necessity of coming to anchor with the other. Here he soon discovered the
perilous nature of the situation in which he was placed. The four schooners
with whom he had formerly been engaged, being joined by an armed brig,
immediately surrounded him, took their stations within two hundred yards, and
hailed him t’o strike the British flag. “Although,” says Captain Campbell,
“ the mate of our ship, and every .sailor on board, the Captain only excepted,
refused positively to fight any longer, there was not an officer, non-commissioned
officer, nor private man of the 71st, but what stood to their quarters, with a
ready and cheerful obedience. On our refusing to strike the British flag, the
action was renewed with a good deal of warmth on both sides ; and it was our ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. No. CVII. GENERAL BUTTONS, AN AMERICAN OFFICER. OF this hero of the “War of ...

Book 8  p. 371
(Score 1.67)

of Methven; William Smythe, Esq., advocate; and the Rev. Patrick M.
Smythe, of Tanworth, in the county of Warwick;’ and two daughters, the
eldest of whom was married to the Right Hon. David Boyle, Lord Justice-clerk.
THIS Print is highly illustrative of society in the Scottish metropolis during
the warlike era of the Volunteers. On the Castle Hill, Princes Street, or the
Meadow Walks, similar groups might be daily witnessed. The first and most
conspicuous of the military gentlemen is the late GENERAL FRANCIS
DUNDAS, son of the second President Dundas, and brother of the late Lord
Chief Baron. At the time the Engraving was executed, in 1795, he was
Colonel of the Scots Brigade-a corps long distinguished in the service of
Holland, and afterwards embodied in the British line as the 94th regiment.
Colonel Dundas attained the rank of Major-General in 1795 ; Lieut.-General
in 1802; and General in 1812. In 1809, he was appointed Colonel of the
71st light infantry, six companies of which were draughted in 1810 to serve
in Spain under the Duke of Wellington.
In 1802-3 he was Governor of Cape of Good Hope, During the brief
peace of Amiens, in accordance with his instructions to evacuate the colony,
the garrison had embarked on board the British squadron ; but having, on the
evening of embarkation, fortunately received counter-orders, the General relanded
1 Another son, George Smythe, Esq., advocate, was unfortunately killed by a fall from a gig.
This gentleman was a member of the Bannatyne Club, and contributed for the use of that Society a
very curious and valuable volume, entitled “Letters of John Grahame of Claverhouse, Viscount of
Dundee, with illustrative documents.” Edin. 1826, 4to. ... BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. of Methven; William Smythe, Esq., advocate; and the Rev. Patrick M. Smythe, of ...

Book 9  p. 434
(Score 1.48)

situated the Waverfey Bridge and East Princes Street Gardens ; here, from
a littIe above the Imperial Hotel, the accompanying view of the North Bridge
is taken. The castellated turrets of the Jail tell in relief against the eastern
sky ; down the slope the Royal High School is diinty seen in the morning
haze; in the middle distance rises the North Bridge, with its nngraceful
modem parapet, contrasting unfavourably with the original structure. The
. . .. . . . .
alterations which have gradually taken pIace here within the last twenty years
are very marked. On the site of the old Green Market rises the new spacious
station of the North British Railway, on the north side of which is situated
- ... AND DESCRIPTIVE NOTES. 59 situated the Waverfey Bridge and East Princes Street Gardens ; here, from a ...

Book 11  p. 94
(Score 1.45)

