Edinburgh Bookshelf

Kay's Originals Vol. 2


Volume 9 Page 30
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BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. 23 of his that every yoiing-man should start in life with a determinate object in view. “He himself had resolved (when he had little prospect of accomplishing it, being a younger son) to have a house and establishment in London; and by so doing he had succeeded.” In his youth the General was a very active man, and was esteemed a brave and excellent soldier. Latterly he became corpulent ; but, notwithstanding, he lived in the enjoyment of excellent health to the age of eighty-six. He died at Ballindalloch on the 13th April 1806, and was buried, according to his own directions, at a favourite spot overlooking his improvements. No. CLXXIX. THE RIGHT HON. THE EARL OF RIOIRA, COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE FORCES IN SCOTLAND. FRANCISSE COND EARL OF MOIRA in Ireland, and afterwards MARQUISO F HASTINGiSn England, was born December 9, 1754. After finishing his education at Oxford, he made a short tour on the Continent, and then entered the army as an Ensign in the 15th Regiment of Foot, September 1771.’ Three years subsequently he obtained a lieutenancy in the 6th Foot, with which regiment he embarked for America, and was present at the battle of Bunker’s Hill. The promotion of his lordship was subsequently rapid. He obtained a company in the 63d; was next appointed Aide-de-camp to Sir Henry Clinton; and, in 1778, was made Adjutant-General of the British Army in America, with the rank of Lieut.-Colonel. He was present at the battles of Brooklyn and White Plains ; at the attacks of Fort Washington and Fort Clinton ; and was actively employed in the retreat of the British from Philadelphia to New York, as well as in the engagement which followed at Monmouth, and at the siege of Charleston. He commanded the left wing at the battle of Camden ; and, having been left with a small force to defend the frontiers of South Carolina, he perfornied one of the most brilliant achievements of the war by attacking and defeating the vastly superior forces under General Green at HobkirkhilL A short time prior to the termination of hostilities in America, he was, in consequence of severe illness, compelled to quit the army. The vessel in which he sailed for Britain was captured and carried iuto Brest ; but his lordship was almost immediately relieved. He was promoted to the rank of Colonel, appointed one of his Majesty’s Aides-de- On his arrival in England he was well received by his Sovereign. Brydges’ Edition of Collins, vol. vi. p. 688. Lond. 1812. 81-0.
Volume 9 Page 31
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