ports were lost. The remainder of the fleet reached the West Indies in safety,
and by the month ‘of March 1796 the troops were in B condition for active
duty. The General succeeded in driving the French from all their possessions,
and, assisted by part of a new convoy from Britain, was enabled to capture the
island of Trinidad from the Spaniards.
Sir Ralph next made an attack upon the Spanish island of Puerto Rico,
which proved unsuccessful, but without by any means tarnishing his previously
well-earned laurels. On his return to this country in 1797, he was received
with every demonstration of public respect. He was presented by his Majesty
with the Colonelcy of the Scots Greys-invested with the honour of the Order
of the Bath-rewarded with the lucrative governments of Fort-George and
Fort-Augustus, and, on the 26th of January, he was raised to the rank of
Lieutenant-General in the Army.
Sir Ralph was next appointed to the chief command in Ireland, where the
flame of civil war was threatening to burst forth. After visiting a great
portion of the kingdom, and restoring in a great degree the discipline of the
army, which, in the Commander’s own words, had become, from their irregularities,
“more formidable to their friends than their enemies,” the General
was removed by the Marquis Cornwallis, who united the offices of Lord-
Lieutenant and Commander-in-Chief in his own person, much to the satisfaction
of Sir Ralph, who was anxious to leave Ireland. He was then appointed Commander
of the Forces in Scotland.
In 1798, Sir Ralph was selected to take charge of the expedition sent out
to Holland for the purpose of restoring the Prince of Orange to the Stadtholdership,
from which he had been ejected by the French. In this expedition the
British were at the outset successful. The first and well-contested encounter
with General Daendell, on the 27th of August, near the Helder Point, in
which the Dutch were defeated, led to the immediate evacuation of the Helder,
by which thirteen ships of war and three Indiamen, together with the arsenal
and naval magazine, fell an easy prey to the British. The Dutch fleet also
surrendered to Admiral Mitchell, the sailors refusing to fight against the Prince
of Orange. This encouraging event, however, by no means spoke the sentiments
of the mass of the Dutch people, or disconcerted the enemy. On the morning
of the 11th of September, the Dutch and French forces attacked the position of
the British, which extended from Petten on the German Ocean, to Oude-Sluys
on the Zuyder-Zee. The onset was made with the utmost bravery, but the
enemy were repulsed with the loss of a thousand men. Sir Ralph, from the
want of numbers, was unable to follow up this advantage, until the Duke of
York arrived as Commander-in-Chief, with a number of Russians, Batavians,
and Dutch volunteers, which aupented the allied army to nearly thirty-six
An attempt upon the enemy’s positions on the heights of Camperdown being
agreed upon, on the morning of the 19th September the allied forces successfully
commenced the attack The Russians made themselves masters of Bergen; ... SKETCHES. 107 ports were lost. The remainder of the fleet reached the West Indies in safety, and by ...

Book 8  p. 157
(Score 1.43)

356 OLD ANI) NEW EDINBURGH. [North Bridge.
night. for his journey there and back, the channel
of the Gala, which, for a considerable distance was
parallel with the road, being, when not flooded,
the track chosen as most level and easy for the
traveller. At this period and long before, there
was a set of horse ?cadgers,? who plied regularly
between different places, and in defiance of the
laws, carried more letters than ever passed through
the Edinburgh office in those days.
In 1757 the revenue amounted to A10,623,
accorcling to Arnot ; in that year the mail was upon
the road from London 87 hours, and, oddly enough,
from Edinburgh back 131 hours ; but by the
influence of the Convention of Royal Burghs,
these hours were reduced to Xz and 85 respec-
Postmaster-General, and nine years after, the mails
began to be conveyed from stage to stage byrelays
of fresh horses, and different post-boys, to the
principal places in Scotland; but the greater
pxtion of the bags were conveyed by foot-runners j
far the condition of the roads from Edinburgh
would not admit of anything like rapid travelling.
The most direct, at times, lay actually in the
channels of streams. The common carrier from
Edinburgh to Selkirk, 38 miles, required a fortburgh
staff consisted of ten persons, exclusive of
the letter carriers.
In 1776 the first stagecoach came to Edinburgh
on the 10th April, having performed the journey
from London in sixty hours. In the same year
the penny post was established in Scotland by
Peter Williamson, to whom we have referred elsewhere.
This man was the Rowland Hill of his
day, and the postal authorities seeing the importance
of such a source of revenue, gave him a pension for
the goodwill of the business, and the Scottish
penny posts were afterwards confirmed to the
General Post by an Act of Parliament in 1799.
In 1781 the number of post-towns in Scotland
consisted of 140, and the staff at Edinburgh
tively; and 1763 beheld a further improvement,
when the London mails were increased from three
to five. Previously they had travelled in such a
dilatory manner, that in the winter the letters I
which left London on Tuesday night were not
distributed m Edinburgh till the Sunday following,
between sermons.
In 1765 there was a penny postage for letters
borne one stage; and in 1771, when Oliphant of
Rossie was Deputy Postmaster-General, the Edin ... OLD ANI) NEW EDINBURGH. [North Bridge. night. for his journey there and back, the channel of the Gala, which, ...

Book 2  p. 356
(Score 1.42)

Butler and Oliver Bond were summoned before the House of Lords, on account
of “a paper issued by the United Irishmen.” They at once avowed
the publication, but asserted that it contained nothing either illegal or unconstitutional.
They were ordered to withdraw, however, when the House voted
the paper a “ scandalous libel” on their privileges j and a motion by the Earl
of Westmeath was agreed to, that the parties should be fined each in 3500,
and imprisoned for six months. Mr. Butler and Mr. Bond were then called to
the bar-the Chancellor pronounced the sentence of the House, and they were
immediately conducted to Newgate.
On the expiry of his term of imprisonment, Mr. Butler accompanied his
friend Hamilton Rowan to Scotland, as already described; and for some time
continued to aid in directing the proceedings of the body with which he had
become associated. Compelled at length to consult his safety in fight, he fled
to Wales, where, according to Musgrave-whose statements must be taken with
caution-he ‘( died in great poverty.”
In the Annual Register for 1797 his death, which occurred on the 19th
May, is thus recorded :-“In his fortieth year, the Hon. Simon Butler, third
son of Edmund, the late Lord Viscount Mountgarret, of the. kingdom of
Ireland, brother of the late, and uncle of the present Earl of Kilkenny. In
1794 he married Eliza, second daugheer of Edward Lynch of Hampstead, near
Dublin, Esq., by whom he has left one only child, named Edward Lynch
Butler, an infant about nine months old. His remains were deposited in the
vaults belonging to St. James’s Church.”
ALMOSnTot hing more is known of this individual than what is communicated
by the inscription on the Print. He was an enthusiastic admirer of the French
Republic; and it was at his suggestion that many of the most obnoxious
republican phrases were adopted by the Reformers of Scotland in 1793. In the
evidence of Filliam Canulge-on the trial of Thomas Hardy, of the London
Corresponding Society, in 1794-BROWNE is thus mentioned in allusion to the
Sheffield Association :-“ The Society chose Mathew Campbell Browne, as
delegate to the Scotch Convention at Edinburgh j upon which occasion he waa
sent to him with a supply of cash, ten pounds of which he received from Sheffield,
and ten pounds from Leeds. He knew not how the money was raised,
but had received it from Mr. Yateg who had since quitted Sheffield.”
VOL IL 2A ... SKETCHES. 177 Butler and Oliver Bond were summoned before the House of Lords, on account of “a ...

Book 9  p. 237
(Score 1.41)

NO. Page
the Green” .............................. ccxli 214
ing unlawful oaths .............. .cclxxxix 353
M‘Kellar, Alexander ; or “The Cock 0’
M‘Kinlay, Andrew, tried for administer-
XAPOLEOI.N, E mperor ...............c ccxxxri 478
Nugent, Mr., of the Pembrokeshire
Cavalry ............................... ..cccxlv 479
O’BRIES, the Irish Giant. .................. ccx 116
Oman, Mr. Charles ........................ cclxiv 283
PAINE, Mr. Thomas, Secretary for
Foreign Affairs to the American
Congress .......................... ,..ccxxxiv 184
Paul, Emperor of Russia. ............. .cccxxxii 477
Peddie, Rev. Dr. James, of the Associate
Congregation, Bristo Street ... cclxxrvii 351
Peddie, Rev. Dr. James, in 1810 ... cclxxxviii 352
Peddie, Rev. Dr. James ..............c ccxxxix 479
Pierie, E. Alexander ................... .cccviii 411
Pitt, Right Hon. William ................. cclvi 257
Pratt, George .............................. .clxxxi 30
I’rrtt, George, and a Fool .............. cccxliii 479
Pringle, John, Esq. ........................ cclxvi 289
Penny, Mrs .................................. clxxiii 15
Pitt, Right Hon. William .................. cclv 255
RAE, Mr. John, surgeon-dentist ...... .cclxiv 283
Rae, Mr. John, surgeon-dentist ........ cclxvi 289
Rigg, James Hume, Esq., of Norton ... ccxxi 148
Ritchie, Mr. Alexander, Scotch cloth
Robertson, William, Lord Robertson.. ... ccc 383
Robertson, William, Lord Robertson cccxii 417
Robinson, Wm. Rose, Esq., Sheriff of
Lanark.. ............................. .cccxxvi 465
Rocheid, James, Esq., of Inverleith clxxxvii 46
Rose, John, Esq., of Holme, in the uniform
of the Grant Fencibles. ... cccxxvii 466
Ross, Mathew, Esq., Dean of Faculty cccxx 43f
Ross, Mr. W. BI., deacon of the tailors ccxcv 372
Rowan, Archibald Hamilton, Esq., of
Billileagh, in Ireland ............... ccxxx 167
Kanken, William, Esq.. ..................... ccx 117
shop. ................................... .clxxiii 11
No. Page
Scorn, milliam. ........................ eelxxviii 322
Scott, Mr. David, farmer, Northfield cccxiv 425
Scott, Sir Walter, Bart. ................ cccxxvi 463
Service Rewarded, Faithful. ............... ccxi 118
Session, Last Sitting of the Old Court of ccc 380
Session, Second Division of the Court
of .......................................... cccxii 417
Set-to, A Political ; or “Freedom of
Election” Illustrated. ............... cccvii 401
Simeon, Rev. Charles, A.M. of Tiinity
Church, Cambridge’ ................... cckx 296
Sinclair, Mr. Charles, one of the delegates
to the British Convention ccxxxvii 191
Sinclair, Sir John, Bart. of Ulbster ....... cxciii 61
Skey, Major, of the Shropshire
Militia. .............................. cccxxviii 468
Skinner, Mr. WiIIiam ................... ..cccvii 402
Skirving, Citizen ........................... ccclix 481
Smith, Mrs., in the costume of 1795 ... cccxv 425
Smythe, David, Lord Methven. ...... cclxxix 325
Sommers, Mr. Thomas, his Majesty’s
glazier. ..................................... .ccl 235
Steele, John, aged 109 years ............ ccxcvi 375
Stewart, Archibald Macarthur, Esq., of
Ascog. ................................... .ccxxi 150
Stirling, Sir James, Bart.. ............... cclviii 263
Stonefield, Lord .............................. cxciv 71
Struthers, Rev. Janes, of the Relief
Chapel, College Street. .............. .ccxv 133
Struthers, Rev. James, of thc Relief
Chapel ................................... ccxvi 134
Suttie, Margaret, a hawker of salt. ... ccxxix 166
Sym, Robert, Esq., Writer to the
Signet ................................ .cccxxiii 455
Syme, Old Geordie, a famous piper ... ccxviii 137
TAIT, Old John, the broom-maker ..... ccxx 143
Taylor, Quarter-Master.. ............. ..clxxxvii 48
Tronmen, The City; or Chimncy-
Sfi-eepen. .............................. ccxxiv 155
Turnbull, Rev. Dr. Alexander, of Dalladies
.................................. ccxxviii 163
Tytler, Alexander Fraser, Lord Woodhouselee
... ccc 380
Tytler, Alex. Fraser, Lord Woodhowlee
................................. cccxii 417
VYSE, Lieut.-General, in command of
the Forces in Scotland. .......... cclxxxri 349
3 R ... 296 Sinclair, Mr. Charles, one of the delegates to the British Convention ccxxxvii 191 Sinclair, Sir John, ...

Book 9  p. 680
(Score 1.4)

arrangement of British plants according to the
Natural System ; a general collection of the hardy
plants of all countries, and a series of medicinal
plants. There are also a collection of European
plants, according to the Linnzean System, and an
extensive arboretum, a rosery, and splendid parterres
; a winter garden, museum, lecture-room, and
library; a magnetic observatory and aquarium; with
a construction of terraced rockeries, 190 feet long,
by IZO wide.
ranged geographically, so as to enable the students
to examine the flora of the different countries ; and
there is a general arrangement of flowering plants,
illustrating the orders and genera of the entire
There is likewise a grouping of cryptogamic
plants, and special collections of other plants,
British, medicinal, and economical.
The usual number 01 students in the garden in
summer averages about 300, and the greatest
A public arboretum, comprising about thirty
acres, along the west side of the Botanic Gardens,
was obtained for A18,408 from the city
funds, and ~16,000 from Government, This was
sanctioned by the Town Council in 1877; and this
large addition to the original garden was opened
in April, 1881, and Inverleith House became the
official residence of the Regius Keeper.
Students have ample facilities for studying the
plants in the garden; the museum is open at all
times to them, and the specimens contained in it
are used for illustrating the lectures. The University
Herbarium is kept in the large hall, and can
be consulted under the direction of the professor
of botany, or his assistant. In it the plants are ar-
number is above 500. The fresh specimens of
plants used for lectures and demonstrations averages
above 47,300.
By agreement, it has been provided that the
arboretum, mentioned above, should be placed
under the Public Parks Regulations Act of 1872,
and be maintained in all time coming by the
Government. The trustees of both Sir William
Fettes and Mr. Rocheid were bound to provide
proper accesses, by good roads and avenues, to
the ground and to give access by the private avenue
leading from St. Bernard?s Row to Inverleith
House. Another avenue was also stipulated for,
which was to join the road from Inverleith Place,
westward to Fettes College. ... THE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS. 47 arrangement of British plants according to the Natural System ; a ...

Book 5  p. 97
(Score 1.39)

277 --_ - b r d Prumts.1 THE FIRST MAGISTRATE.
The FLt Magistrate of EdinburghSome noted Prwosts-William de Dedzryl., Alderman-John Wigmer and the Ransom of David 1 I.-
John of Quhitness, First Provost -Willkm Bertraham-The Golden Charter-City Pipers-Archibald Bell-the-cat-Lord Home-
Arran and Kilspindie-Lord Maxwell-? Greysteel s ? Penance-James VI. and the Council-Lord Fyvie-Provost Tod and Gordon?s
Map-The First Lord Provost-George Drurnmond-Freedom of the City given to Benjamin Franklin-Sir Lawrence Dundas and the
Parliamentary Contest-Sir James Hunter Blair--Riots of 179-Provost Coulter?s Funeral--Lord Lynedoch-Recent Provosts-The
First Englishman who w u Lord Provost of Edinburgh.
THE titles by which the chief magistrate is known
are ? The Right Honourable the Lord Provost of
the City of Edinburgh, Her Majesty?s Lieutenant
and High Sheriff within the same and Liberties
thereof, Justice of the Peace for the County of
Midlothian, and Admiral of the Firth of Forth,??
&c. A sword and mace are always borne before
It has been suggested that at some early period
the chief magistrate had an official residence, and
Lawson, in his Gazetteer, gives us a tradition that
it was in the well-known alley from the High Street
to the Public Markets, ?now called the Fleshmarket
Close, but formerly the Provost?s CZose..?
Few Highland names appear among those of the
chief magistrates before the fifteenth century, while
in the earlier ages many Norman and Saxon are to
be found, as these elements existed largely in the
Lowlands. We have the son of Malcolm 111.
addressing his subjects thus :--?Eadgarus Rex
Scotorum, omnibus per regnum suum Scotis et AngZi~,
salufem,? with reference no doubt to the English
Border counties, then a portion of the realm.
Although seven aldermen and three provosts
appear among the first men in authority over Edinburgh,
it is probable that the office of bailie, bailiff,
or rent-gatherer, is more ancient than either, as such
an officer was originally appointed by the king ta
collect revenues and administer justice within the
In 1296 the first magistrate, whose name can be
traced to Edinburgh, was William de Dederyk,
aZdermarr; he appears as such in ?Prynne?s
Records of the Tower, and the Ragman Rolls.?
In the preceding year John Baliol held a Parliament
at Edinburgh, and a convention of the burgesses of ... --_ - b r d Prumts.1 THE FIRST MAGISTRATE. c- CHAMBERS STREET. CHAPTER XXXIV. THE L9RD PROVOSTS OF ...

Book 4  p. 277
(Score 1.38)

of his that every yoiing-man should start in life with a determinate object in
view. “He himself had resolved (when he had little prospect of accomplishing
it, being a younger son) to have a house and establishment in London;
and by so doing he had succeeded.”
In his youth the General was a very active man, and was esteemed a brave
and excellent soldier. Latterly he became corpulent ; but, notwithstanding,
he lived in the enjoyment of excellent health to the age of eighty-six. He died
at Ballindalloch on the 13th April 1806, and was buried, according to his own
directions, at a favourite spot overlooking his improvements.
HASTINGiSn England, was born December 9, 1754. After finishing his education
at Oxford, he made a short tour on the Continent, and then entered the
army as an Ensign in the 15th Regiment of Foot, September 1771.’ Three years
subsequently he obtained a lieutenancy in the 6th Foot, with which regiment he
embarked for America, and was present at the battle of Bunker’s Hill.
The promotion of his lordship was subsequently rapid. He obtained a company
in the 63d; was next appointed Aide-de-camp to Sir Henry Clinton;
and, in 1778, was made Adjutant-General of the British Army in America,
with the rank of Lieut.-Colonel. He was present at the battles of Brooklyn
and White Plains ; at the attacks of Fort Washington and Fort Clinton ; and
was actively employed in the retreat of the British from Philadelphia to New
York, as well as in the engagement which followed at Monmouth, and at the
siege of Charleston. He commanded the left wing at the battle of Camden ;
and, having been left with a small force to defend the frontiers of South Carolina,
he perfornied one of the most brilliant achievements of the war by attacking
and defeating the vastly superior forces under General Green at HobkirkhilL
A short time prior to the termination of hostilities in America, he was,
in consequence of severe illness, compelled to quit the army. The vessel in
which he sailed for Britain was captured and carried iuto Brest ; but his lordship
was almost immediately relieved.
He was
promoted to the rank of Colonel, appointed one of his Majesty’s Aides-de-
On his arrival in England he was well received by his Sovereign.
Brydges’ Edition of Collins, vol. vi. p. 688. Lond. 1812. 81-0. ... SKETCHES. 23 of his that every yoiing-man should start in life with a determinate object in view. ...

Book 9  p. 31
(Score 1.33)

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